Comet is a 1-year old Lab mix, 33lb from Avenal. He's a sweet, friendly boy with an ever-wagging tail.
Belle is a 6-month old female Boston Terrier mix pup from Tehama.
Holly is an 8-week old female Great Dane mix pup from Tehama we rescued along with her sisters Cookie and Joy. She also looks to have Catahoula in her as well.
Loves to snuggle
Loves to play with people and other dogs.
Living with an adult dog and doing well with her
Joy is an adorable 8-week old female Great Dane mix pup from Tehama we rescued along with her sisters Cookie and Holly. She also looks to have Catahoula in her as well. Joy was the "runt" of the litter, but she doesn't care about that label and neither do we!
She's a cuddly, playful, happy girl. She did well for her first post-rescue bath as soon as she felt that wonderful warm water wash over her. She liked getting dried up in a towel even better, then curling up in our arms for a little nap.
She was respectful of the cat in her temp. foster home and wanted to play with the big adult dog.
She loves a little rope toy that when thrown, she pauses, then pounces after like a jungle cat. It's pretty cute.
She's been dazzled by the lights on the Christmas tree, and curious about those people talking on the big screen TV. It's a big wide world and Joy is ready to explore!
Cookie is an 8-week old female Great Dane mix pup from Tehama we rescued along with her sisters Joy and Holly. She also looks to have Catahoula in her as well.
Cookie is a delightful puppy who loves to chase her tail, cuddle on the couch with her foster mom and paw at her toys. She trips over her own clumsy puppy feet, but pops right back up again!
Cookie is learning "sit", "drop it" and "go get it!" For fetch:). She played fetch for a long time this evening and was having a blast! Super smart, friendly and happy puppy.
Pepper is an 8-week old female Border Collie mix pup from Tehama.
Luna is a 1-1.5-year old, 37lb female Husky mix pup we rescued from Avenal.
Very sweet
Working on house training; doing great!
Good with children
Good with other dogs
Lots of energy; would do best in an active home
Loves to cuddle
Sleeps through the night
Learning her manners; knows sit
Not a barker but will when she plays with other dogs
Has come a long way in the shyness department, is generally friendly with new people out in public but is fearful at first of new house guests. Would do best in a home with older children or a quieter adult home.
Likes to be active and needs daily exercise but a couch potato in the house (gets 2 good walks/runs a day)
Would love agility classes and enjoys obedience training (smart boy!)
Dusty is a 1.5 year old, 10lb spaniel mix we rescued from Avenal.
He knows down, shake, sit, come, off, will roll over with treats. Working on “no bark” /quiet.
Gets along great with other dogs his size
Loves outings to the local dog park
Getting a little more comfortable with meeting new people but can still be a bit apprehensive. Once he gets to know someone well he loves seeing that person.
Was rather interested in cats outside he wants to chase them.
Will go into his crate either by pointing at it or saying "in"
Calm, handsome, mellow boy
Really likes laps and to be near his person
Walks well on leash and likes to explore his surroundings
Not a picky eater
Quiet in the car on the way home. I think he even fell asleep
Afraid of the guinea pigs in his foster home at first but doesn’t really show interest in them
Goes into his crate without much fuss and sleeps quietly through the night
Loves to give kisses and is okay with being held
Loves squeaky toys and rawhides
Very good for his bath, nice and still, and excited to get wiped dry
House trained, will signal he needs out by the door
Isis is a 6-7 month old Doberman mix pup who was originally rescued from the Los Banos shelter. Unfortunately the resident dog is not happy to have her there, so she is looking for a new home.
Approx. 25lbs
House and crate trained
Walks well on an easy walk harness
Affectionate, playful
Great at dog parks
Taken puppy training and knows basic commands
Very food motivated and eager to please
Extremely friendly but tends to jump up, so needs more training
Does fine crated when left alone
Quietly sleeps all night in crate
Can be a bit too rambunctious with smaller dogs
Gets anxious on car rides
Piper is a super friendly 5lb young chi mix female we rescued from Tehama. She gets along with all people and other dogs, is social and outgoing. More to come!
A complete love bug
Loves belly rubs and snuggles
Walks well on leash
Potty trained
Has a great time playing with Shelby
Knows commands such as come, sit, no, stay, and up
She can dance on her hind legs (just call her Tiny Dancer)
Good with kids and other dogs
Makes funny sounds when playing - a happy mix of growl, yelp, and yawn
Tends to gravitate towards women vs. men
Not scared of men, just a bit shy
Tends to stay near her human - a little dog shadow
Hunk is a 2-year old, 80lb solid pit mix we're rescuing from Glenn County as soon as we have a foster lined up.
A mellow good boy
Wonderful with all dogs large and small; even little pups jumping on him
Laid back and easy going
Really a great personality
Super friendly with kids and adults
Recently had double entropion surgery (when your eye lids are funky), so now he has healthy eyes for his new family!
Nemo is an adorable 4-5 month old pit mix we rescued from Glenn County.
Interested, but polite to the cat he's met
Good in his crate
Needs some work on leash
Working on house training
Getting along fine with the dog in his temp. foster home
Stacy is an 8-month old blue pit mix we rescued from Delano. She missed her shelter transport so arrived to the Bay Area via private plane. This girl has luck on her for a forever home!
Very friendly, lovable girl - full of wags and kisses
Totally mellow & good with other dogs
She's the one used to test other dogs at the shelter because she does not react
Picked up stray at a high school where she had followed the kids to class (trying to make new friends!)
Knows sit and quickly picking up down
Does well on leash
Good in her crate
No issues with hands in the food bowl or bowl being taken away
Leah is a 6-8 month old Shepherd mix we rescued from Oakdale. She is currently about 45lbs.
Great disposition
Loves toys, fetch, chasing water from a hose, the beam of a flashlight. Would enjoy an active family
Gets along well with other dogs and is doing great with a boy age 11.
Sleeps in her crate; will whine a little bit initially but then goes right to sleep and is quiet through the night.
Has not chewed furniture or any other household items and is currently left in the house during the day without human supervision (with the foster’s dogs) with access to the backyard via a doggie door.
Working on house training.
Needs basic obedience training.
Scooter is a 6-7 month old, male Shepherd mix puppy. He is a submissive boy who loves the company of other dogs but can be shy with people. He will need work on socialization but is a total sweetheart.
Working on leash walking
Doing well with all other dogs in the home
Did fine meeting the cat
Loves to roll around on a nice soft bed
Apprehensive with people but still approaches with coaxing
Getting used to his crate
Content to be close but not in the way
Tiger is a 5-6 month old mix boy we rescued from Shafter. His build resembles a Lab, but with that gorgeous brindle coat he could also have some hound in there.
Ben is a 1-year old, 9lb Scottie mix we rescued from Oakdale along with his kennel mate Jerry.
Very handsome!
Very Sweet boy!
Knows sit and waits for treats
Has a healthy appetite
Always wagging his tail
Loves going on walks and walks well on leash
Very friendly and curious with other dogs
Sleeps quietly all through the night
Did great at bath time
Turner is 3-year old, male Lab/Shepherd mix - handsome, friendly, good on leash.
A true delight
Good with other dogs; prefers to be introduced slowly to new dogs
Does well once in his crate
Loves affection
Can be a bit apprehensive in new situations
Patient and calm with kids; No jumping or knocking anyone over
Loves car rides
Working on building confidence
Does not climb on furniture
No chewing
Completely housebroken
Can be trusted alone in the house for short periods of time
Zoe is a little 1-2 year old female 25lb Spaniel/Terrier mix we rescued from Red Bluff.
Calm, sensitive, smart, quiet, eager to please, listens well
Excellent with cats
Working on building confidence; Can be shy with new things and situations
Can be frightened by sudden noises or commotion
Does fine with the cat in the home
Walks well on leash and enjoys her walks, especially a moonlight stroll
Loves belly rubs
House trained
Loves the yard, rolling outdoors in the grass/autumn leaves
Learning to chew only her own toys
Does well confined to kitchen at night with gate and dog bed; sleeps quietly through the night
Mellow in the house but wants to be up on sofa or bed
Likes to be near her people
Likes outdoors to lie in the sun
Bonds strongly to one person - loyal and affectionate
Small children are too much for her, but fine with older kids who are gentle; not sure about men
Ginger is a 4-month, 26lb Lab/Shepherd mix we rescued from Avenal.
Good with kids
Learning basic commands
Sleeps quietly through the night in a dog bed
Does fine with some toys in her crate during the day
Loves chew toys, people-friendly
A quiet dog who does not bark at people (but is still learning not to jump up to greet them)
House trained, food motivated
Knows "sit," "down," and is learning more
Not possessive, mellow
Benji is a 1-1.5 year old. 9lb terrier mix we rescued from Avenal.
Teddy is a 3-month old male mystery mix pup we rescued from Avenal. He looks to be a prototypical mutt
Lexi is a 1-2 year old female Sheltie mix we'd like to rescue from Avenal but need a foster first.
Amber is a 2 year old Fox Terrier mix we are rescuing from Lake County. She is estimated at about 20lbs. She was found along with her buddy Anna.
Suzy Q is an 8-month old pit mix up for adoption along with her sister Sophia. She was adopted five months ago but due to family circumstances she is looking for a new home that will commit to her for a lifetime.
Loves the beach, ran right into the water for her ball
Lots of energy, loves to play
Loves fetch, gets the ball and brings it back to you
Has a cute under bite
Sleeps through the night on her dog bed
Does fine when left in the back yard
Has had professional training for 5 months, Know: Sit, Stay, Down, Release from sitting/ laying, Off, Up, Out.
Good with other dogs, very playful
Pretty dark chocolate color
Good jogging partner
This cute little girl is a 10 month old 5lb rat terrier/chi mix we rescued from Tehama. Tink is currently living with an older dog in her foster home who would rather not play with her (or have her around) despite Tink's best efforts to make friends. Therefore she's eligible for foster-to-adopt.
Very sweet
Quiet and has only barked a few times when trying to initiate play
Loves to play with stuffed animals and run around with them
Working on her leash skills; learning quickly; very treat motivated!
Still young and likes to chew, but if you keep showing her toys she will be happy to chew on those!
The dog if you're looking for a small, quiet, and loving companion
She'll want someone to help her gain confidence as she continues to grow
Doing great with house training, no accidents in days
Showing more confidence with our dog
Still a bit shy when walking and approaching strangers and strange dogs but warms up quickly
Once introduced, loves to play with dogs her size, even those a little larger
Bartleby is a 2-year old terrier mix, about 20lb we're rescuing from Sacramento.
Very sweet boy
House trained
Likes to play ball and tug-o-war
Great with other dogs, has a blast at the dog park
A bit shy, but will crawl into your lap for lovin' - seems untrusting of men at the moment, so would do best with a gentle type of guy who could help him warm up slowly and build trust. He forgets about his fear of men when he's playing with them (because playing is fun!)
Loyal and listens well
Lily is 9lb, 1.5 year old Spaniel mix we rescued from Alameda.
House trained
Friendly little girl
Warms up quickly - very sweet
Gets along with other dogs, but can be submissive with them
Seems only slightly interested in cats
Loves walks and does well on leash
Not a big fan of her crate and would rather sleep on your bed
Sunshine is a handsome 3-year old, 50-60lb Golden Retriever/Shepherd mix we're rescuing from Visalia along with his brother KC.
House trained
Very loving and loyal
Seems to do well around other dogs
Guarded and shy around new people, but eventually warms up
Walks well on leash
Not an excessive barker
Calm, gentle
Knows "no"
Does well in the car
Roxie is a 3-year old, 52lb Shepherd/Cattle Dog mix. She's a very sweet, loving, affectionate, and loyal dog around people she knows. She is seeking a patient family who can help build her confidence around strangers and would do best in a home without young children.
House trained
Crate trained (currently sleeps in dog bed in bedroom)
Wonderful manners
Walks well on leash
Rides very well in the car
Very quick learning commands and eager to please. Knows: sit, stay, come, down, off, paw, okay, no, wait, sit pretty, crawl, roll olver.
Great walking partner, has learned to jog with you (but is content to lay around all day)
Shy with new people, does best with calm introductions. Overwhelmed with large groups of people over at the house
She's curious, but a little unsure, about meeting new dogs
Trustworthy left alone in the house
Razzy is a 1-2 year old spaniel mix from Selma. He's a quiet boy, and good with the dogs he's been kenneled with.
Blitz is a 1-2 year old spaniel mix from Selma. He's been quiet, friendly with other dogs, and very sweet,
Hogan is a 3-month old Border Collie mix rescued from Tehama. He's a typical young, playful puppy, good with other dogs.
Campbell is an 8-week old Lab mix girl we rescued from Red Bluff.
Sleeps through the night as long as she's in bed with you
Loves other dogs, Happy girl, Learning sit, Comes when called
big time cuddler
doing well with house-training, no accidents,does not like her crate
Kacy is a 8-10 month old, 60lb Lab mix girl we're rescuing from Delano.
Ginny is estimated at about 6 years old arriving from Merced. She was adopted from the shelter but found herself back at the shelter as a stray with no one coming to look for her. She is about 50lbs and labeled a lab mix.
Hannah is a 5-month old, 5lb pup we rescued from Alameda along with her mom Sophie.
Very sweet and playful
Friendly, confident and loving
Good on leash
Good in car.
Sleeps thru night
House trained
A smart and spirited puppy
Loves walks and toys
Peanut is a 5-month old Chi/Pomeranian mix we rescued from Delano. He's just 9lbs and this shelter photo doesn't do him justice.
Very sweet and gentle
A happy, playful puppy
House trained
Get's along best with smaller dogs, but seems to like all dogs
He loves to cuddle and shows his love with plenty of kisses
Enjoys spending his time outside in the sun or playing tug
Great on a leash and enjoys rides in the car
Knows "No , sit , come , kisses" ; still working on "stay"
Anna is a 1 year old Fox Terrier mix we are rescuing from Lake County. She is estimated at about 25lbs. She was found along with her buddy Amber, also up for adoption.
Very affectionate; loves to cuddle
Good with other dogs in household
Good with children (living with a child, age 11)
Does really well on a leash
Housebroken, uses doggie door
Have not heard her bark yet
Not a chewer.
Beatrice is 1-year old 56lb Boxer/Shepherd Mix we are rescuing from Merced.
Super sweet, mellow, low maintenance
Seeks out affection, cuddling and will show her belly for rubs
House trained
Loves her crate
Doesn't chew on things she's not supposed to
Walks perfect on leash
Foster hasn't heard her bark
Does well at the dog park, was a bit unsure first few times and hung out near her fosters or went sniffing on her own, but has started to play with other dogs
Can be unsure of very vocal dogs or small aggressive dogs. She's never been aggressive just tucks her tail and runs away.
Marco is a 7-month old terrier/Lab/Shepherd mix found abandoned in Tulare along with his brother Polo.
Sweet and eager to learn
Learning what toys are all about
Doesn't mind his crate
Doing well with other dogs
Jazzy is a 1-year old Poodle mix we rescued from Oakdale. He's cute as a button and friendly with people and dogs alike.
Very soft and cute
Extremely friendly with all the people he has met
Has a good appetite
Seems smart. Learned to sit very quickly
Rides well in car
Olsa is a 3-year old Schnauzer mix we rescued from Merced.
Very sweet
Likes to play
Good with kids
Seems to know sit and drop it
Can take toys and food from her with no problem
Likes to snuggle and lay on you
Great for her bath
Ty is a 4-year old, 35lb Shepherd mix we rescued from Merced.
Knows sit, stay, wait, and down
Is house trained
Sweet, affectionate boy with everyone he meets
Good on walks
Good when left alone uncrated
Sleeps through the night on his bed or on the floor next to yours
Ellie is an approx. 1-year old 20lb terrier mix we rescued from the Tulare area.
Happy girl
No accidents in the house so far
Very good in her crate
Loves to cuddle
Has been good around kids
Doing really good learning her leash manners
Sleeps quietly through the night in her crate
Warmed up to my dogs and now loves playing with them although she is still shy with new dogs
Loves to play with toys and will entertain herself with them
Loves to play on agility equipment in our backyard; would be great in an agility class
Loved the beach
Loves to be with her people; follows us around the house
Emme is an approx. 1-year old 20lb terrier mix we rescued from the Tulare area.
Funny, sweet, smart and adorable girl!
Very people friendly and affectionate – rolls over for tummy rubs and gives lots of kisses
Completely house trained
Enjoys her crate
Plays fetch, rides in a bike basket and does acrobatics off the couch! Great candidate for agility classes
Sits for treats
Seems to be good with cats
Great in the car; loves to stick her nose out the window and wiggle her nose at the new scents
Still shy with new dogs but is playful once they get to know each other
Can be a little timid with first introductions but she's learning fast that she hasn't met a person she doesn't like
Mercury is very special Weimaraner-Blue Nose pit mix, 5-months old and about 44 pounds we rescued from Delano.
A great, friendly, mellow boy
Good with other dogs
Listens well and is good on the leash
Sweet boy who loves to play and snuggle
Happy most of the time
Pretty calm dog
Does not need a lot of exercise
Would be good for solitary person, a couple, or a family with kids
Doing well with his training
He's got a bit of genetic "oopsie" on the jaw front. His overbite makes him unique, and the vet says it won't cause him any real problems down the line.
Quizno is a 6 month old mix labeled a Queensland Heeler mix by the shelter, but clearly has a large breed dog in there somewhere. He was rescued from Tracy. His thick small clam ears suggest some Shar Pei.
Very happy, klutzy puppy
Good with cats (wants to chase, but out of play)
Loves big dogs
No accidents in the house or crate yet
Good in crate, but will cry if left alone
Sleeping through the night
No food guarding
Doesn't mind the leash
Very alert and curious
Big boy, with huge paws and lots of extra skin to grown into.
Food motivated
Loyal and bonds quickly
Seems to know some Spanish!
Stays close off leash and listens well
Great companion
Spot is a 1-2 year old female Boxer mix we rescued from Selma. She is a great medium size about 45-50lbs or so.
Super friendly with dogs
Loves kids
Gentle disposition
Working on some separation anxiety
Getting better with not pulling on leash
Would love another dog to spend time with at home
Needs cat free home
Doing well with house training
Will need an active home
Can be an escape artist if left outside alone; so indoor doggie please
Loves to give kisses and snores when sleeping
Brian is 5-month old, male Terrier-Shepherd mix.
Very sweet, fun pup
Loves to play with toys, people, and other dogs
Does great with other dogs
Loves sleeping at your feet and licking your face if you let him
Quick learner and is already learning to sit for his food and for his foster to put his leash on him
Can sleep through the night and enjoys chilling out in his crate next to his foster's bed
Great temperament and loves saying hi to anyone who wants to pet him.
Bonnie is an adorable 3 month old pit mix puppy rescued along with her brother Clyde from Los Banos. She is a happy, friendly girl with beautiful green eyes and a soft grey and white coat.
Mystery is a 6-7 month old Shepherd mix we rescued from Delano.
This cute little girl is a 10 month old 5lb rat terrier/chi mix we rescued from Tehama. Tink is currently living with an older dog in her foster home who would rather not play with her (or have her around) despite Tink's best efforts to make friends. Therefore she's eligible for foster-to-adopt.
Very sweet
Quiet and has only barked a few times when trying to initiate play
Loves to play with stuffed animals and run around with them
Working on her leash skills; learning quickly; very treat motivated!
Still young and likes to chew, but if you keep showing her toys she will be happy to chew on those!
The dog if you're looking for a small, quiet, and loving companion
She'll want someone to help her gain confidence as she continues to grow
Doing great with house training, no accidents in days
Showing more confidence with our dog
Still a bit shy when walking and approaching strangers and strange dogs but warms up quickly
Once introduced, loves to play with dogs her size, even those a little larger
Suzy Q is an 8-month old pit mix up for adoption along with her sister Sophia. She was adopted five months ago but due to family circumstances she is looking for a new home that will commit to her for a lifetime.
Loves the beach, ran right into the water for her ball
Lots of energy, loves to play
Loves fetch, gets the ball and brings it back to you
Has a cute under bite
Sleeps through the night on her dog bed
Does fine when left in the back yard
Has had professional training for 5 months, Know: Sit, Stay, Down, Release from sitting/ laying, Off, Up, Out.
Good with other dogs, very playful
Pretty dark chocolate color
Good jogging partner
Sophia is an 8-month old pit mix up for adoption along with her sister Suzy Q. She was adopted five months ago but due to family circumstances she is looking for a new home that will commit to her for a lifetime.
Loves the beach, ran right into the water for her ball
Lots of energy, loves to play
Loves fetch, gets the ball and brings it back to you
Has a cute under bite
Sleeps through the night on her dog bed
Does fine when left in the back yard
Has had professional training for 5 months, Know: Sit, Stay, Down, Release from sitting/ laying, Off, Up, Out.
Good with other dogs, very playful
Pretty light brindle color
Good jogging partner
Sprite is a 10-week old Border Collie/Heeler mix we rescued from Red Bluff.
Mellower than his brother Shasta. You can find him sitting in a sun beam or taking a quick nap in his crate
Slightly bigger than his brother, who he loves to wrestle with in the yard.
Good listener and will respond well to training.
Will enjoy an active lifestyle where he gets plenty of exercise and mental stimulation
Truly ignores his foster's cat
Has an adorably freckly, round belly which he appreciates getting rubbed.
Xena is an 8-week old Lab mix puppy we rescued from Red Bluff.
Harrison is an 8-week old Lab mix puppy we rescued from Red Bluff.
Oreo is a cute little 10lb terrier mix we rescued from Solano County. He is estimated at about a year old. He was found at a local school trying to play with all the kids.
Very affectionate lap dog
Loves people, dogs, and especially kids
Walks well on leash
Knows sit and basic commands
Submissive with other dogs
Makes cute little happy noises
Not aggressive, very easy going
Loves belly rubs and being held
Atlas is an 8-week old Lab puppy we rescued from Red Bluff.
Bear is a 1-year old Aussie mix from the Tehama area. Great with dogs, children, cats!
Katie is a 4-5 month old Bull Terrier/Cattle Dog mix we're rescuing from Delano along with her sister Shelby. She's the first one to investigate something new, and will gladly chase those birds or lizards out of your way. Katie loves playing with her sister.
Nala is a beautiful 3-year old Husky/Shepherd mix we rescued from Tracy. She was surrendered to the shelter because someone in the home developed asthma. Nala is a funny girl. She's got a very attentive, human way about her. She likes to sit upright in chairs and watch the world go by. She also likes to observe and learn, so she'd probably really enjoy a home where she can have some fun mental stimulation as well as physical fun.
Very affectionate
Likes baths
She was house trained in her previous home, but since coming into rescue (so much change!) she needs a refresher course
Quiet in her crate through the night and quiet overall
Very food motivated and eager to please
Fast learner; working on sit, heal, and walking on leash
Good with our tiny and giant dogs
Good meeting strange dogs on walks (has good dog appropriate manners and sense)
Medium energy
Super sweet and affectionate, loves belly rubs, leaning into you
Loves to play fetch, loves to play with squeaky toy
Corrects very well on leash and doesn't pull much
Can get a little mouthy when she wants to play or wants something from you
Very people-oriented, likes to be where you are, follow you around
KC is a darling 3-year old, 50-60lb Golden Retriever/Shepherd mix we're rescuing from Visalia along with his brother Sunshine.
Sweet, loyal, loving
Has done fine with cats
Calm, gentle
Great with other dogs
Could use some basic manners training (for instance, not jumping up when excited)
Pumpkin is a 1-year old, 10lb male terrier mix we're rescuing from Avenal.
Very, very sweet and friendly
Wonderful dog!!
Submissive and a little shy still
Good with dogs
Good with older kids (my son is 11); No reason to suspect wouldn't be good with younger kids
No food or toy aggression
Quiet; Only barks when someone comes to the door or he sees a squirrel
Quiets right down when you tell him "no bark"
Knows "sit"
Seems house trained
Not a chewer
Sleeps though the night
Likes his crate and will nap in it during the day
Great on a leash
Loves belly rubs and attention
Hasn't shown an interest in toys so far
Will be a great and gentle companion to the person that adopts him
Goofy is a 1-2 year old, 16lb Border Terrier mix (maybe with Schnauzer).
Very sweet and gentle
Attaches quickly and wants desperately to be with his 'pack'
Tentative when he first meets people but wants to approach and be petted
No formal training but really wants to please and is food motivated; will be an awesome dog with basic training
Very social with other dogs; meets new dogs very nicely
Currently lives with two other dogs with no signs of aggression
Learning to walk on a leash and does extremely well
Will stay in a crate quietly
Sleeps through the night
House trained
Energetic in the mornings; loves his morning walk!
Would be best with older children
Doug is a super sweet, 45lb 2.5-year old Aussie mix we're rescuing from Madera. He's good with other dogs and people, and isn't hyper like some think the breed can be.
Georgy is a 1.5-year old, 12lb spaniel mix we're rescuing from Avenal.
Tim is a sweetheart 1-year old Aussie/Catahoula mix we rescued from Madera.
Finn is a 7-month old terrier mix we rescued rom Glenn County.
Argo is a 5-month old Lab male mix.
Shayne is a 3-month old pit mix puppy rescued from Tehama. He's a typical playful young puppy, good with other dogs.
Roxie is a 3-year old, 52lb Shepherd/Cattle Dog mix. She's a very sweet, loving, affectionate, and loyal dog around people she knows. She is seeking a patient family who can help build her confidence around strangers and would do best in a home without young children.
House trained
Crate trained (currently sleeps in dog bed in bedroom)
Wonderful manners
Walks well on leash
Rides very well in the car
Very quick learning commands and eager to please. Knows: sit, stay, come, down, off, paw, okay, no, wait, sit pretty, crawl, roll olver.
Great walking partner, has learned to jog with you (but is content to lay around all day)
Shy with new people, does best with calm introductions. Overwhelmed with large groups of people over at the house
She's curious, but a little unsure, about meeting new dogs
Trustworthy left alone in the house
Jamie is a 1-2 year old Border Collie mix we rescued from Merced. She's a very sweet girl settling into rescue life.
Typically Border Collie smarts—knows "sit" and is learning "down" and "wait" quickly
Treat motivated and loves mealtime
Already learning her name
Sleeps through the night
No accidents in the house
Plays well with other dogs
Doesn't know how to walk on a leash, but we're working on it
Friendly with people she meets; Has shown no aggression at all
Likes to snuggle
Has been left uncrated (while we're out) and does no damage or chewing
Snuggles is a 10-month old, 50lb pit mix we rescued from Tehama. Snuggles came by his name honestly, this boy LOVES to snuggle. He's a confident, happy boy, curious about the world and ready to explore. He loves to go for car rides and is happy walking about the town despite all the people and cars.
Loves people, dogs, AND loves to play with resident pup
Does well with cats, even letting the cranky cat sleep on him
Did great in a store with people, including the aggressive dog who snapped at him
Did ok during his bath
Went into the crate with a little treat motivation and slept the whole night without a peep
No food guarding issues
Quickly learned where the dog toy box is and will grab toys when he feels the need to chew
Quickly learned to go to back door when needs to go out
Appears to be house trained, only one accident first day when he was left alone for a couple of hours with no access to outside.
There is not a shy bone in this confident boy’s body. He's still a puppy and would benefit from training
Shadow is a 2-year old, 45lb Border Collie mix.
Excellent recall
Walks well on leash
House trained
Does well in his crate
Knows sit, stay, come here
Loves car rides
Great running companion and would enjoy an active lifestyle
Loves people, but is more focused on "his people" and aims to please
Likes kids and is working on not jumping up to give them an affectionate hello
Very affectionate and sweet with his people
Doesn't get along well with the dog in his current home. Could be best as an only dog, or the "right" fit with a second dog (he goes on off-leash hikes with other dogs 2x week and is the best behaved pup there)
Smart and learns quickly
Likes to play tug-o-war and fetch
Does well left alone in the house for a whole workday, has access to the yard during this time
Perdue is a 1-year old Chihuahua-Terrier mix we rescued from Delano.
A really beautiful dog, with a sweet chi face, surprisingly long legs, and big perky ears
His coat is thick and glossy reddish brown
A total sweetheart
Would do best in a home with larger females or on his own
Loves to be near you and have your attention, but doesn't appear to have separation issues
Can be left in his crate for short periods with no problems
Learning very quickly with house-training, no accidents since day one
Learning sit, come, and to recognize his name
He's a little shy with new people but warms up quickly, and loves to give kisses
Loves going on walks, and is working on his leash skills
Likes to take naps near you, and twitches his nose constantly while he sleeps
Wally is a 5+ year old terrier mix we rescued from Avenal.
House trained
Gets along well with the resident dog
No food aggression
Loves his head scratched & can't get enough
Loves to be close but will also wander and explore on his own
Very quiet, not a barker
Not a huge fan of his crate but will tolerate it....he sleeps well in his bed on the floor next to mine
Able to be left alone to roam in the house with no issues - very trustworthy
Did well with his bath and grooming
Listens well - comes when prompted
Does well on a leash/walks
Winnie is a 2-year old, 75lb Old English Bulldog mix we rescued from Solano.
Sweet, sweet, and beyond sweet!
Loves people, loves attention! Will sit with you forever as long as you pet her big’ol mug. Follows you around everywhere with her head against your legs while you walk.
Mellow (typical to the breed). Just waddles around.
Saw the cat on the other side of the dog gate and was VERY interested.
Gets along great with dog in her foster home.
Fine so far being left alone.
Sleeps perfect in her crate. Doesn’t go in on her own, but doesn’t make a sound when she is in there.
Potty trained. So far has chosen to go outside to do her business.
Rides fine in the car without crate.
Fine at bath time.
Troy is a 1-2 year old mix pup we rescued from Selma.
Kenneled with other dogs at the shelter
Very sweet
Walks okay on leash
Clyde is a 3 month old pit mix puppy we rescued from Los Banos along with his sister Bonnie. He is a spunky playful boy who loves affection and attention.
Sweet and submissive.
Shy at first but plays so well with other dogs. Only takes him few minutes to warm up.
Loves to cuddle constantly. Super sweet, lives to give kisses.
Excellent with children so far.
Avoids to cat so far in his foster home
Has learned to wait and sit for his food
Walks well on a leash
Sleeping well in his crate overnight
Quiet boy
Getting the hang of house training
Fenway is a 1-year old terrier mix (West Highland?) we rescued from Merced.
Very friendly boy
Tail is usually up and wagging
Very playful with the resident dog
No accidents in house so far
Very good appetite
Sleeps through the night
Does well uncrated alone during the day with resident dog
Loves going on walks and getting better with leash walks
Jerry is a 2-month old, 9lb Scottie mix we rescued from Oakdale along with his kennel mate Ben.
Eagle is a 1-year old German Shepherd mix we're rescuing from Selma along with her buddy Gemma.
Good with other dogs, people
Calm demeanor, doesn't jump
Gemma is a 1-year old German Shepherd mix we rescued from Selma along with her buddy Eagle.
Walks well on leash. Doesn't pull much, and stays by your side
Has the best recall
Eager to please
Knows sit, wait, and down
Very food motivated
Seems house trained
Loves toys
Can be a bit rambunctious with small dogs
Will need to brush up on doggie intro manners
Has done well with the cat
Does well in her crate
Tolerated her bath well
Sweet with everyone she's met so far. A very loving girl.
Boe is a 1-year old, 30lb Akita/chow mix we rescued from Selma.
Very sweet and loving with dogs and people
Interested in everything
Likes to hang close, but not in the way
Interested in fetch
Doing well with crate training
Rides well in the car
Seemed to enjoy his bath
Walks well on leash
Quickly picked up "sit"
No issues with taking food and toys away
Hank is a 1-2 year old male Lab/terrier mix we rescued.
Ignores the cats in his foster home
Loves to play
Would do best with an active family
Does well on walks
Sox is a 2-3 year old male Boston Terrier mix we rescued from Red Bluff.
Sweet, affectionate; likes to be near his person
Really loves laps & likes to burrow under blankets
Loves his crate & goes there on his own
Does well with the resident dog & loves squeaky toys
Great around other people/dogs when in public
Likes riding in the car and looking out the window (or taking a quick snooze)
Knows sit and seems to understand stay, come, leave it
Not a barker
Has a cute little snore when he sleeps
Food motivated, great at catching treats
Working on his marking inside (he's done it 3-4 times) - he is doing it less and listens (stops) when told
Aside from that he is house trained
Loves walks but working on pulling less; doing better with the gentle leader
Sawyer is a 7-month old terrier mix we rescued from Glenn County.
Skittles is a 1.5-year old 35lb Shepherd mix we rescued from Selma. She's great with other dogs, kids, and adults. She's playful and all around awesome pup.
Frida is a 50lb, 3-year old German Shepherd mix we rescued from Glenn County. "Frida" means "peace" in German. She'd prefer a home with no kitties.
Good with other dogs; a little shy
Super sweet
Generally quiet
Not food aggressive
Very smart
Walks well on leash
House trained
Calm demeanor
Loves to be around you or chew on her toys
Working on keeping four paws on the floor but she responds well to training
Good with recall
Loves people and belly rubs
Iris is a 9-month old, 45lb Border Collie/Retriever mix we rescued from Tehama.
Dog & Cat friendly (ignoring foster's cat)
Slept through the night in her crate
Happy, sweet, and friendly
Outgoing and playful
Loves toys and her best friend Bootsie, who we're also rescuing
As a young pup just needs to work on some basic banners
Responsive, knows sit
Does well being handled (tail, paws, ears)
Learning leash rules and even did well on a leash-run w/her foster her first day in rescue
Very interested in playing with any dog she meets
Cute freckles on her nose and forelegs
Rides in the car well
Only bad habit so far is paws on counters and tables
In general, she's a very sweet girl, a little timid now but when she is comfortable, is playful and social. Shelter lists her breed as border collie/Chesapeake Retriever but her foster sees boxer in there as well.
Dallas is a 9-month old Shepherd mix we rescued from Stockton.
Loves kids,
Gentle in taking treats
Living with cats and dogs in his foster home
Could make a good running partner
Needs to build his confidence in new situations
Ravioli is a 7-8 month old terrier mix, maybe rat terrier mix, we rescued from Merced.
To our surprise Ravioli arrived with having recently had one of his hind legs amputated from what appears to have been a severe birth defect. Despite his surgery Ravioli is a spunky, playful, adorable love bug.
Sicelo is an 8 month old, 25lb Aussie/spaniel mix we're rescuing from the Madera shelter.
Anna is a 3-month old Shepherd mix we rescued from Tehama.
Wanda is a 6 month old Lab mix we're rescuing from Madera. She's a friendly girl who knows sit already.
Zeke is an adorable 10-month old 35lb cattle dog mix we rescued from Tehama. He's a compact, petite guy who a gorgeous blue patch in his left eye. He's a sweetheart with everyone he meets, dog and person alike. He's also done well on his cat test.
Happy, friendly, eager to please
Submissive and looks to you for cues, sensitive to correction
Lets you take his food and toys away, takes treats gently
Calm, quiet
Loves pets and affection
LOVES toys -- would enjoy his own collection of tough toys
He's learning fetch and enjoying it, medium energy dog
Living with a dog and cat in his temporary foster home - good with the dog, ignoring the cat when she hisses and meows at him but they haven't had extensive interactions
Wasn't thrilled about his post-rescue bath but tolerated it well
Can be unsure of himself when experiencing new things so would do well with someone who can help him build his confidence
Likes his crate and will go in there to nap, sleeps quietly overnight except for a bit of whining at first if you're in the other room
No accidents in the house after the first night, but is pretty well supervised
Anna is a 5-month old Lab female mix. She's a love bug but she won't stay still for a picture! She always has a wagging tail and is getting along great with her foster's dog and 2 cats.
Marshmallow is a 2-year old male terrier mix (maybe some Doxie in there) we rescued from the Red Bluff area.
Marshmellow is super friendly to both kids and adults. He greets everyone like their a member of the family.
Very mellow in the house. He likes to be around people and just chill out.
Wants to be friends with all dogs, but he needs to learn proper greeting manners while on the leash.
Sleeps quietly through the night in his crate but it takes him a little bit to get settled in.
Almost completely housebroken but still needs to be taken out regularly.
Currently has some separation anxiety and does best crated when left alone.
Learning "sit", "leave it", and "wait". Smarty pants!
Overall, he is a really sweet and very affectionate fellow, with just a bit of learning and socialization to do.
Shelby is a 4-5 month old Bull Terrier/Cattle Dog mix we're rescuing from Delano along with her sister Katie. Shelby is the more submissive one, loves playing with her sister, and getting attention & pets. She also has a sense of adventure like her sis, and can enjoy being on her own.
Daytona is an 8-month old, 40lb Kelpie/Shepherd mix we rescued from Glenn County.
Super smart and very eager to please
Calm & gentle
Does well with all dogs he has met and ignored cats
Very well mannered and sensitive
Very easy dog
We think he'd make a great family dog or go-to-work buddy
He needs some daily exercise
Happy dog who wants to be part of the family
Responsive to correction; will be fun to train
Likes kids
Not at all fussed by the 3 cats in his foster home
Would be a great running, hiking, or walking buddy
Franny is a 5-month old long haired Dachshund we rescued from Delano.
Very sweet pup
Doing well with the kids in the foster home
Likes to be in your lap
Okay on leash, still learning
Calm and quiet
Working on house training
Kaiser is a 5-month old long haired Dachshund we rescued from Delano.
Loves to be held & petted
Loves to give you puppy kisses
Working on house training
Adjusting to his crate at night and hasn't had any accidents in it
Loves being outside in fresh air
Getting along with the small dogs in his foster home
Very playful with dogs & toy
Loves the rawhides
Has learned to use doggie ramp when to get on furniture; he knows jumping on furniture is a doxie no no
Claus is a 5-month old Shepherd pup we rescued from the Glenn County area.
Ramsey is an 8lb, 2-year old male Pomeranian mix we rescued from the Red Bluff area. His paperwork lists him as 4-years old but he looks to be younger.
This little Pomchi is such a love
Very happy, calm pup, will nap all day if given the opportunity
Good on leash!
A bit shy at first but warms up to people in no time
Enjoys hoarding (but not chewing!) shoes in his bed
Great snuggler--loves being a lap dog but is ok on his own, too
Not a barker, only protective of his house if other dogs come to visit
House trained
Very attached to people--will diligently follow you from room to room
Likes his toys, will carry them around and put them back in his bed
Working on being comfortable with other dogs
Anna is a 3-month old Shepherd mix we rescued from Tehama.
Deedee is a 4-year old Shepherd mix we rescued from Glenn County.
Very friendly and always asks for petting
House trained
Smart doggie!
Loves going for walks
Likes to sleep with you, but can sleep through the night in the crate too
Knows sit
Good manners in the car
Very quiet
Gets excited when meeting other dogs, always wanting to play, but is learning calmer intros
Will make a loving companion
Jack is a 4-year old adorable wire-haired terrier mix we rescued from Tracy.
Very friendly boy.
Tail is always wagging.
Does fine left alone in apartment.
Sleeps through the night at foot of bed.
Does fine with resident dog.
Likes sniffing around outside and going for walks. Picking up leash skills quickly.
Callie is a beautiful young adult mixed breed pup we rescued from the Oakdale shelter.
Loves car rides
Great with kids and meeting people
Really sweet, sweet girl
Good on leash and loves walks
Not a fan of being left alone right now
No cats
Cammie is a young female Border Collie mix we rescued from Tehama.
House trained with good house manners
Athletic but not hyper
Eager to make new friends
Learning to swim
Has had a ball playing on the beach with a group of dogs recently
Great recall
Macaroni is a 2-year old, 60lb female Shep/hound mix we rescued from Avenal.
Very sweet dog
House trained
Plays well with foster's dog
So far tolerant of the cat
Is doing well with kids
Working on training but will sit on command for reward
Roxyis an 8-month old cattle dog mix we rescued from Selma. She's been great with kids, adults, and other dogs.
Gemma is a 4-month old long and lanky mix we rescued from Tulare along with her sister Giselle.
Very, very sweet. More outgoing than her sister, likes to sit and raise her paw to say "hello" (adorable!). She's very social and good with other dogs + kids.
Wendy is a 7-8 month old, 10-15lb wire haired terrier mix we rescued from Selma.
Does well in crate
Only whines for a few minutes when put in crate at night
Shy at first, but warms up quickly
Gentle, not aggressive at all
Learning to walk on leash (tends to walk behind you)
Good with other dogs
Very affectionate
Working on house training
Stanley is a 2-year old 83lb Lab/Shepherd mix we're rescuing from Red Bluff.
Owner surrender (reported to be good with cats and other dogs - was a bored, backyard pup). He's been sad in the shelter...expecting his person to return for him.
Sweet boy, happiest with people
Carries his squeaky toys gently
Knows sit
Charming, outgoing, loves attention
Ignored an ambush of chihuahuas on a walk :-)
Brownie is a friendly 5-month old, 15lb female Lab/Aussie mix we're rescuing from Avenal.
Chelsea is a 3-month old, 11lb Hound/Lab mix we rescued from Tehama.
Very happy pup
Loving, likes to be with her people
Very smart
Sleeps through the night in her kennel
Doing well with the other dogs and cats
Can climb and jump
Not afraid of anything
Donner is a 3-month old Shepherd mix we rescued from Tehama.
Callie is a beautiful young adult mixed breed pup we rescued from the Oakdale shelter.
Loves car rides
Great with kids and meeting people
Really sweet, sweet girl
Good on leash and loves walks
Not a fan of being left alone right now
No cats
Bootsie is 9-month old, 50lb Lab mix we rescued from Red Bluff.
Dog & Cat friendly
Happy, friendly, outgoing
Playful, loves toys
Plays well with other dogs
As a young pup needs to work on basic manners
Food motivated and very eager to please
Responsive, smart girl
Knows "sit"
Has spent nights crated, with no complaining
Working on leash skills
LOVES kids although purely due to her size & enthusiasm, they should be dog savvy or a little bigger
Macaria is a super duper sweet 6-month old pit mix we rescued from Tulare. She did great on her cat test, ignored an adult cat and a litter of kittens! She's done well with everyone she's met.
Elizabeth Taylor is a very sweet, happy, engaging, friendly, house trained, well behaved, dog-friendly 2-year old, 50lb mix (labeled a pit mix, but looks to have cattle dog in her as well).
Loves going for a walk
Great hiking partner
Friendly to people and dogs
Great at the dog park
Can be left alone uncrated. Happy and excited when you come home from work!
House trained
Has done well in a foster home with dogs and a cat
Riley is a 6-month old male Border Collie mix we rescued from Glenn County.
Lucky is a young medium sized terrier/Airedale mix we rescued from the Kauai Humane Society. He was listed at 3 years old, but based on his teeth and youngster awkwardness, we think he's closer to 1-year old.
Some of our dedicated fosters were on the island for a vacation, took Lucky out on a field trip, and knew he could find a home more quickly back in the Bay Area (not much of an adoption pool on a tiny island in the Pacific!).
Super friendly, happy boy who gets along with all of the people he has met.
Has done well meeting children.
Appears to be fully house trained.
Enjoys going for walks. Picking up leash skills quickly.
Loves going to the dog park. Gets along well with all dogs both big and small.
Energetic but not hyper. Would enjoy an active household.
Loves going to the beach, frolicking in waves, and happily rolling in sand.
Elijah is a 9-10 month old, 6-8 lb Yorkie mix we rescued from the Red Bluff area.
Very friendly with other dogs
Great in the car (puts him to sleep)
Loves belly rubs
Appears to be potty trained
Knows sit and roll over
Eager to please
Likes to snuggle
Thea is a 20-25lb, 2-year old terrier mix we rescued from Merced. She may be younger than at. She's an outgoing, confident girl who's doing well with the dogs she's met and walking on leash. She's a bit barky with the cat she's met and would probably chase. More to come!
Butternut is a 1-year old, 45lb Shep/hound mix we rescued from Avenal.
Floyd is a 7-year old, 39lb cattle dog mix.
Very sweet, mellow & easy going; affectionate to every person he meets.
Great with children (bonded with foster kids ages 11&6).
Loves a good belly rub, and loves being a lap dog when allowed on the sofa.
Gets very excited when he sees his leash and goes straight to the front door for his daily walks. Loves to walk the kids to school.
Makes a wonderful companion for a person who works from home or can bring him to the office. He just lays around quietly in the office or nicely follows his foster around. He got along great with the other dogs in the office.
Great gardening companion; he quietly lays on the porch while you pull weeds and water plants. Not interested in chasing any squirrels or birds.
Knows commands: Leave it, No, No Bark, Sit, Stay, & Wait.
Sleeps through the night on his bed and has a very endearing soft snore.
House trained and can be left alone without any issues with chewing or clawing.
Gets along well with resident dog; and tries to herd him when playing in the yard.
Charlotte is a 7-month old pit mix, who's a bit shy with people and needs a home to build her confidence. She would do best in a home with adults or older children.
Very loving pup who wants to snuggle
Makes a wonderful little piggy sound when sleeping :-)
Does really well in her crate
Likes playing with other dogs, and is a rough and tumble player
Does better playing with one or two dogs at a time. Probably not a good dog park prospect yet due to her shyness.
Likes people once she is comfortable
Can be stubborn
Pretty much house trained!
Does not get upset if the other dogs take food from the bowl
Walks well on a leash
Rides well in the car
Will sit and wait for her food; very food motivated
Knows Sit, Down, and Wait
Was not afraid of the fireworks on the 4th of July
Did well walking around meeting people and other dogs at a large adoption event, but, can get overwhelmed
Would love to go hiking and hang out with you afterwards at street side cafes
Will let you check her teeth and hold her legs or feet to check them
Has that beautiful Pitty smile and always has her tail (and whole butt) wagging!
Rudy is a 1-year old, 20 lb Spaniel/Mini Aussie mix we rescued from Glenn County.
Wonderful dog with a huge spirit
Active guy who would do best in a home where he will get regular exercise-great running partner
Great with all people, including kids and strangers
Good with other dogs
Working on leash skills-doing great
House trained
Loving boy and a great cuddler
Very smart, trainable, and highly food-motivated
Working on sit, down, and stay and making fast improvements
Interested in cats (will sniff them) - would do better with cats who aren't too anxious around dogs
Crumpet is 4-month old terrier mix we rescued from Red Bluff.
Meranda is an 8-month old, 40lb Black Lab mix we rescued from Yolo County.
Zest for life, happy, and very friendly.
Affectionate, outgoing, loves to be loved, snuggler.
Will wiggle her way into your lap for some head scratches.
When her temp. foster went to look at her teeth she rolled over submissively and was tolerant.
Strong on leash - will need to learn some leash manners.
Will make you smile with her play bows and dancing about. Has done well with other dogs.
Has some separation anxiety
Used to show some resource guarding, but that hasn't been an issue in her current foster home.
Ida is a 10-month old Lab/Aussie mix we rescued from Merced. She's a sweet, house trained, playful pup who loves to cuddle. This happy girl would love a home that can give her an active lifestyle (this dog likes to boogie!). Ida is a friendly girl with her fosters, but is working on her confidence with new people.
She's living with two dogs in her foster home, and does well with one of them. She and the more dominant female are still sorting things out.
Giselle is a 1-year old, 50lb Shepherd mix we rescued from Delano. Giselle is proving to be a very sweet girl who is gentle on leash, hasn't had any accidents indoors and loves laps and cuddle time.
adores people, wants to say hello to EVERYONE
working on gentle walking on leash and doing well
does well in her crate with proper exercise
will need an active family, loves to run and play
would make a great jogging partner
has done well with cat encounters
getting used to riding in the car
can be somewhat timid with fast hands approaching her
will need to brush up on her doggie meeting skills
she is a tall girl who can easily counter surf, so goodies should be kept out of reach until she has mastered her house skills
is doing better with jumping up to greet people, but due to her size probably not a good fit for small kids
needs a confident owner willing to teach her more about the world around
curious about everything outside while on walks
most likely mixed with some hound, as her nose always leads the way
has done well meeting calm, non reactive dogs
doesn't realize her size so can be a bit overwhelming at times for both people and smaller dogs
Eloise is a 1.5-year old Border Collie mix we rescued from Stockton. She's a very sweet, submissive girl who has done well around other dogs, big and small.
Digby is a 6-month old mix we're rescued from Stockton. He loves people, toys, walks, grass rolls, and tummy rubs. He's doing well with the dog in his foster home, walking on leash, and knows "sit." He was labeled a pit mix, but his coat and body/face shape look like a Lab/Border Collie cross.
House trained, crate trained
Sleeps through night
Nice, soft medium length coat that doesn't shed much
Loved his beach outing
Good in the car
Loves to wrestle and play tug-of-war, and go for walks
Quick learner
Derby is a 2-year old tricolor terrier mix we rescued from Stockton.
Pudding is a very friendly and adorable 4-month old female Hound mix (21 pounds), we rescued from Avenal.
Banjo is a 4-month old mix pup we're rescuing from Red Bluff (looks to be a mix of American Bulldog and Hound).
Big loving pup
Loves to be with his people all the time
Enjoys walks and playing at the beach
Does well in the kennel with his brother
Great with cats
Great with all other dogs, submissive
Pretty low energy
Marley is a 4-month old mix pup we're rescuing from Red Bluff (looks to be a mix of American Bulldog and Hound).
Loving big puppy
Great with cats
Great with all other dogs, submissive
Great in the kennel with his brother
Loves his dog toys
Pretty low energy
Daisy is an 8-month old Queensland Heeler mix we rescued from Stockton.
Colt is an 8-month old female mix we rescued from Selma. She was labeled a Jack Russell mix, but she looks like a "pocket pittie" to us, maybe mixed with a little Boston Terrier - very small and petite and super cute!
River is a 4-month old terrier mix we rescued from Glenn County. He's a happy-go-lucky dog, a great learner (getting the hang of sit & come), likes kids, and looks to please.
Out on walks he does great on leash (has a little bounce in his step), and is working on not getting too distracted by other pups while walking.
Princessis a 1.5-year old Husky/Shepherd mix we rescued from Selma. She's a super great girl and has done wonderful with all the dogs and kids she's met. Volunteers think she could be cat-friendly.
Leo is a 4-year old 45lb Shepherd mix we rescued from Madera. He's calm and gentle, and also great on leash.
Bailey is a 1-year old terrier mix we rescued from the Red Bluff area.
Russie is a 7-year old Jack Russell/Corgi mix we rescued from Tracy. A very sweet guy looking for a second chance.
This poor guy was surrendered because his person couldn't afford to take care of him...
Playful, energetic (more like a 2-year old pup)
He's the kind of dog that can join a family and fit right in--already trained, happy, easy-going
Completely potty-trained. Not one mistake!
Greets everyone with lots of happy wagging tails and kisses. That includes men, kids, and other dogs
Understands basic commands: come, sit, stay, no
Doesn't understand how to play with toys, but very happy just laying down beside you
Loves walks, great on leash
Haven't heard him bark at all--very quiet
Not destructive
Loves being near his people and Belly Rubs!!
Jane Seymour is a 2-year old female Maltese mix we're rescuing from the Red Bluff area.
Cali is a 1-2 year old Boxer mix we rescued from Modesto. Although listed as a Boxer we do see pit mix in her. Although her teeth look like those of a younger dog, with some grey around her muzzle, she could be a bit older - maybe 3-4 years.
She's a sweetheart, dog-friendly, and gentle.
House trained
Sleeps through the night
Loves cuddles and affection
Has not displayed any dog or people aggression. Happy to meet everyone!
Does well on leash. She responds well to correction, which makes her a great jogging/walking buddy.
Not a high energy dog. Very mellow.
Haven't heard her bark.
Mmore interested in people than dogs.
All around, very easy dog.
Cowboy is a 9-month old male Lab mix we rescued from the Red Bluff area. He grew up with two small dogs.
Very sweet; likes to lean on you and give big kisses
Loves to play with his toys and is good about knowing what is for play and what isn't
LOVES fetch, would probably play all day if you were up for it; learning "drop"
Responds well to "no"
Knows "sit"
Working on leash skills and four paws on the floor when greeting and meeting other dogs
Enjoys car rides
Housebroken and sleeps through the night
Very gentle with food/treats
A lot of energy; would benefit from an active household
Likes playing with the hose
Ringo is a 20 lb, 1-3 year old Doxie mix we rescued from Glenn County.
Friendly with both dogs and people
Loves running around the dog park
Very good for his bath
House trained
Loves going for walks; working on leash skills; shows some hesitation when on leash and men approach but fine after a few seconds
Tail is always wagging! In fact sometimes his whole butt wags too or his tail goes around like a helicopter-too cute!!
Very energetic so benefits from as much exercise as he can get
Pretty much leaves the guinea pigs alone -only wanted to play once
He will turn around in a circle by either following your finger or with a treat He is probably closer to 1yr old by the way he behaves.
Track is a 2-year old Beagle mix we rescued from Merced.
Trixie is a 1-year old Shepherd/Chow mix we rescued from Selma. She's a beautiful, dog-friendly girl.
Gatsby is a 1-year old, 20lb Poodle mix we rescued from Avenal. He's a friendly, calm boy and good with other dogs. He started using the dog door within hours of being rescued - smarty pants.
Lovey is a 20lb, 7 month old terrier mix we're rescuing from Delano.
Very sweet personality
Tail is always wagging
Did well in her post-rescue bath
Labeled as a terrier mix by the shelter, but also appears to have some doxie in her with a long body and splayed front feet
Very pretty girl. Chocolate coloring with light brown markings and a white blaze on her chest
Gets along well with the playful resident dog
Loves going to the dog park. Gets along great with big and small dogs there.
Loves frolicking in water (video below)
Has a knack for soccer (video below)
Enjoys playing fetch (and is pretty good at it!).
Enjoys going for walks and does well on her leash.
Abby is a 2 year old female Border Collie mix we rescued from the Red Bluff area. Sadly, her owner passed away and she was surrendered to the shelter.
Why Clark Kent? Because he's not so secretly, Super Pup. Clark is a 7-month old Border Collie/Pit mix.
House trained
Good with all dogs and cats
Does well in his crate, walks well on leash, and rides nicely in the car
He'd love to sleep on your bed...(he snoozes soundly through the night on his foster's bed)
Heart of gold, this pup just wants to please (making lots of good eye contact)
When it comes to making friends, he's aces - good with all the dogs he's meet, even the cranky ones
Like Superman, he's pretty big and strong
He'd love an active home where he can play and get his energy out (he's still a young pup after all)
He had his first trip to the beach and LOVED it, he runs around fast, and took a few dives right into the ocean!
He knows sit, shake, down and roll over and No
He loves everyone he meets, people and animals.
Lobo is a 2 month old male Lab/pit mix. This little cutie is all puppy - a bundle of love and energy, very sweet and friendly with everyone.
He does fine if you take his food away, is doing well with house training, walks well on leash, and sleeps quietly in his crate. If you leave him alone in his play pen he goes to his bed and plays with his toys.
Smarty pants here already knows sit and is working on "down" and "roll over." It will be fun to keep training him!
Huckleberry is a super cute, very gentle, happy, mellow, total sweetheart of a pup. At 7-years young, this Rottie/Hound mix we rescued from Tracy could do well in really any home. He's house trained, crate trained, and knows sit/lay down/shake/roll over. He'll get inspired to play if you bring out his toys (loves to play ball!).
While he's not demanding of attention, he's a master cuddler when you're ready for snuggles. Huck greets you like a long lost friend, even if he's only known you a few hours. He also does great with other dogs (even young and super playful) and does well with cats, too. Car rides? Great for them. Walk time? He's a dream.
Huck has what appears to be an old ACL tear that didn't heal properly, and he'll need pain medication and weight management in his home to stay happy and healthy.
Susie is a 3-month old Border Collie/Heeler mix we rescued from Glenn County. This little adorable love bug is full of kisses and puppy wiggling. She's been great with the kids in her foster home and quiet to boot. Susie has shown to be house trained and crate trained (what a little rock star!), knows "sit" and is working on leash training. She's great with other dogs big & small, just a little shy at first at the start right now.
Waldo is a handsome 1-year old, 45lb Border Collie/Australian shepherd mix we rescued from Madera. He is a happy boy with lots of love to give and will be sure to put a smile on your face!
Great at bath time
Sweet, friendly guy
Soft, luscious coat and beautiful markings
Rides great in the car
Loves to play with the small dog in his foster home -- very gentle
Gets happy about seeing other dogs -- would love trips to the dog park
A total love bug. Will lean in for pets and wants to be a lap dog despite his size!
Interested in a tennis ball and frisbee
Loves to play tug-o-war with the dog in his foster home
Knows sit, come, off/down and no
Settles in crate and sleeps through the night
Curious about the cat in his foster home, but doesn't chase her
Walks well on leash. He pulls a little when he wants to explore, but responds to correction
Gracie is a 6-year old female red & black Boxer mix we rescued from Modesto. She's a sweetheart, dog-friendly, and gentle.
Sherman is a 3-year old Pomeranian, super cute & friendly, we rescued from Tracy.
Wiggles is a 10-12lb, 1-2 year old poodle/terrier mix we rescued from Red Bluff.
Likes to be petted and held
Tail frequently wagging
Friendly with all the people she has met
Very good for her post-rescue bath
Good appetite
Appears to be house trained
Penny is a 4-month old Shepherd mix we rescued from Red Bluff.
Willie is a 3-year old, 55 lb Cattle Dog/Border Collie mix we rescued from Glenn County. He's just wonderfully sweet and great with all dogs, large and small!
Very obedient and smart
Walks well on leash
Medium energy
Wants to be by your side
Barks only when excited
Off leash recall is good
Likes to play but also lounge around a good part of the day
Nina is a very sweet and submissive two year old pittie mix girl we rescued from Tulare.
Gorgeous, loving girl
Loves playing fetch, very good at it!
LOVES people, Thinks she's a lapdog
Around 75 lbs, very strong
Food motivated
Snorts like a pig
Knows sit, lay down, is potty trained
Likes laying out in the sun
Not much of a barker
Sleeps through the night in her dog bed in the bedroom or in the bed
Good with cats
Would probably be best as an only dog or with a submissive dog
Loves puppies
Has done fine with kids
Not a guard dog at all
Chance is an adorable 6-month old Bulldog/pit mix we rescued from Colusa. We already rescued his sister, Tish (who's fabulous like him!) and she's already been adopted. Now it's Chance's turn!
He's a real love bug. He's done well with dogs, cats, and kids. During his temp. foster home outside the shelter he could be found licking young kittens clean (yes, this is the stuff of doggy legend!). Chance has a very gentle and sweet way about him - he'll approach you tail wagging and lean in for some lovin'.
Savannah is an 8-week old Lab/Hound mix we rescued from the Glenn County area along with her brother Sullivan. More to come!
Cute, spunky, and smart
Crate trained
Sleeps through the night
House trained
Very friendly
Loves her toys,snuggling and taking naps outside under the palm tree
Not sure about cats or small children
Will be an excellent companion
Amanda is a 4-5 month old adorable Lab/hound mix we rescued from Glenn County.
Intelligent, sweet, very loving
Teething - but only chews on her toys
Learning house training
Understands "no" and is responding well to "sit" and "stop"
Champ is a 1-year old Lab mix we rescued from Glenn County. He's a friendly, great guy who's done well meeting other dogs and is a real all-around love bug.
Quiet in his crate
Friendly with other dogs
Food motivated
Sweet with all people
Good recall
Knows some basic commands
So far we think he'd make a great family dog
When he first arrived would jump up a bit in excitement, but hasn't been jumping up since
Bandit is a 4-year old Lab/Rottie mix we rescued from Tracy. He's a very sweet, smart, good with other dogs, energetic boy who's a shelter volunteer favorite.
A true gentle giant
Loves car/truck rides, the beach, dog parks
Gets along with big/small dogs
Doing well in kennel at night
House trained
Brings you his food bowl when he wants food or when you ask him
Fast learner-knows sit, stay, lie down , shake
Very smart-comes/recalls well
Just wants to be with you and be petted!
Curious with cats, not sure what he would do if one stood their ground
Needs a lot of exercise and a lot of run to run
Jay is a 2-year old tri color Beagle mix we rescued from Tracy. He's a very nice, sweet boy - friendly and playful.
Very sweet
Loves attention. Head scratches are a must
Working on leash skills
Listens when told no
Knows sit & lay down
Gets along with other dogs
House trained
Likes toys
Sleeps quietly in his crate at night
Bardot is an up to 2-3year old Havanese mix (labeled a Shih Tzu, seems closer to 1-2 years old) who came into the Tracy shelter with Brando, covered in mats and ticks. Now she's clean and looking fabulous - and ready for her forever home.
Loves to play catch
Great on the leash
Loves to cuddle & lap sit
Also likes to sit nearby on floor
Loves to lick your hands
Very playful and sweet
Very happy-go-lucky
Smart, learns things quickly
Joy is a 1-2 year old Shepherd/Aussie mix we rescued from Selma. She was an owner surrenders...the family was tired of having a bigger dog. Joy lived with a Chihuahua, which we guess was more their size...their loss, your gain! Joy has THE most beautiful blue eyes you'll ever see.
Very loving, wags her tail and gives kisses
Very obedient. Knows a few commands
Very mellow
Working on crate training
Working on building confidence
Doing extremely well with other dogs she has met so far.
Nervous when meeting new people right now so would probably do best in a home without young kids and may show some anxiety when left for the workday. Best she go to an experienced dog owner.
Praline is a 1-year old extra large, 7 lb. Chi mix we rescued from Delano. Praline is very sweet girl, has done well in her crate, and is getting along with other dogs.
Brook is a 5-month old terrier mix we rescued from Glenn County. She does great in her crate, loves to cuddle (your on-the-couch movie partner!), and is just an overall cute, goofy pup.
Summer is a very sweet 1-year old, 20lb Patterdale terrier mix we rescued from Avenal. She's an A+ cuddler and an overall great pup: fine in the bath, getting her nails trimmed, riding in car.
Summer is house trained, a great fetcher, and friendly with people and other dogs. Looking for a walking partner? She'd love to join you and get some nice daily exercise. She's great at ball, too, so games of fetch could be in your future!
Brando is an up to 2-3 year old mix (labeled a Shih Tzu, seems closer to 1-2 years old) who came into the Tracy shelter with Bardot, covered in mats and ticks. Now he's clean and looking fabulous - and ready for his forever home.
Walks perfectly on leash
Loves every person and dog he meets
Very playful and sweet
Loves being held and snuggling in laps
Everyone smiles at him and stops to say hi
Understands come and no
Not afraid of anything
Very happy-go-lucky
Retrieves tennis balls (barely fit in his mouth)
Very small and puppy-ish
Seems closer to 1 year by way he behaves
Smart, learns things quickly
Ruby is a gorgeous 1.5-year old 60lb, Wolfhound mix.
Great indoors, and is a mellow cuddler
Does amazing with commands (obviously a smart cookie)
Outdoors she becomes excited by the stimuli of the world (it will help if she gets adequate exercise)
Has a strong prey drive (did someone say "squirrel"?) - so a home without cats is best
When she's been allowed to get amped up by inexperienced handlers, she gets mouthy/bites (not aggressively). Experienced handlers say she's redirectable with a stern "Leave it"
Likes other dogs but can have a rough & tumble play style not all pups are game for
Has a lot of advocates at the shelter who want to see her find success - they can't keep her much longer
Was originally an owner-surrender, they surrendered her b/c they said she's high-energy
Bernie is a 15lb, 2-year old terrier mix we rescued from Glenn County. He walks great on leash and is great with other dogs. More photos and info to come!
Very friendly boy
Loves going on walks and runs. Does very well on his leash
Does great at the dog park
Very much a lap dog. Loves jumping up into laps
Loves to give kisses
Did great for his bath
Sleeps through the night at the foot of his foster parent's bed
Eider is a 2-year old mix we adopted out as a puppy, who is now looking for a new home as his family is moving out of the country. He was labeled as a Lab mix by the shelter but looks to be Lab/pit mix.
House trained
Crate trained
Walks well on leash but will get excited and pull when she sees other dogs
Knows sit, stay, and let's go
Rides well in the car
Comfortable meeting new dogs and people
Friendly and good with kids
Loves to play with tennis balls and rope toys
Enjoys a 30 min. walk per day
Does well left alone in the house
Eider wasn't socialized as much as he could have been outside of his family, so he's unsure of some new things -- like cameras clicking in his face for adoption photos-- no supermodel gig for him! Alas, instead of the runways of Paris, he'll need to find a family here in the Bay Area that will give him a bit more exposure (pun intended!) to the big wide world.
Buzz is an adorable 8lb 5-month old Chi/Pug ("Chug") mix we rescued from Selma. His color and body frame are more of a Pug, with a huge underbite and slightly curled tail, but smaller Chi face and ears.
Seems to enjoy fetch
Lots of puppy energy, will need lots of playtime daily
Social will all people and dogs
No accidents so far but does have access to outside
Shasta is a 3-month old Border Collie/Heeler mix we're rescuing from Glenn County. More photos and info to come!
Shelby is a 3-month old Border Collie/Heeler mix we rescued Glenn County. This great little pup is house trained, quiet in her crate, good with other dogs, and doing great with the kids in her foster home. Looking for a snuggle bug? Look no further. Shelby enjoys being with people and would love to spend time curled up next to you.
Bailey is a beautiful 1.5-year old Lab mix we're rescuing from Selma. She's done well at the shelter kenneled with two other dogs.
Nellie is an 8-10 week old Border Collie mix we rescued from Glenn County. More photos and info to come!She's a curious puppy who loves to be picked up and carried in warm arms:). We allow this only because we are giving her extra love and attention in order to build trust in humans:). Gives many kisses (right from the beginning!). Follows foster and the kids around and plays with her foster-sibling doggies. Puppy-pad training her and she appears to be catching on:). Last night she was so tuckered out that she konked out on her puppy pad and snored!
Jones is a 1-year old, 70lb American Bulldog/Boxer mix we rescued from Merced. He's a shelter volunteer favorite.
A shelter and rescue favorite
Hasn't met a dog he doesn't like, but might be too enthusiastic for the small ones
Goes into his crate easily
Sleeps quietly through the night crated or on a dog bed until woken
Can pull on leash, so a person experienced with large breeds would be best
No accidents so far in the house, but has outside access often
Moderate energy level
Mellow and just loves to hang while inside, content to curl up on a bed or doze in his open crate
Can cry for a bit when let alone at times
After three months in a shelter, is getting used to many new things and people
A little hesitant to approach new people on his own, but accepts gentle, slow affection
Now enjoys jumping in the car for a ride but would prefer to ride on your lap if possible
With proper intros may do ok with cats, has met a few outside and curious but not overly so
A big goofey lug who just wants to love and be loved
Kylie is a 4-5 year old King Charles Cavalier Spaniel mix. She's a sweet little dog that was used for breeding and now needs a home that will show her the good life. She gets along with other dogs and is super loving and friendly.
Briar is a 3-month old wirehaired terrier puppy we rescued from Tracy. This little darling has the most expressive ears, has a master's degree in cuddling ("prodigy" has been thrown around), and is good with the big (big!) dog in his foster home. He can be a little shy at first but give him a minute and he warms up quickly.
Danny is an adorable, sweet 3-year old little terrier mix we rescued from Glenn County. He looks like he could be a "Jug" - Jack Russell/Pug mix. This darling boy is very peaceful, loves to cuddle and show affection, and makes for a great nap buddy. He loves to make new friends, but can be a bit shy around other dogs.
Danny did well with the cats in one of his foster homes, so he could do well if you have kitties. When this easy going guy does get his exercise in, he likes to run (and he's quick!). If you're looking for a quiet little dog with a loving personality, this is your boy.
Hank is a 3-month old Hound mix we're rescuing from Glenn County. Since the "H litter" was taken from the owner, we know their mom is a Coon hound and dad is a Plott hound. A smart and loving puppy. Great with young kids. Good with other dogs. Ignores the cat completely. Walking well on leash. Quick to grasp commands ''off'' and ''sit''. Beautiful healthy coat. Calm yet sociable.
Harley is a 3-month old Hound mix we're rescuing from Glenn County. Since the "H litter" was taken from the owner, we know their mom is a Coon hound and dad is a Plott hound.
Hattie is a 3-month old Hound mix we're rescuing from Glenn County. Since the "H litter" was taken from the owner, we know their mom is a Coon hound and dad is a Plott hound.
Haley is a 3-month old Hound mix we're rescuing from Glenn County. Since the "H litter" was taken from the owner, we know their mom is a Coon hound and dad is a Plott hound.
Thomas is a 10-month old, 55lb Lab/Shepherd mix we're rescuing from Merced along with his kennel mate and best friend, Ida.
Quiet, well mannered, easy going and mellow
Loves to cuddle - with people and other dogs. Thinks he's a lap dog
Buckley is a 9-month old 55lb Lab mix we rescued from Glenn County.
Loves people, very friendly and outgoing
No accidents so far in the house
Good with other dogs
Ariel is a little 1-year old Manchester Terrier mix we're rescuing from Downey. This little girl has won the hearts of the shelter staff and volunteers.
Gets along with all dogs big and small.
Would be a great family dog for people with kids.
Just all around lots of fun!
Reba is a very friendly and sweet 2-year old, 11lb terrier mix we rescued from Avenal. She enjoys being with you, and is a mellow girl in the house. More to come!
Very cuddly and sweet
Great spirit and energy- she entertains herself playing ball!
Gets along very well with our Golden Retriever and cat
Loves to run in the yard
Chases balls and has a great time playing with toys
Good on her leash, enjoys her walks
Very people-oriented, will be a super companion
Enjoys sleeping in a sunny spot by the window
Mostly house-trained-- she needs a good routine to help her remember!
Tara is a super sweet 6-month old pit mix we rescued from Tulare. She's docile for her age and looks to be part rabbit with those awesome ears!
Very sweet and sociable, when other dogs growl she just tries to give them kisses and with strangers (adults & kids) too
Loves to play!
Very smart - already knows sit and down and is working on off and leave it
Food motivated
Tail always wagging
Sleeps well at night in her crate
Walks well on her leash
Would make a great running partner but also likes to lay around and be petted
Generally is not very vocal unless excited or scared
Curious and loves water
Rides well in the car
Candace is a 2 month old female Boxer/pit mix. Super cute and super sweet. She's a doll!
Loves other dogs!
Very sweet, playful, uses her paws a lot
Has a little prance when she's happy
Doing well with potty training
Has done well meeting all the dogs in her foster home
Good with cats
Loves to wrestle with the big dogs
Can be a rough player, a home with no small kids would be best
Not a fan of her crate, but loves to sleep in bed with you
Una is a 2-year old Lab mix we rescued from Merced. She has a wonderful way about her - friendly and curious.
Adorable and happy
Rides well in the car
Adores the young kids in her foster home
Walks on leash nicely
Plays fetch
Calm, rarely barks
Crate trained, house trained---absolutely no accidents in the house!
Loves to lay down and watch me cook in the kitchen, no begging--great manners!
Wonderful personality
All around great dog!!
Calistoga is an 8-week old Boxer/Pomeranian mix we rescued from the Glenn County area along with the rest of his siblings ("Wine Country litter").
Betsy is a 5-year old Chihuahua mix we rescued from Glenn County. She's very sweet and outgoing. More photos and info to come!
Percy is a delightful 23lb, ~10-year old Poodle mix. He has been diagnosed with a heart murmur, which should not impact his quality of life as long as his activity level is moderate. His vision is not as good as it used to be so he will need a patient family willing to give him a home in his golden years.
Very good with cats
Doesn't shed
Extremely sweet, tolerant and calm
Loves going for walks but also content laying around the house
Very mellow and has no bad habits
Always very happy and extremely low maintenance
Learning commands quickly and knows the basics
House trained
Loves attention but does not demand it
Walks well on a leash well
Enjoys baths time
Loves playing with his ball
Doesn't bark much
Extremely friendly
Stays at home alone well and rides in the car with no troubles.
Primrose is an approx. 4-month old cutie we rescued from Selma. She's a very sweet girl, loves to play, and enjoys hanging out with you. She's done great with all the dogs she's met and so far the cats, too.
A complete love bug--lots of kisses and tail wagging when meeting new people
Great with everyone - men, women, and kids
Loves playing with other dogs and does well when there's an alpha in the house
Very curious and playful
Understands basic commands, such as leave it, come, and sit
Walks well on leash
House trained
A cuddle bug who is perfectly happy curled up next to you on the couch
She is great with the cats
A quiet little lady-not a big barker
Learning to hang out in the backyard
Does well in her crate and sleeps thru the night
Does well by herself, but would also make a great addition to a house with dogs
Peaches is a super duper sweet, "bomb proof" 10-12 month old Staffordshire mix we'd like to rescue from the Glenn County area but need a foster first due to lack of space.
At a recent very large multi-rescue adoption event, she did fabulous with everyone she met. She's a real love and has a "I am ready to be anyone's friend" attitude about her.
She's good with both large and small dogs (even little pups yapping at her). This girl hasn't had it easy - she's recovered from severe mange and is now looking great! Way to go Peaches.
Hazel is a 4-month old terrier mix we rescued from Merced.
Calm, sweet, friendly pup
Rides great in car
Small about 7lb, probably less than 20 full grown
Named Hazel because such beautiful hazel/green eyes
Very gentle and sweet with kids she's met
The most good natured happy confident puppy
A real tail wagger. Thumps on floor when she's sitting
Likes all people and dogs she's met.
Loves cuddles and any available lap
Playful but not too crazy
Potty trained with doggy door. No accidents since very first day
Joslin is a beautiful sweetheart 1.5-year old Border Collie mix rescued from Sonoma.
Working on training (she's loving the agility training and has a amazing aptitude) and other skills
Off leash sensibility/recall is very good, getting perfect
Athletic, affectionate, a well of energy that can be channeled
Great companion and friend
Gets along with other dogs, people, children
Has NOT been cat tested and given her ball/fetch drive, probably not the best fit
Stunning, gorgeous, lovely dog
Best with an active (hiking, running, etc) household but she's not "hyper"
Hershey is a 1-year old mix we rescued from Selma.
VERY friendly
Constantly seeking affection, needs a lot of attention
Seems to be house-trained
Sleeps well in crate
Walks well on leash
Very playful
Loves belly rubs
Friendly towards all of the people so far
Rosa is an 8-week old Boxer/Pomeranian mix we rescued from the Glenn County area with the rest of her siblings ("Wine Country litter").
Java is a 10 mo. old tri-Border Collie mix we rescued from Tracy. He's an incredible dog, handsome & smart, beautiful eyes, loves toys, knows sit.
SUPER affectionate, an amazingly nice boy
Very intelligent, knows sit, down and shake
Lots of energy - very spunky; he'd be a great running partner!
Loves to play ball and gives it back and waits for you to throw it again
Slept quietly through the night on his bed on the floor
Good with other dogs and puppies
Likes baths
Working on his leash training
Working on house training
Sullivan is an 8-week old Lab/Hound mix we rescued from the Glenn County area along with his sister Savannah.
Ellen is an 8-week old Boxer/Pomeranian mix we rescued from the Glenn County area with the rest of her siblings ("Wine Country litter").
Kenwood is an 8-week old Boxer/Pomeranian mix we rescued from the Glenn County area along with his siblings ("Wine Country litter").
Helena is an 8-week old Boxer/Pomeranian mix we rescued from the Glenn County area along with her siblings ("Wine Country litter"). Yes, a Boxer/Pom mix! She's a very sweet girl who's done well with everyone she's met, including the kids that frequent her foster home.
Brody is a 6-month old Labrador/Doxie mix we rescued from Glenn County. He was raised with young kids and surrendered by his family because the kids were too rough with him (although he gladly tolerated their abuse). Brody is looking for a kind, loving home! More photos and info to come.
Dempsey is a 2-year old Pug we rescued from Glenn County. He's good with everyone he meets and is a total love (belly rubs before bedtime? Yes please!).
Sweet Pea is a 13-week old Hound mix we rescued from Lake County with her sister Sunflower. She looks to have some Boxer in her too. More photos and info to come!
Great with other dogs (not intimidated playing with bigger dogs or in groups of dogs)
Very people-friendly, tail always wagging
Not a barker
Loves to cuddle
Playful puppy energy but overall mellow
Likes playing with balls & toys
Crate trained
Doing well learning how to walk on leash and with his potty training
Rides well in car
Charlotte is a 3-year old tri-color Beagle/Heeler mix we rescued from Tracy. She's adorable, very friendly, gentle taking treats, good for her bath & brushing, calm, sweet, and knows sit. She's also house trained!
Elsie is a very sweet 1-3 year old Australian Shepherd mix we rescued from Glenn County.
Lyla is a Lab/Border Collie mix we rescued from Glenn County. She's a very nice dog (and not hyper, if you're worried about the breed mixture).
Captain is a 4-month old Shepherd mix we rescued from Glenn County. He and his litter are on the mend from mange.
Poppy is a cute little 1-2 year old terrier mix we rescued.
Very calm, mellow, and quiet
Not a barker
Confident, friendly and sweet
Great in car and on leash
Not a fan of bath time, but did fine with nail trim
Fine with both dogs in her foster home, curious and friendly
Good appetite, seems very healthy
Tail wagger
Using the dog door
Already knows "sit"
No reaction whatsoever to the cat in her foster home
McKinley is a 6 to 7 month old shepherd mix pup who would love to have a quiet home to call his own. He has a shy, reserved nature around strangers. But anyone willing to be patient with him will find he warms up quickly and is a staunch companion.
Smart, listens well, likes to chase balls, and doesn't dig
As happy sleeping on his dog bed as wrestling/playing with other dogs
Crate trained and housebroken
Has done well with the neighbor's two year old, but because of his shyness, we are recommending a home with only older children
Needs a family willing to continue his socialization
Makes a great running partner
Harrison is a 3-month old super cute pit mix boy we rescued from Tulare.
He's an absolute joy. He's currently living with a large mix breed pup and a Manchester terrier as well as two kiddos (2 & 5 years old). He's a bit typical puppy nippy when he gets excited, so we'd suggest a home with children old enough to understand that. The 2-year old in his foster home loves to play with him until he starts teething on her toes!
He loves to please and play with other dogs. He's working on house training (coming along well), and he's almost sleeping through the night in his dog bed (not a fan of his crate). He's also working on a tad bit of separation anxiety.
"The best dog I've fostered - and I've fostered over 100 dogs." -- that's what his temp. foster has to say about awesome pup Skipper. Skipper is a 5-6 month old pit mix we rescued from Tulare. He's very affectionate, a good listener, and just an all around shelter volunteer favorite.
GREAT with all people
Very tolerant of an overly-loving toddler; loves to give her kisses
Great with other dogs, very friendly
Quiet in crate, doesn't make a peep
What a love-bug!
Doing wonderful with house training; No accidents in house so far
Callie is a 4-month old Shepherd mix we rescued from Glenn County. She and her litter are on the mend from mange.
Harvey is a 1-2 year old 30 lb terrier mix we rescued from Merced. More info to come!
Friendly, smart, very calm and sweet
Likes affection but isn't clingy
Getting used to the leash; a little shy but ready to go
Does fine in bath
Submissive, likes other dogs
Gets along well with the other foster in his house
Seems house trained
Only has barked when he hears people at night - a good watch dog bark
Loves going for walks
A perfect companion
He likes all people he has met
Good recall. Knows his name. Very smart
Overall a very good boy
No interest in the porch cat
Has been sweet, friendly, and calm with the 6 & 9 yr old boys he's met
Camelia is a beautiful 1 to 2-year old yellow Lab we rescued from Tracy. This gorgeous girl needs a little confidence, but volunteers say she'll make a great companion.
Champ is a 1-year old Lab mix we rescued from Glenn County. He's a friendly, great guy who's done well meeting other dogs and is a real all-around love bug.
Quiet in his crate
Friendly with other dogs
Food motivated
Sweet with all people
Good recall
Knows some basic commands
So far we think he'd make a great family dog
When he first arrived would jump up a bit in excitement, but hasn't been jumping up since
Barney is a 2-year old, 35lb Beagle/Hound mix we rescued from Glenn County. He's a very sweet boy - just a bit shy just out of the shelter and looking to build his confidence.
Sweet as can be. His eyes will melt your heart
Affectionate toward kids and adults alike
Gets along really well with both our dogs
Walks famously well on leash
Has a very gentle mouth. Takes treats very delicately
Sleeps through the night in his crate
Is a bit skittish but always willing
Gets in and out of the car easily
Behaves perfectly while out to lunch, in the pet store, at the stables, and at the beach
Cody is a sweet cutie pie 3-year old cream Cockapoo we rescued from Tracy.
One look at this face, and you're bound to fall hopelessly in love. For you Star Wars fans, he's your very own little Ewok! Cupid is a 3-year old 15lb Shih Tzu/Poodle mix we rescued from Avenal.
Super cute and scruffy
Seems totally housetrained
No signs of food aggression
Does great left alone uncrated during the day
Very loyal once he gets to know people
Tolerated his bath well
Loves playing with toys and enjoys a game of tug-of-war
Loves walking on a leash. Continuing to work on leash manners.
Enjoys playing with the playful resident puppy in his foster home.
Would do well as an only dog or possibly as a 2nd dog in a home after he has a proper introduction.
So much cuteness in one little package. Timmy is a tri-color terrier/doxie mix, about 8 months old, rescued from Bakersfield.
Happy tail-wagging pup. Came to us very shy, so will likely need a little adjustment period in his new home.
Loves to play with other pups (loves bigger dogs) - he'd love to go to a home with another dog
Adores the cat in his foster home and plays gently with her
Enjoys nap time in your lap.
Sleeps through the night
Prefers women, but men can win him over
Doing well with the child in his foster home
80% house trained
Sleeps through the night in his crate without a peep
Not a big barker, but will announce when people come to the door
Would love an active household, but when playtime is over he settles down nicely
Sydney is a 1.5-year old, 50lb Catahoula/Greyhound mix we rescued from Merced. She's a playful love bug who already knows how to sit, shake, speak and lie down on command. What a smart girl!
House trained
Super mellow and quiet indoors
Likes treats and her Kong
Enjoys a good snooze in the sun
Don't hold it against her, but she's a blanket hog
Not really food motivated, and doesn't beg at the table or counter surf, but does like treats and her Kong
Happy girl who wags her tail a lot
Working on leash training
Doesn't chew on anything in the house
Let herself get washed in the shower
Quiet in the crate, working on getting in willingly by herself
Snores when she sleeps
Can go for runs and long hikes, but isn’t high energy
Prefers having her space if living with other dogs - excitable around other pups and could use more socialization with them
Always willing to roll over for belly scratches
Solid sit and down, pretty good with come and stay
Waits for your okay to eat her food or go through doors
Jackson is an approx. 2-year old mix (maybe Lhasa Apso?) rescued from the Sacramento SPCA. He came into the shelter so dirty and matted and didn't like being handled at all at first...but the kind people at the shelter shaved him and that made a world of difference! Now he loves being held and to get belly rubs.
Jackson is a sweet little guy who loves to cuddle and have quality companionship time.
He likes to play in the mornings and early afternoons. In the evening he is happy to just chew on a toy or to lie on your lap and get a belly rub.
He could benefit from some training to build his confidence, both on a leash and in the house. He walks fine and is a good boy but always seems underfoot and trips me up sometimes.
Will shy away from men, so patience will be necessary for trust to develop.
Rarely barks
Seems to be potty trained, and does well in his crate through the night and when we are at work.
Hasn’t shown any aggression towards my old, cranky dog. If she gets grouchy, he just moves along.
Saffy is a 3-year Rat Terrier/Jack Russell Terrier mix we rescued from Glenn County. She's likely deaf and would benefit from a patient owner and even another dog in the home so she knows how to follow the lead.
Very sweet girl
Still shy in new situations but has made great progress since coming into rescue
Enjoys playing with the playful resident puppy and other dogs that she has met
Could do well with another dog to help her continue to build her confidence
Really likes going out for walks
Has a good appetite and enjoys mealtime
Seems mostly house trained
Fosters have nicknamed her "Sweetheart" because she is such a nice girl
Caryn is a 5-month old wire-haired/Basset mix we rescued from Red Bluff. Caryn is a sweet, affectionate little girl who is looking for her forever cuddle buddy!
Has liked all the dogs she has met, but when at the dog park is more interested in all the people then the dogs.
Very low energy and would probably be happy with one or two short walks a day and would love to spend the rest snuggled up next to you on the couch.
Does well with a harness on her walks, she is very observant though and often stops to see what is going on around her
One of her eyes are very unique with a quarter of it white
Has the cutest underbite, which her lips often get scrunched up in
Loves to give kisses and to be held
Enjoys chew bones and squeaky toys
Doing well with house training
Rides well in the car
Ignores the cat in her foster home
She sleeps through the night in her crate next to her foster moms bed, but she is not a fan of her crate when left home, but does fine left uncrated
Overall she is a sweet, mellow, lovebug <3
Audra is a 5-month old wire-haired/Basset mix we rescued from Red Bluff.
Toto is a 1.5-year old terrier mix we rescued from Selma.
Walks well on leash
Seems house trained
Was good for his bath
Likes to get pet - back scratches are his favorite
Leaves the guinea pigs alone in his foster home, but wanted to chase them outside when they're moving
He is a very silly playful boy
Adorable face - handsome guy!
Tish is an adorable 6-month old Bulldog/Pit mix we rescued from Colusa.
House trained
Crate trained
Very sweet
Tends to ignore other dogs - peaceful coexistence
Rides great in car (sleeps in backseat)
Good on leash
Sleeps through night
Learning basic commands (sit, etc)
Very people friendly/people-oriented
LOVES to cuddle
Very mellow
Brave/curious about new things/loud sounds
Learning how to play with toys
Likes going in water
Tail constantly wagging
Hercules is a 50lb, 10-month old black Lab mix we rescued from Tracy.
Doing great with the other dogs in his foster home
Rides well in the car
Treat motivated
Loves a good snuggle
Knows "sit"
Awesome, friendly, energetic boy - very Lab in looks and personality.
He was an owner surrender (they said they had "no time" for a dog anymore).
Kissamee is a 3-month old Cairn Terrier mix we rescued from Selma. She loves other dogs, people, and kids.
LucyLu is a 3-month old terrier mix puppy we rescued from Los Banos. She's a total cutie pie and very sweet.
Tiny! Only 5 pounds so far at 3 months.
Plays well with her foster sisters. Follows one around like her shadow.
Friendly with everyone she meets.
Treat motivated. Already learned "sit."
Cries just a bit at night in her crate before going to sleep.
Wants to be in your lap 24/7. Snuggliest snugglebug EVER.
Working on house-training and is doing mostly well.
Piper is a 2-year old Lab/Shepherd mix we rescued from Glenn County. She has a wonderful sweet and gentle nature.
Big people person, very gentle
If anyone is walking around the house, she is following him or her
Climbs into people's laps in search of a belly rub
Doesn't bark
Very energetic, would be a great jogging companion
If she wants to come back inside after going in the yard she will politely sit down and wait until she is noticed
Working on good manners-sit, down, stay, come, and leash skills
Bernie is an adorable 1-year old, 16lb pup is a terrier mix we rescued from Avenal.
Martin is a 10 lb poodle mix we rescued from Merced. He's a good boy who loves attention. More info to come!
Friendly and peppy
Does fine in car
Working on leash skills
Learning to love a bath
Good with other dogs
Shaggy is a 1.5 year old, 32lb Cocker Spaniel mix.
Very sweet and playful
Rides very well in the car
Good meeting new people and dogs
Moderate energy level
Royce is an adorable 3-month old mixed breed pup we rescued from Glenn County. More to come!
Just wants to play play play
Quiet in crate all night
Full of puppy energy
Very friendly with all people and dogs
Definitely appears to be part beagle
Great with the dominant female dog in the foster family's home
Such a sweet dog and is very friendly to all people of all ages/genders and all dogs that he had met so far
Seems to be almost completely housebroken
Loves his crate!
Can stay home alone for a few hours either in his crate or if its only for a few minutes in the backyard
Loves to nap outside
Willing to play whenever you are but settles down as soon as you do
Loves meal time is and is very food motivated
Knows sit, off, and heel and he is working on lay down and shake. He is so smart!
Bertrand (You can call him "Bert") is a 1-year old terrier mix we rescued from Delano. He's a total doll, very sweet and gets along with everyone.
Super sweet and friendly
Very sociable with people and dogs
Loves to be pet and scratched
His butt wiggles when he sees you
Fine with his crate/bed
On the submissive side
Not food aggressive able to pick up the bowl while he's eating
Loves to play! but is calm generally
Very quiet not a barker
Very smart already know off and come, working on sit and down
Working on leash skills
Loves chew toys
Nifty is a 4-month old shepherd mix we rescued from Delano. She's great with other dogs.
Ben is a 1-year old mix (listed as Shepherd/Rottweiler, but he looks very Boxer-like in person and in play). He's a wonderful boy we rescued from Tulare.
Energetic, sweet & friendly guy who wants to please.
Loves tummy rubs and will crawl into your lap if you let him.
House trained.
Not a barker! Very quiet guy.
Good with other dogs, big and small.
Great with kids, but maybe too energetic for very small children.
He's got a cute docked tail that wiggles when he's happy!
Good on a leash & in his crate.
Gorgeous coat and eyes--a total love!
Learns quickly--mastered the stairs and sit in two days.
Food motivated so he's easy to train.
Knows his name and comes when called with enthusiasm.
Would love to be a running buddy, or a part-time outdoor dog.
Mia is a 30lb, 4 month old Shepherd/Terrier mix puppy we rescued from Glenn County. Mia appears to have suffered a leg break at one point that didn't heal properly. While she doesn't require any further medical treatment, she should lead a less active lifestyle (no frisbee contests for this girl) to keep her joints healthy.
House trained
Cute lovable puppy - a really friendly sweet girl! Loved by everyone who meets her!
Full of energy, loves playing tug-o-war, romping around in the yard and chewing on her bone. She also enjoys lying around outdoors and watch everything that is going on around her. She is even good at not begging or grabbing food when her foster family is eating.
Loves walks and gets supper excited to meet new people and other dogs. She promptly rolls on her back to be petted.
LOVES BELLY RUBS!!!!! and would be happy to be petted all day!
Fast learner - learned to sit in one day. She also knows the commands of down and stay.
Sleeps soundlessly in her crate throughout the night and waits quietly to go potty outside.
Rarely barks
Gently takes treats
Good with 12 year old
Cute lovable puppy that will make a wonderful best friend for someone who is looking for a dog that will mostly want to spend time hanging out with them at home and maybe take some short 20 minute walks.
Jonny is a 3-month old terrier mix puppy we rescued from Los Banos.
He's a total love bug and snuggles up on shoulders or buries his face anywhere soft
Very playful with the resident dog and sounds like a squeak toy when he's excited
An average puppy -- spurts of energy and lots of naps in the sun or on the couch
Loves bones and chew toys
On the timid side when it comes to people but has warmed up to his foster parents quickly
Slept through the night (8 hours!) in bed with his foster parents
Barks very rarely and so far only when playing with resident dog
Not fond of his crate but working on it
Ace is a 10-month old black Labrador we rescued from Red Bluff. He was being trained by someone to be a service dog, but they lost interest so here he is...He's an all around great boy who does well with people and other dogs.
Walks pretty well on leash
Knows to wait before crossing streets, "over here," "over there" & "sit"
Not sure about cars, but can be persuaded to walk past them and get in them
Happy to be around people and is very very good around kids of all ages. Met some toddlers on a walk and didn't react when they pulled his tail and ears.
Does not react when other dogs off leash come charging at him.
Responds very well to treats especially when he knows you have one in your hand.
Loves chew toys
Needs some more work on basic house training and going outside to go to the bathroom but is catching on fast.
Doesn't need a ton of exercise--one walk that is 1/2hr to an 1hr will be enough to tucker him out for a good portion of the day.
Content to sleep inside for majority of the day.
Francisco is an 8-week old pit mix puppy.
Liberty is a 10-week old Catahoula mix we rescued from Glenn County.
Parker Posey is a 3-month old Spaniel/Border Collie mix we rescued from Glenn County.
Davey is a 3-month old terrier mix we rescued from Merced.
Jenny is an 8-month Doxie/terrier mix pup we rescued from Tracy.
Cassie is a 12-week old Mastiff mix puppy we're rescuing from Red Bluff.
Leona is a 3-year old gorgeous Great Dane we rescued from Red Bluff. She's good with kids of all ages, dogs, and cats.
Boo is a 20lb, 2.5-year old
Friendly and devoted
Medium energy level
Does fine left alone in the house and can be left uncrated
House trained
Knows sit, stay, heel, and free
Loves car rides
Likes meeting new people
Can get nervous meeting new dogs
Isn't a fan of the energy of toddlers and the enthusiasm with which they want to love on him. He does okay if they give him space.
Joe is an 8-week old Lab/Newfie/Border Collie mix pup we're rescuing from Red Bluff. Mom was a Lab/Newfie and dad was a Border Collie mix.
Finn is an 8-week old Lab/Newfie/Border Collie mix pup we're rescuing from Red Bluff. Mom was a Lab/Newfie and dad was a Border Collie mix.
Becky is an 8-week old Lab/Newfie/Border Collie mix pup we're rescuing from Red Bluff. Mom was a Lab/Newfie and dad was a Border Collie mix.
Tom is an 8-week old Lab/Newfie/Border Collie mix pup we're rescuing from Red Bluff. Mom was a Lab/Newfie and dad was a Border Collie mix.
Huck is an 8-week old Lab/Newfie/Border Collie mix pup we're rescuing from Red Bluff. Mom was a Lab/Newfie and dad was a Border Collie mix.
Sadie is a 5-year old Doxie we rescued from Red Bluff.
Sawyer is an 8-week old Lab/Newfie/Border Collie mix pup we're rescuing from Red Bluff. Mom was a Lab/Newfie and dad was a Border Collie mix.
Jane is an 8-week old pit mix puppy we rescued from Red Bluff. She's extremely playful and has your typical puppy energy.
Loves playing tug-o-war with her brother Tarzan
Doing great with house training
Sleeps in the crate at night
Cuddly, snuggler -likes to be close to you
Likes to sleep curled up with her brother
Doing well with leash training
They have been exposed to horses and poultry while they were fostered in Red Bluff and did very well.
Fostered with other dogs and a cat and are doing great
Tarzan is an 8-week old pit mix puppy we rescued from Red Bluff. He's a playful, active boy with typical puppy energy.
Loves play tug-o-war with his sister Jane
Doing great with house training
Sleeps in the crate at night
More independent than his sister
Will nap curled up with his sister
Doing well with leash training
They have been exposed to horses and poultry while they were fostered in Red Bluff and did very well
Fostered with other dogs and a cat and are doing great
Chadwick is a 5-month old, 30lb Lab/terrier (Jack Russell?) mix we're rescuing from Red Bluff. He's a friendly, outgoing, social guy who gets excited puppy-like when meeting new dog friends.
Dodger is a 5-month old pit mix we're rescuing from Sacramento.
Very friendly, Loves people and cuddling
Great on a leash, loves going for walks
Knows sit, lay down, No and off
Potty Trained
Not a barker
Plays quietly in the yard with other dogs
Very playful, has a good amount of energy but also loves to have lazy time
Sleeps all night on his dog bed or in your bed if you'll let him
Riley is an 8-week old Hound pup we rescued from Red Bluff.
Julian is a 1-year old, 12lb terrier mix we rescued from Tehama. He's a cute, happy, friendly boy know already knows sit and will dance for treats. He loves walks and is an affectionate pup.
In the words of his foster mom: "This dog is awesome! He's sweet and playful like they said. He's house trained, sleeps through the night in his crate. He's perfect on leash, walks right at your side. Afraid for 2 seconds when meeting new, large dogs then he's off and running! Loves beach, dog park. Comes when you call and will never let you too far out if his sight. Great in the car! With kids! You name it... Fun and easy and sweet as pie!"
Lola is a 1-year old female Boxer mix we're rescuing from Red Bluff. Volunteers say she's a sweet, great dog. More to come!
Incredibly happy, sweet girl, her whole butt is always wiggling with happiness.
Loves to sit and look at you while being petted
Great energy and likes to play, go for walks, but not over active or hyper, definitely enjoys her naps and cuddling
Has sit mastered, already responding better to no, off, and down
When new people are approaching on walks she gets excitedbut sits down and waits to be petted
Working on jumping
Good with kids
Has been sleeping in crate most nights, not so much a fan of getting in but doing better, once in she may whine a couple of times then is quiet for remainder of night
Generally walks really well on leash, walks by your side
Non reactive to food bowl being touched or moved when eating, same with her bone
Very food motivated
LOVES small dogs, sits down when she sees them approaching even if they are barking and running towards her
Good with other big dogs
Rides well in the car, sits calmly and looks out window
Lewis is a social and outgoing 10lb mix pup we rescued from Avenal. He's listed as a Chi mix, but he doesn't look very Chi to us...
Happy go lucky little guy - I nicknamed him wiggle butt
Instantly loves EVERYBODY he meets
So far no accidents in house, however, I have been very diligent on taking him outside
Is currently living with two large dogs . One 90lb, 12 year old, cranky dog and they are both getting on just fine, and a very energetic 1 year old puppy who wants nothing but to play with its new friend. Lewis will growl at the very energetic puppy when head butted and pushed into play (who wouldn't!)
Not concerned at all with the two resident cats and they are not concerned with him
Loves toys
No food aggression
Not a fan of the leash, and we will work with him on that
Rides excellent in the car, while in the crate, not a peep out of him
Marshall is a 10-month old, 28lb happy, friendly Shepherd/Terrier mix we rescued from Glenn County. He's a playful guy who loves his toys. More to come!
Good with other dogs
House trained
Loves chew toys
Working on learning "sit"
Does well on walks
Happy and wags his tail
Lets you wash him in the shower
Loves to snuggle on the couch with you; Likes to give you kisses!
Always smiling his cute smile
Sunshine is a 5-month old pit mix puppy we rescued from Glenn County.
She's a very sweet girl, who loves people and other dogs. When dogs growl at her through the fencing at the shelter, she tries to lick them...what a good natured soul she is. She's got typical puppy enthusiasm for life - and now for her second chance!
Molly is a 4-month old Shepherd/Terrier mix puppy we rescued from Glenn County. She's a very sweet girl.
A sweet and happy little girl
Very curious about the world around her and would love to explore it with her new family!
Loves to give kisses and will rest her head on and over your shoulder when you pick her up
Plays great with the small dog in her foster home, and has loved every dog she has met
She is not shy or scared, but is very alert and submissive
She will lay down in front of any new person or dog she meets (which makes for a great opportunity to rub that cute spotted puppy belly of hers!)
Rides great in the car; Sits in the front seat and looks out the window
Walks great on the leash
Has done great with the cat in her foster home. Leaves her alone for the most part, except to see if she wants to play
Seems to like her crate, she quickly filled it with bones and toys she found around the house and goes in it to chew and play with them
Slept through the night in her crate next to her foster mom's bed without a peep
Catching on to house training quickly
She's a busy girl but not overly energetic; She is happy to chew on a bone or entertain with a toy if no one is playing with her, but she also loves to run around the house with the dog in her foster home too
Will probably make a great hiking or running partner when she is older
Good with cats! Went nose to nose with them at the shelter and did great. Ben is a 1-year old mix (listed as Shepherd/Rottweiler, but he looks very Boxer-like in person and in play). He's a wonderful boy we rescued from Tulare.
Energetic, sweet & friendly guy who wants to please.
Loves tummy rubs and will crawl into your lap if you let him.
House trained.
Not a barker! Very quiet guy.
Good with other dogs, big and small.
Great with kids, but maybe too energetic for very small children.
He's got a cute docked tail that wiggles when he's happy!
Good on a leash & in his crate.
Gorgeous coat and eyes--a total love!
Learns quickly--mastered the stairs and sit in two days.
Food motivated so he's easy to train.
Knows his name and comes when called with enthusiasm.
Would love to be a running buddy, or a part-time outdoor dog.
Foxy is a 30lb, 1.5-year old super sweet and mellow Border Collie/Cattle Dog mix we rescued from Glenn County. She's got a gorgeous coat, and is great with other dogs and kids. She was an owner surrender because they had too many dogs.
Duke is a super adorable and sweet ~1 year old Airdale/Lab mix we rescued from Selma.
He's about 25 lbs - he's not as large as the shelter photos made him look - he's a smallish medium sized dog (think really large terrier)
Food motivated - loves his kibble
Sleeps in his crate all night without a peep
He's a bit shy / reserved, but warms up quickly
Is very well behaved
Deep and soulful eyes
Soft fur
Very very gentle dog
Hasn't had an accident inside - does his business right away when brought outside
Gets along well with the resident dog - follows her around
Learning how to walk on leash - he doesn't pull... he just needs to learn to walk in a straight line!
Loves to snuggle on the couch - will spend hours curled up against you
Not much of a barker - we've only heard him bark on the initial greeting with the resident dog (the bark was accompanied by a wagging tail)
This is a super sweet pup who will melt anyone's heart
Muffin is a 6-year old Husky/Shepherd mix we're rescuing from Glenn County. She's been great with all the dogs and people she's met, and is even good with cats.
Calm around children in the family (ages 10, 11, 13)
Loves to catch a sun beam to take a nap
Knows some general commands; can "sit" and comes when called
A little cautious of men right now but working on it
Wraps herself up snuggly in a blanket at night
Keeps toys well organized in her bed and lays on top of them!
Loves to sneak up and spend some time on the couch
Might benefit from having another dog in the home for company
Ryan is an 8-week old Hound pup we rescued from Red Bluff.
Norman is a super cute Border Collie/Pointer mix we rescued from Merced. He already knows sit, takes treats gently, and was a well behaved boy at the shelter.
Clooney is a 1-year old, 45lb Black Lab/Border Collie mix we rescued from Merced.
Biscuit is a 5-year old, 28lb Poodle mix we rescued from Red Bluff. Volunteers say he's a great, sweet, mellow dog who's got a happy-go-lucky personality and loves to go for walks.
Total sweetheart with a great temperment
LOVES going for walks and is very well-behaved on a leash
Gets very excited and wiggly when you return home
Rides well in the car
Has done well with neighborhood kids
Non-reactive to other dogs
Likes to cuddle
Very low maintenance...just loves to be with people and go on walks!
Benji is a 1-2 year old Spaniel mix we rescued from Red Bluff.
Super snuggly, wants to be near you
Gets along well with the other dogs (living with 2)
Puts on a big show of being shy, but isn't at all
Is a squirrelly monkey in the car, a doggie seatbelt could be helpful
Was great for his bath
His fur is insane, so soft and silky. Perfect for a snuggle.
Henry is a 3-month terrier mix we rescued from Selma.
Fast learner, eager to please
Likes to follow you around the house
Working on potty training, coming when called, and walking on leash
Has been great with kids - including 4-year old he's fostered with
Interested in the cat in the foster home, so will need continued socialization on that front. Has come a long way so far!
Snuggle bug!! Great lap dog
Fostered with Huey and loves him
Does fine overnight in the crate
Energetic and is always eager to play
Would do great with a canine brother or sister
Huey is a 3-month terrier mix pup we rescued from Selma.
Fast learner, eager to please
Likes to follow you around the house
Working on potty training, coming when called, and walking on leash
Has been great with kids - including 4-year old he's fostered with
Interested in the cat in the foster home, so will need continued socialization on that front. Has come a long way so far!
Snuggle bug!! Great lap dog
Fostered with Henry and loves him
Does fine overnight in the crate
Would do fine as an only dog or with canine siblings
Likes to play and has a good amount of energy
Prefers cuddling with his humans
Would be a great lap dog/companion
Working on building confidence
Donny is a 5-year old, 50lb, Aussie/Border Collie mix we're rescuing from Merced.
Laid back, low energy, sweet boy
Great on a leash, but not really in a hurry to go anywhere
Loves belly scratches and rolling around in the grass
House trained
Sleeping in a crate at night and when his foster family leaves, but would probably be fine outside his crate eventually
Shows no interest in the cats in his foster home
Indifferent to the dog in his foster home; they hang out while simultaneously ignoring each other
Gently takes treats
Loves napping in front of the fan on warm days
Not a jumper
Loves scratches and getting attention
Will shake your hand to get you to give him some love
Comes when you call him
An all-around great dog!!
Roscoe is an 4-month old mix pup we rescued from Selma. We're guessing he's maybe Cattle Dog & Corgi with his long body. He weighs about 15lb. More photos and info to come!
Farley is a 3-year old red and white French Brittany spaniel we rescued from Tracy.
He is super smart (knows sit), very playful and energetic, and has his shelter passed temperment test. He's already neutered as well. This handsome fella was an owner surrender because he ended up being bigger than the owner expected...yes, these are the types of reasons great dogs end up in the shelter system.
Macie is a 55 lb, 10-month old hound mix we rescued from Colusa. She's an awesome girl with both dogs and people.
energetic, athletic and intelligent (she watched her foster open a gate, and shortly after was letting herself out of the yard) !
learns quicky; doing well with sit, stay and down
can be a jumper when excited
seems to be house trained
was sleeping on a dog bed at night with no issues
lived with kitties for a bit but would most likely chase those who ran
wishes she could a lap dog
does well with praise, great eye contact
can play a bit rough for little dogs, but does respond to corrections from them
she does ok on leash, best with an anti-pull harness
would make a great running partner
loves playtime & chew toys
very good manners around people food
Ryder is an 8-week old Hound pup we rescued from Red Bluff.
Apple is a 2-month old Border Collie mix pup we rescued.
Big cuddler and likes being close to you
Gets along with other dogs
Getting used to being in the crate, and will not whine as much for attention when in the crate.
Very playful, happy, and full of puppy energy
Working on house training
Smart little cookie
Responsive to you calling her
Does well on leash
Healthy appetite, food-motivated
Doing well with both "come" and "sit".
She is also getting a handle on "no" and "leave it".
Jersey is a 10-month old 35lb Lab mix we rescued from Tehama. She's a happy girl, eager to please, walks well on leash, is ready to learn a few puppy manners and loves attention.
Can sit when asked
Enjoys treats and will work for them by sitting
Beginning to learn to shake
Loves to give kisses and please people
Wags her tail when she meets other dogs and wants to play
Gets along with her foster family's dog
Is curious about cats and wants to play
Enjoys toys, bones, and balls
No problem sleeping in her crate - might whine for 1 minutes if at all when placed inside
Enjoys looking out the front window of the house and sleeping next to the open window
Will protect the house by barking when she hears someone approaching the house
Casey is an 8-month old, 40-50lb flat coated retriever mix we're rescuing from Red Bluff. He's on the submissive side, great with other dogs, and loves people. More to come!
He is a silly boy, has a golden mentality
He is a lover boy
He tries to use every inch possible to get close to you
He is working on polite house manners and leash manners. But does pretty good walking on leash
Was quiet in his crate when bringing him home and he slept soundly through the night in his crate.
Was initially interested in the guinea pigs but chooses to be close to people over visiting the guinea pigs.
River is a sweet, handsome 4-6 month old blue pit puppy we're rescuing from Delano.
Very sweet and gentle
Loves people and other dogs
Curious about the cat he lives with but is respectful
Sammy is a 24lb, less-than-1-year old mix we rescued from Tehama - looks to be part yellow Lab/part Whippet. He's got tall legs and an adorable curly tail. He's a happy, confident, outgoing guy and is good with other dogs.
Jacks is a 2-month old Border Collie mix pup we rescued.
Incredibly intelligent dog who learns quickly and likes to be kept busy. He has typical border collie shepherding traits, meaning he will literally do circles around you!
He's a joy and could use a family with the time and ability to direct his energy and give him lots of attention
He has a great appetite and loves his water bowl. Sometimes in his excitement his front paw will land in his water bowl so keeping some spare towels handy is a good idea!
Is doing well with both "off" when he's snooping around our belongings, "no" when he's nipping at something, "let's go" when walking on his leash, and "kiss" when we're craving a few sloppy licks!
He's also getting a handle on "down" to settle down/sit so he can have his treat, and "leash" when it's time to go outside.
Still not a fan of his leash; could use training on that. He loves his walks though, will stay by your side, and often decides to sit down mid-walk and pensively watch the world go by.
Doing great with his house training. He responds well to "potty." Sometimes he decides to wait to come back inside before doing whatever business he didn't do outside, but he knows to use his pee-pad.
Sleeps all through the night and loves his crate. Sometimes he whines for a minute but will quiet down if it's just for attention. Otherwise, he's telling you he needs to go potty!
An affectionate cuddler, thinks he's a lap dog, enjoys being close to people, and has puppy energy all the way. i.e. He won't stay in your lap for too long!
Still a mouthy puppy and may not be suitable for a house with children.
Wants to learn to play with other dogs and greet people in a less mouthy way.
Currently (and very reluctantly) wearing a cone to keep him from aggravating his neutering incision. He can't wait for it to come off!
Baby Girl
Baby Girl is a little 5-month old Chi/Min Pin mix we rescued from the Glenn County area.
Curious, sweet, playful, and loves her people.
Not a barker
Sleeps well in her crate
Really good at "sit" and "come"
Would love to be a lapdog if you let her!
Very friendly and outgoing - eagerly greets people. She'd do well in a home where she can get lots of attention.
Plays well with others--very easy going with dogs he lives with
A fast learner--understands no and is starting to get better at commands like "sit" and "come"
A TOTAL cuddle bug when he's not busy with his bone or chew toys
Rarely barks
Takes treats gently
Is socializing well on his dog walks with other dogs and when meeting new people
Vincent is an 8-month old, 34lb Lab mix we rescued from Tehama. He's a happy, friendly, energetic boy who gets along great with other dogs. In the words of his foster mom, "This little guy is one of the sweetest dogs I have ever met - not a bad bone in his body. All love. Super cuddly, affectionate, and ridiculously cute. Loves playing and food! You will fall in love."
Knows sit, down, wait, and working on roll over
Met some cats and wasn't interested. One even swiped his nose and he didn't care.
House trained
Slept well in his crate at night
Loves to be around people and snuggle up next to them
Working on "sit"
Very smart...a fast learner
Friendly with other dogs he has met
Rides well in cars, though is a little timid about getting in
Tango is a 1-year old, 18lb spaniel mix we're rescuing from Glenn County.
Enjoys going on walks and does pretty well on leash
Gets along well with the resident dog in the household; no signs of food aggression
Quiet and calm; has not barked or growled at all
Friendly towards people
A little shy about meeting other dogs
Enjoys being petted and likes to nap on the couch right next to his foster parent
Still getting adjusted to city life, but learns quickly (e.g., got used to navigating stairs after a couple of tries)
Did great riding in the car
Very soft, lush coat
Sunshine is a 3-month old Border Collie mix we're rescuing from Tehama. She's very sweet and beautiful. She came in with a neck wound, which has now healed, so her hair is growing back from where it was shaved.
Princess is a 1-year old, 55lb Mastiff mix we rescued from Fresno along with Bella. They were owner surrenders.
Very sweet, loving and a little bit goofy sometimes
Loves to be pet and snuggle and stay nearby her people
House trained and sleeps in the crate at night quietly
Does pretty well on leash and rarely pulls
Low to medium energy inside and very happy to just lounge around at your feet (or preferably a couch)
Loves to go for walks or to the park/dog park
Would do best with older children
Has good manners and doesn't beg for food; likes to lay on the couch but gets down when told
Responds to sit, no, go on (like out of a room or to keep walking), working on not jumping up on people but does so gently
Has done really well with kids, even toddlers and hasn't tried to jump on them
Has a very gentle mouth, takes treats very gently
Doesn't care if her food bowl is touched, or if a bone is taken from her
Does well with dogs of all sizes walking and at the park
Rides amazing in the car
Taffy is a 2-year old Maltese/Poodle mix we rescued from Fresno. She's doing well with the cat in her foster home.
igger is a cutie-pie 5-month old pit mix we're rescuing from Tulare. He's a very sweet and energetic boy.
Fitting in well in his foster home - no food guarding with the other pups
Food motivated and will sit and come for treats
Likes to play with toys and tennis balls. Will play tug and wrestle with the resident dog -- not a dainty player.
Likes all people and will lean in for attention
Wants to be with her people, and will whine a bit if you leave the room, but settles down quickly.
Slept through the night in his crate without a peep
Did really well on a recent visit to the pet store and did great in the car on the way over
Too interested in cats he's seen to be good with kitties probably
Tron's never seen his movie namesake, but maybe you guys can cuddle up together and watch it together! Tron is a 3-year old terrier mix we rescued from Stockton.
A total character! (think class clown)
Very playful - will play ball with himself. He actually tosses it and chases it by himself.
Can jump a four foot fence without a running start (doggy NBA should recruit him!) - so make sure your fences are tall enough for him. Maybe you could try out agility with him, too.
Total love bug and loves to curl up next to you and just chill.
Can be a tad timid at first, but is so eager to learn and have fun that he braves up fast! It's extremely heartwarming to watch him overcome his hesitancy.
Loves the dog park and playing with other dogs there.
Awesome in his crate at night. Never a peep.
Actually he never makes any noise. NOT a barker.
No resource guarding.
Great in the car.
Likes to stand up. (He literally spends about 1/3 of his time standing) - we call him a meerkat.
Extremely bright and curious and sooo eager to learn and please.
Has the cutest underbite we've seen. It's quite pronounced and totally adorable.
Popcorn is a 6-month old, 24lb Border Collie mix we rescued from Red Bluff.
Has learned commands for down, sit, sleepy sleep (goes to crate), and stay
Very sweet boy who's eager to please
Happy & friendly
Rides perfectly in the car
A little cautious with new people but warms up quickly
Plays well with all the other dogs at off-leash dog parks
Gets a couple hours of dog park fun each day in his foster home
His favorite toy is a squeaky tennis ball
Very smart and learns new things quickly
Lets you know when he needs to go out for potty
Bella is a 2-3 year old beautiful pit mix we rescued from Tulare.
She's a shelter volunteer favorite - they describe her as very social, lovable, and overall amazing. The shelter environment has dampened her spirits and she'd love to feel the relief of rescue.
Squishy is an adorable, loving 3-4 month old, small pit mix puppy we rescued from Glenn County. He's a happy, sweet, playful boy who's getting along well with the other dogs in his foster home.
Playful,loving puppy
Great with dogs of all sizes
Doing great with the cats
Quick learner
Sleeping through the night in his kennel
Did well on the long car ride home
Luc is a 1-2 year old poodle mix we rescued from Fresno. More photos to come!
Very calm and loving
Very good leash walking
House trained and will sleep on your bed if you let him!
Toby is a 1-2 year old Poodle/Bichon mix we rescued from Fresno. More photos to come!
Very quiet and well behaved!
Friendly towards everyone
Working on house training
Walks well on leash
Sleeps well in his crate at night
Knows how to "sit"
Working on proper greetings - four paws on the floor!
Very mellow and gentle
Chris is an 8-week old Hound pup we rescued from Glenn County along with his 3 brothers. They're happy, healthy, chubby, snuggly pups.
Happy, goofy, lovable puppy with velvety soft fur!
Tail is always waging and eager to explore his surroundings
Loves to be held, petted and receive any and all attention you can give him, he will thank you with lots of puppy kisses and a happy face that will melt your heart
Loves to play with the small dog in his foster home
Happily greets all dogs and people he meets on walks
Not a barker, only when trying to get your attention while playing
Already a water dog (kept trying to swim in the tub during his bath and loved having water poured on him)
Rides well in the car
Enjoys playing with toys (particularly the squeaky variety)
Content to lay at your feet and chew on a bone (good about chewing on approved things and listens to "no" when he has something he shouldn't)
Catching on quickly to house training
Walks well on the leash and loves to romp and roll in the grass on walks
Getting used to being in his crate especially at night
Sleeps soundly in bed with his foster mom through the night (8hrs) and only needs one potty break
Non reactive to the cat in his foster home (tries to get her to play with him and give her kisses)
Mushoo is a darling little 3-4 year old Shi Tzu mix we rescued from Tracy - he may also have Maltese and Lhasa Apso in there as well.
Sweet, mellow, low-energy
Quiet, calm, easy little guy
Can be shy initially but once he gets to know his environment and the people he really opens up
Walks well on leash.
House trained
Enjoys being near you
Likes his crate
"awesome, easy dog"
Has been friendly with all the dogs and people he's met
Loves running and playing with other dogs
Leaving the guinea pigs alone in his foster home (so could be good with cats and other small critters in your household).
Very smart - knows to go into his crate when his foster is leaving and will wait there with the door open until she comes to close it.
Oakley is a handsome 1-year old Italian Spinone (looks like a big Hound/Pointer mix) we rescued from the Glenn County area. He's about 70lbs now and could stand to gain 10-15lbs.
Does very well with children (lived with two 5yr olds and a 9yr old in a foster home)
Gets along with other dogs - gentle around little dogs (will ease to the ground to get to a dachshund's level). Will back down when another dog displays aggression.
House trained
Quick learner; already responding to his name and understands "off"
Would benefit from an active person or family that has the time to exercise him, but has a mellow demeanor
Working on his leash skills
May be younger than a year given his playful & mouthy (gentle) inclinations
The boys in his current foster home are calling him a giant teddy bear
Needs some house manners training, would benefit from an obedience class
Picking up sit, down, and off (the sofa) quickly
Gentle and kind
Has chased a foster's cat, but she thinks he could be trained out of this
Carrie is a 4-month old pit mix. She meets people with a wagging tail, ready to be pet. On her field trips to stores, beaches, and around town she loves everyone and everything that comes her way!
Smart girl, Food motivated
Loves people, loves to cuddle
Stays right with you
Sleeps through the night in her foster moms bed
Knows sit
Loves the beach
Good with dogs of all sizes
Good with cats
Learning to walk on a leash
Working on her potty training
Memphis is a supremely affectionate 6-month-old male Chi/Terrier mix we rescued from Avenal. He is friendly, funny, quiet -- with a slight underbite that makes his smile irresistible.
Always wags his tail when he sees you
Loves to see his leash comes out - walk time! Once on a walk, he is very alert and might give a cute little bark to strangers, but then they become dear friends. And if he sees another dog, he wants to play and have fun.
He is fantastic with kids and cats -- and willing to give other dogs the benefit of the doubt as long as they don't try to roughhouse with him.
Completely crate trained and very close to perfectly house trained as long as you pick up his cues.
Can be a little nervous around big, stomping feet, but you would be too if you were this little!
He has been fostered with a large black Lab mix and he looks up to his big brother and wants to make friends despite their size difference.
Very intelligent and picks up on what you want from him
Very easy to take care of and he rewards you with his friendly nature and cute smile.
Sweet Pea
Sweet Pea is a 20lb cattle dog/Manchester terrier mix girl we rescued from Glenn County. More photos and info to come!
Ricki is a handsome, 8-month old 40-50lb Lab we rescued from the Glenn County area.
A real love bug who loves belly scratches and attention;
Very much still a puppy with lots of energy, and would probably be most happy in a home where he can get a lot of exercise and playtime;
Would love to have a dog playmate in his permanent home;
Very social at the dog park with humans and other dogs;
Has very good recall- responds well to his name and to “come”;
Working on “sit”, “off”, and “leave it”;
Interested in his foster brother cats but does not chase or bother them;
Doesn’t like the water hose, but loves playing in the water sprinklers;
Very curious, and does best when monitored and given bones and toys to chew on/play with (otherwise he can get himself into trouble!);
Loves his ball and stuffed toys;
Sleeps in his crate at night and during the day while his foster parents are at work, but isn’t a huge fan of it (we’re working on making his crate a happy place that he’ll like to be);
House trained, as long as he’s let out to potty every 2 to 3 hours when not in his crate;
Loves to play fetch, but has a very short attention span;
Would benefit from a doggy training class where he can learn some manners;
Doing well learning to walk on a leash. Loves to go on walks around the neighborhood;
Doesn't try to get on the furniture unless invited, but responds well to “off” when asked to get down.
Pepe's got a pep in his step! He's a 5-year old, 20-25lb Border Collie mix we rescued from Stockton. He's probably mixed with a small breed dog given his size - and his little bowed front legs are super cute.
Loves to go on long walks! Energetic and doesn't pull on the leash
Loves to be outside
House trained
Not a chewer
Lovely bright eyes that match his super soft coat
Total cuddle-bug. Happiest curled up next to you or getting belly rubs
Pretty much ignored the cat in his previous foster home
Cutie loves to sleep all curled up on his back
Phoebe is an adorable and affectionate 8-week old Labrador/Australian Shepherd/Catahoula mix we rescued from the Glenn County area. She's also special.
She's a "double merle" (also known as a "lethal white"), where both her hearing and vision are impaired. She's been examined by a vet and it appears she's deaf with partial vision, and otherwise healthy. The vet expects her vision is either not being processed properly or is not focused because of iris shape, but couldn't say for sure.
The good news is, she can see enough to make it around in the world. She can track the foster family cat from a distance, but has a hard time reacting to fingers waving close by. She hasn't walked into anything, avoids obstructions in her path, and understands edges. She can also hop down and get back up the 3 deck stairs all by herself in her foster home once she's been shown them.
So other than that, she's typical puppy likes toys, chews on bones, climbs on top of Max (the resident dog), chases a ball when rolled in front of her.
She also loves her lap time, self-plays well at your feet, and doesn't wander off generally. Everyone who meets her loves her.
She approaches the resident dog easily and has smelled the cat a number of times and obviously isn't chasing him.
She enjoys her training treats and is eating normal (puppy Taste of the Wild - Salmon). While she's not house trained yet, she seems smart and her fosters will work with her on training to use the yard.
Bella is a 1-year old, 55lb Mastiff mix we rescued from Fresno along with Princess. They were owner surrenders, and we're told they're house trained, and like children and other dogs.
Mellow sweetheart, enjoys following you around the house and seeing what's going on
Walks really well on leash
Playful with other dogs
House trained, and calm in the house
Super happy and warm with new people and kids. The kids in her foster home have enjoyed playing fetch with her. They even took the ball from her mouth and Bella let them do that happily.
If you let her, she would love to snuggle on the couch or catch a quick nap at the foot-end/side of your bed.
She takes treats very gently
Knows basic commands - sit, no, stay, come.
She also sleeps peacefully through the night without a peep
Doesn't chew or take things she isn't supposed to, never tries to take shoes or chew anything other than her chew sticks.
Foster has never even heard her bark, even when the yappy neighbor dogs are barking or someone is at the door.
Compact, cute, and oh-so-sweet, Wilkie is a 1-year old wire-haired terrier mix we rescued from Tehama.
Walks great on a leash
Working on house training
Gets along great with little kids and dog in current foster home
Loves chew toys and going on walks
Is always willing to play
Sleeps well in his crate at night but does not like to be put in the crate when he knows you are home (he just wants to play!)
Toby is a 1-2 year old Poodle/Bichon mix we rescued from Fresno. More photos to come!
Very quiet and well behaved!
Friendly towards everyone
Working on house training
Walks well on leash
Sleeps well in his crate at night
Knows how to "sit"
Working on proper greetings - four paws on the floor!
Very mellow and gentle
Memphis is a supremely affectionate 6-month-old male Chi/Terrier mix we rescued from Avenal. He is friendly, funny, quiet -- with a slight underbite that makes his smile irresistible.
Always wags his tail when he sees you
Loves to see his leash comes out - walk time! Once on a walk, he is very alert and might give a cute little bark to strangers, but then they become dear friends. And if he sees another dog, he wants to play and have fun.
He is fantastic with kids and cats -- and willing to give other dogs the benefit of the doubt as long as they don't try to roughhouse with him.
Completely crate trained and very close to perfectly house trained as long as you pick up his cues.
Can be a little nervous around big, stomping feet, but you would be too if you were this little!
He has been fostered with a large black Lab mix and he looks up to his big brother and wants to make friends despite their size difference.
Very intelligent and picks up on what you want from him
Very easy to take care of and he rewards you with his friendly nature and cute smile.
Birdie is a 3-month old mix pup we rescued from Glenn County -- looks to be Lab/Shepherd/Husky. She's cute as can be, very sweet, and outgoing. Her owner went to jail, so she had to also..and now she's a jailbird, hence "Birdie"!
Dinah is a 9-week old pit mix puppy we rescued from the Glenn County area. Her mom is Bambi, who we also rescued.They slept for 6.5 hrs straight last night and didnt have a single accident (we actually leave their crate open at night, since they sleep there anyways.
They've gotten along with all the dogs, big and small, that they've met. She loves to run around on walks, rolling around in the bushes and grass, and really sticks it to her brother sometimes letting him know who might be boss.
Belle is a 9-week old pit mix puppy we rescued from the Glenn County area. Her mom is Bambi, who we also rescued.
Doing well with potty pads
Lots of puppy energy followed by a nap
Does great with dogs of all sizes
Good with the cats, mostly afraid of them
Learning to walk on a leash
Loves to cuddle
Not a fan of the crate but sleeps through the night in my bed
Loves people
Lady is a 9-week old pit mix puppy we rescued from the Glenn County area. Her mom is Bambi, who we also rescued.
Doing well with potty pads
Lots of puppy energy followed by a nap
Does great with dogs of all sizes
Good with the cats, mostly afraid of them
Learning to walk on a leash
Loves to cuddle
Not a fan of the crate but sleeps through the night in my bed
Loves people
Lady is a nice dark brown color with some white, so cute against her green eyes.
Bradley is a 2-year old Dachshund mix we rescued from Stockton.
A little lover!
Likes to play fetch
House trained
Likes to ride in the car
Not a fan of his crate - but has done fine loose at night (will sneak up onto the couch though...)
Will play with the big puppy in his foster home, but also puts him in his place when necessary
Really likes to be around his people, and makes a great buddy out in the yard while you're gardening
Dexter is a 2.5-year old, 30lb Cocker Spaniel/Beagle mix.
Lovable, and playful personality
Really likes meeting new people
House trained
Crate trained
Knows sit, off, and sometimes stay
Will bark at kitties
Has done well with a 4-year old girl he knows
With access to outside, can be left alone for a 9-hour work day.
Teddy is an 8-week old Hound pup we're rescuing from Glenn County along with his 3 brothers. They're happy, healthy, chubby, snuggly pups.
Teddy is ALL puppy! A complete love with such a playful personality
Loves to run, play and roll around; a total little boy!
Sweet, soft and cuddly
Quick learner and completely mastered the stairs on his first try! Such a smart pup!
Has the most BEAUTIFUL hazel eyes that make your heart melt
Getting used to his crate but mostly just wants to be near you
Has done well with small children but sometimes does not know his own strength
Loves to play with other dog in the house-a one-year old Poodle mix
Over all fun-loving, awesome dog!
Vern is an 8-week old Hound pup we rescued from Glenn County along with his 3 brothers. They're happy, healthy, chubby, snuggly pups.
Mabel is a 1-2 year old hound we rescued from Glenn County. She's sweet, quiet, and great with other dogs.
Loves to be pet and cuddled
Does well in her crate, loves the bed in the crate and will sleep through the night without a peep
Not a barker or talker
Gentle girl
Has done well with all the dogs she's met so far (30+ in just one day!)
Quick learner
Foster parent calls her "a perfect pup" so far.
Socks is a 1-year old, 50lb Border Collie mix we rescued from Delano.
Major cuddle bug with lots and lots of love to give
Knows sit and down (good boy!). He's studying up on come, stay and not pulling on leash.
House trained, can sleep uncrated (sometimes likes his crate for a nap post-walk)
Energetic boy who'd enjoy play time, good walks, or another dog to play with
Friendly with children, however doesn't always know his own strength, so he's working on manners.
Patient boy with small dogs (even the aggressive ones)
Doesn't bark, even when the neighborhood dogs are striking up a chorus
Shows no food aggression
Not a fan of cats
Would benefit from someone who's had dogs before and can help him with training
Looking for a happy-go-lucky pup who puts a smile on everyone's face? You're in luck - meet Java. Java is a 7-8 month old Min Pin we're rescuing from the Glenn County area (first saved in Colusa).
Loves everyone he meets
Not a barker
Great in the car and at bath time
Learning manners and potty training
Lots of kisses and hugs
Hysterical. A cross between a monkey and a meercat
Loves walks
Sleeps quietly through night
Rosie is a 4-5 month old Doxie we rescued from Merced.
Lives with a cat and she seems to like him although cat is not liking her.
Also lives with a rabbit but doesn't get what a rabbit is yet.
Lives with a deaf senior dog and she follows him everywhere.
Would love a home with another dog, any size would be fine.
LOVES the two kids in the home. She plays fetch with the 3 year old boy.
Loves her toys and knows the difference between her toys and the kids toys.
Friendly with every dog and person she met.
Out on the town, she's laid quietly under the chair at a restaurant's outdoor seating
Working on house training
Learning to sleep in her crate at night
Happy girl - full of love and life
A big snuggle bug - loves to drape herself on and around you.
Faye is a 1-year old, 40lb adorable wire-haired terrier mix we're rescuing from the Glenn County area (originally saved from Colusa).
She's a charming pup who's gotten along great with other dogs.
Super. Happy. All. The. Time. That's Oso! Life is good if you're a cute Aussie with a bear-like coat. Oso is a 1-2 year old Aussie mix we rescued from the Glenn County area (originally saved from Colusa).
Does fantastic on walks - stays right by your side the entire time.
He picked up "sit" and "down" quickly (so food motivated!) and we're working on "off" and "wait."
This pup is ready to make himself right at home with you - all you have to do is meet and fall in love (which is easy to do, because he's a doll!). Jack (aka Captain Jack) is 2-year old terrier mix we rescued from Selma. He's go an outgoing, fun-loving personality.
Excellent socially with dogs of all sizes on and off leash. He is very good at greeting even poorly socialized or rowdy pups.
A doll on leash, doesn't pull and only basic corrections needed.
Bonding with the cat--they like to sunbathe together.
Great recall. "Come Jack Jack" sends him full sprint from anywhere in the back yard to foster moms feet.
Loves cuddles, laps, being under blankets, and the sunshine.
He grows more confident by the day
Loves car rides, will jump in himself and wags to get buckled in.
Very gentle mouth, can hand feed treats, gentle playful disposition--but hangs tough with the big dogs too!
Great with kids, gravitates toward women--total ladies man-- but after a night on the couch, he will cuddle with anyone--especially if you'll share peanuts with him like his foster dad does :)
Not a fan of his crate, but does well on the dog bed
House trained: no accidents. Goes 10+ hours overnight. He is on a morning, evening and right before bed schedule along with my two adult make dogs. ZERO making issues in an all male household. The boy only pees outdoors but gives you all the loving cuddles of a puppy!!
He has a cute airy bark--not at all yappy, piecing or grating. He will occasionally bark when he plays and gets excited, but is easily settled with a basic correction.
He loves toys and has a play time in the morning and evening--other than that he is happy to tag along with you or lounge on the couch.
What's black and white, and cute all over? Lexi is a 3-4 month old, female, pittie mix puppy we rescued from Tulare. She’s very sweet and playful…a typical pittie puppy! She loves other dogs and all people.
Does great will all other dogs, even aggressive ones
Great with cats
Has done great with all kids she's met
Potty trained
Sleeps all night in bed with her person, cuddle bug
Loves to be with her people
Great on walks
Knows sit, and down
Very smart, and foot motivated
Hula is a 3-month old adorable Shepherd mix puppy. She's a playful, energetic little girl. More photos and info to come!
JR is a 3-month old, 10lb Border Collie/Terrier mix pup we rescued from Selma. He's sweet, smart, quick on his feet, and can already fetch tennis balls and bring them back to you - what a wonder pup. Maybe he should be renamed Doggy Houser...He also loves to be near you and would love a chance to hang out in your lap.
Doing very well with house training
Very smart - Learning "leave it" and "lets go"
Loves cuddling
Likes car rides
Treat motivated!
Does well in his crate
We think he'd love a household with another dog - JR and his foster friend (another Copper's Dream alum) have been playing tug-o-war a bunch. He doesn't seem as mouthy as a other 3 month old pups.
Baloo is a 9-week old pit mix puppy we rescued from the Glenn County area. His mom is Bambi, who we also rescued. Baloo lives up to every bit of his namesake (The big, happy, lovable, goofy, clumsy bear from the Jungle Book). He is a total sweet heart who is eager to explore and see what this world has to offer. He took no time at all to start wrestling and playing with the small dog in his foster home and tends to be submissive while they play.
Already walking pretty well on leash
Has done well meeting new people and dogs on our walk around the neighborhood
Busy little guy, but will entertain him self with toys or chewys
Non reactive to the cat in his foster home (more afraid of it than anything)
So far he has done very well sleeping in his crate. Took a while to get settled down and used to it at first, but slept in it all night without a problem. Only had to take one potty break during the night, and then went right back to sleep once put back in the crate.
Loves to snuggle on the couch when he is worn out from playing. Nothing better than a passed out puppy sleeping on your lap!
Working on house-training and seems to be catching on pretty quickly
Merlin is a 9-week old pit mix puppy we rescued from the Glenn County area. His mom is Bambi, who we also rescued. Currently fostered with his sister, Dinah. They socialize well, play fight a lot with each other like siblings should, mind pretty well (go to their crate when told to at night usually), play a lot, sleep a lot, and are doing pretty well with house training.
They slept for 6.5 hrs straight last night and didnt have a single accident (we actually leave their crate open at night, since they sleep there anyways.
He's a bit on the lazy, mellow side - not a fan of walks (but will chase after his sister). They've gotten along with all the dogs, big and small, that they've met.
Bambi is a 1-2 year old, 55lb female pit mix we rescued from the Glenn County area along with her 5 puppies.
She's been raised around young kids, is good with both small and large dogs, and is a low-medium energy pup. She's an overall very chill and sweet girl.
Great with all people, kids included
Quiet in crate
Gentle with a rambunctious toddler
Super easy dog
Knows basic commands already
Just a really nice dog
Recently she was introduced to small dog who jumped up and hung on to her lip...and she didn't do anything except try to back up from him (that's some patience!). She was tested with cats and was interested, but not aggressive - so she could possibly do well with the right cat.
Toffee is a 4-year old purebred Doxie girl was rescued from a puppy mill situation. She's very friendly and is also doing well with the cat in her temporary foster home.
Wonderful and sweet, likes human attention and is very loving
Gentle demeanor
Likes to burrow under things and being near you
Good little sleeper
Walks nicely on leash
Snickers is a 4-year old purebred Doxie boy was rescued from a puppy mill situation. He's a friendly boy - easy to handle.
Hank is an 8-week old Labrador/Australian Shepherd/Catahoula mix we rescued from the Glenn County area.
Ziggy is an adorable litter 8-week old Labrador/Australian Shepherd/Catahoula mix we rescued from the Glenn County area.
He's doing wonderfully in his foster home. In addition to being super cute and very loving, he's using his pee pads, doing well in his crate, and learning to walk well on leash (he's using the resident dog as his role model!). He's doing that puppy-teething thing so chew toys are a favorite past time of his.
Zeke is an adorable 8-week old Labrador/Australian Shepherd/Catahoula mix we rescued from the Glenn County area.
Vivi is an adorable 8-week old Labrador/Australian Shepherd/Catahoula mix we rescued from the Glenn County area.
Sophie is a 1-2 year old female Labrador mix we're rescuing from the Glenn County area. She's sweet, and does great playing with the other dogs. More to come (including her real pic that shows how cute she is!).
Mistletoe ("Missy") is a 1-year old Boston Terrier mix we rescued from Tehama. She's a very cute and compact little girl, weighing about 22lbs.
Takes a few minutes to warm up to men, warmed up to the toddler in her temp. foster home after a few days and is now gentle with her
Big cuddle bug
Loves to play with racquet balls (but maybe any ball will do!)
House trained (can have the occasional accident if you don’t pick up on her signals)
Likes sleeping in bed with someone if you let her, does well in her crate though
Does well on a harness leash, needs overall regular leash training
After a sniffing meet-and-greet, does well with other dogs. On leash she can be reactive and will need some work on this.
Does best in the house alone if she’s had exercise beforehand and toys to keep her occupied.
Smiley is a 3-year old Border Collie/Cattle Dog mix we rescued from Red Bluff.
Calm, sweet personality
A great house guest!
Seems house trained
Doesn't tug on leash when on walk
Loves to cuddle
Only whines when left alone
Great hiking partner
Good with all the people and other dogs he's met so far
Not a barker
Can be trusted alone at home
Not a chewer of your things
Knows "sit"
Loves a good belly rub
Will jump on people to greet them
When tired, will go into crate by himself
Utley is a 2-year old, 40lb Lab mix we rescued from Merced. He looks to be mixed with Shepherd or Ridgeback.
Extremely sweet and affectionate: likes to be near his people, cuddle, lean on you and put his head in your lap
Appears to be housetrained - no accidents so far.
Needs to gain some weight
Did well in his bath (even if he didn't appear to enjoy it)
Quiet guy - makes some warbling noises, but haven't heard him bark yet
Sweet and submissive and rolls over easily for tummy rubs.
Rides well in the car
Very good at following the tempo of whatever you are doing. If you need to work or focus on something, he lays down quietly and dozes. If you get up, he immediately follows you to see what you're doing.
Excited to go outside and will stand up on his legs (but not jumping on you) and start to hop around. He's pretty good about not jumping up on people, although he may occasionally do so.
Sensitive and responds immediately to correction. Should be easy to train.
Knows "sit" and "stay."
Living with two small dogs and basically ignores them. He's much more people-focused, and could live very happily as an only dog as well.
Does not like his crate, but submits quietly if you put him in the crate.
Takes treats very gently and politely.
Can take food away from him without any problems.
Coda is a 4-year old female Aussie mix we rescued from Red Bluff.
Deacon is a 3-year old Shepherd mix we rescued from Red Bluff.
Always greets with a tail wag - very friendly and gentle boy
Seems house trained
Quiet guy so far and doesn't join in when other dogs are barking
Curious, but leaving things alone in his foster home
Pulls a bit on leash, but has been friendly with every dog and person he's met (including kids)
Doing well with the dog in his foster home
Would like an active home
Does well in his crate at night, prefers to stay out of it during the day.
Does fine even when left at home for 7-8 hours.
Has a gentle mouth
Picking up "Sit" quickly.
Energetic and friendly when meeting new dogs
Rides well in the car
Cooper is a Shepherd/Boxer mix puppy we rescued from Stockton. This cutie pie can't wait to find a home of his own...and get a better photo taken of him (to show off just how handsome he really is).
Johnny is a 1-year old 45lb Lab/Bernese Mountain Dog mix we rescued from Merced.
Lovely, sweet-natured puppy
House trained
Good leash skills; no pulling and walks on the left side
Traffic and trucks make him nervous
Loves people and does well around other dogs - great at meeting both
He's a little shy just after being rescued, but coming around well - is going out to Golden Gate and Fort Funston with his foster mom and getting great socialization
Loves running on the beach and in the water
Is very attentive and wants to be in the same room as people
Has done well left alone in the kennel while his foster was gone for up to 4 hours - no visible stress - happy to see her upon her return!
Does not pick up shoes or household objects
Very quiet, like a puppy ninja!
Knows commands for sit, stay and off, is learning lay down
Will only jump up softly with paws tucked under, so he can lean his head on your thigh
Rides perfectly in the car
Gets about 4 hours of exercise every day - so would need a home that can provide some good outlets for his energy
Very mellow in the home
Doris is a 2-year old, 25lb Kelpie mix we rescued from Merced.
Was good for her bath
Her shyness disappeared as soon as the treats appeared—very treat motivated and takes them gently
Looks like she knows "sit"
Does well on leash
Playing well with the dogs in her foster home
Did well in her crate through the night
Birdie is a 3-4 year old English Pointer we rescued from Red Bluff.
Ignored the cats in her temp. foster home
Would love to be a lap dog - very happy to be inside the house and near people
Has been on the submissive side and tolerant of a young, in-your-face puppy
Great on leash with a harness - will pull with just a collar
Does a gentle jumping up on adults to get your attention - hasn't done this with kids
Fantastic in the car
Needs to gain some weight
The cuteness of 3-month-old Barkley cannot be overstated. From his powerfully adorable tummy freckles to his come hither eyelashes, this is a puppy that will stop traffic. And he's not just a pretty face either. This terrier mix is an accomplished snuggler with a mellow but goofy temperament. He currently weighs 10 pounds and is probably headed for the 20 to 25 pound range.
So far, Barkley is a natural with kids, cats, and other dogs. He sometimes barks when approached by leashed dogs, so like all youngsters, he will need to be taught some manners. Housetraining and crate training are going very well. If his foster family didn't already have six pets, they would keep him in a second. VIDEO: Barkley
Devo is an approx. 1-year old sleek black Whippet mix we're rescuing from Tracy. He's a playful, energetic guy who shelter volunteers say would make a great family dog.
Samson is a 2-year old, 20lb Shih Tzu/Maltese mix.
Knows sit and rides well in the car
Good with the children he lives with - needs proper introductions for new people and kids
Would benefit from some further socialization with new people
Does great at the groomers
Likes to be brushed
Does well meeting other dogs
Mickey is a 5-7-month old terrier mix we rescued from Tracy. He's a very happy, sweet boy.
Very smart an sweet
Gets along great with the dogs in his foster home (Two neutered 20lb Terriers), and they provide a good role model for him
Very comfortable with other small dogs
Loves to play and go outside
Walks fine on leash
House trained, figured out dog door no problem
Doing well with house training
Spent night in crate, settled with not too much fuss
Has his moments of energetic puppy
Did well with the two kids he's met - 6 & 9-years old.
Turning into a cuddler
Has lots of personality
Curious but not aggressive with cats
Somewhat fearful of new people and kids - will need more socialization on this front
Not a fan of having a collar or harness put on him (it's a bit like a rodeo right now - he'll get the hang of it!)
Ellie is a 4-year old black Lab mix we're rescuing from Stockton.
Very affectionate: Ellie is a gentle soul who loves to be close to people, get her ears scratched and head rubs
Good with the kids: happy to play with them and follow them around, is very gentle
Good with new people and dogs: shows absolutely no aggression and doesn't bark
Very quiet and mellow - does not bark or whine
Does well in crate and sleeps in it all night
Seems housebroken - goes outside just fine and has had no accidents
Seems to have no separation anxiety - can be by herself in the fenced yard all day and does not try to escape or bark or whine at all.
Not a big chewer - has no interest in chew toys but loves bones
Is very good about taking treats gently and politely
Smart and eager to please - She learned "sit", "stay" after just a few tries.
Gets along fine with other resident dogs and leaves them alone, other than a little food bowl aggression (but not with people) which can be worked on.
Good on leash - almost no pulling and no leash aggression toward other dogs
Has the sweetest face and will be a beautiful dog once she puts on a little weight
Lincoln is a 14-week old Husky/Mastiff mix we rescued from the Glenn County area along with his siblings.
House trained! With a consistent schedule will wait by the door to let you know he needs to go.
Eating well with his soft food.
Cuddle bug!
Has very expressive eyes.
Respectful of alpha female in the house
Loves his chew toys (he is losing puppy teeth right now)
Great on walks. No pulling
Good with dogs of all sizes - respectful of their size and accommodates accordingly
Fairly mellow for his age
A vocal puppy
When play time is over, he settles down in his bed for a little rest and relaxation
Winston is a 2-year old 20lb wire haired terrier mix we rescued from Delano. He's a cute little guy who's hung out with other dogs his size and done well with them.
Has a very calm personality
Very friendly to strangers and even not so calm dogs
No food aggression or any type of aggression
Great on leash now, and still curious on walks
Indifferent to the foster family's cat
Walks into his kennel to sleep at night, what can you ask for more?!
Sleeps through the night
Does not bark.
Being house trained and getting used to a stable schedule
Pepper is a 4-5 month old Chinese Crested we rescued from the Glenn County area. He's a very sweet boy!
Loves to play and enjoys toys of all kinds. He particularly likes rubber chew toys. He also loves tug of war, and toys that are much larger than he is.
He's playing well with other dogs
Easy to walk on leash - just a bit curious and tentative so going at his own pace for now
Very affectionate. His favorite thing is to be with people, playing and wrestling or just curled up in a lap. He will follow if people leave the room, and is becoming more adventurous with leaving the room and exploring on his own.
He's not hitting it off with the resident dog in his foster home - so he needs to find a new place to stay.
Jasper is a 4-year old male Lab mix we rescued from Glenn County. He's a mellow, sweet boy who's been good with all the dogs he's met.
Dutchess is a 2-3 year old terrier mix we rescue from Stockton.
Seems house trained ("asks" to be let out by running back and forth to the door without barking)
Tolerated her bath and the blow dry - loved the brushing
Has slept through the night uncrated on her foster's bed without needing to get up
Loves to explore the backyard
Has been non reactive to the neighbor's cat lounging on the fence above her
Has done well with the 4.5-year old kiddo in the foster home
Plays fetch like a pro! And, will toss her own toys up in the air.
Walks great on leash
Cecil is a 6-7 month old 20 lbs. Terrier mix we rescued from Delano. He may have some corgi in him giving him that low longer body and super plush coat.
House trained, crate trained (runs into it on command, and sleeps in it with door open if one of his foster parents goes to bed early while the other is still up.)
Does great with the other dog in his foster home, as well as the resident cat
Doing well with crate training
Follow's his best dog friend's lead
Does great with the other dogs he meets - tail wagging
Cute little guy
Rarely barks
Loves to pile up his toys
No food aggression
Sleeps through the night in his crate
Came to us very shy, but is improving every day.
Very smart, quickly realizing the other night that his leash was tied to a hook and then tried with some success to untie the knot.
Energetic and puppy-like, so have plenty of toys on hand. Never gets tired on walks, so someone who is a hiker or runner might find Cecil a staunch companion.
Would do great in a home with a confident dog to show him the ropes as well.
If he goes to a multi-dog household, get ready for lots of play sessions!
Starting to work on stay, come, shake.
Doesn't mind kids.
Hasn't snapped at anyone because of anything such as food, being surprised, too much play.
Darla is a young, happy, friendly 1-year old small Shepherd mix we rescued from Merced.
Very gentle girl who is happiest when she gets to crawl into your lap
House trained
Knows commands for sit and down
Did well with the children at our last adoption event
Has gotten along with almost every dog she's met
Eager to please
Has some separation anxiety she's working, but was just rescued so that's understandable!
Does well on leash, but will try to chase cars that speed by - she'll just need some training and correction on this
He's a 6-month old, 30lb black & white Lab mix we rescued from Merced. Dusty isn't so dusty anymore! After his post-rescue bath his handsome black and white coat shone through.
House trained
Loves people and does well around other dogs
Living with cats - curious but not aggressive towards them
Love toys (figuring out what they're all about is fun!)
Enjoys sitting with you while you watch TV...and he watches it, too!
He's a little shy just after being rescued, but coming around well - is going out to meals with his foster mom and getting great socialization
Seems to know Spanish, the beginnings of "sit"
Isn't a chow hound
Has done well left alone in the yard while his foster was gone for a few hours - no digging or visible stress - happy to see her upon her return!
Has done well not chewing on things he shouldn't
Not a big barker, but will announce when the delivery person is at the door
Samoa is a gorgeous tricolor & red 4-month old Lab mix we rescued from Merced.
Plays well with Resident dogs
Is curious about cats, but not reactive
Sweet temperament, super tolerant with children
Loves to stay by one person's side most of the time
Will play independently in the yard
Knows "sit" "stay" "down" and is very treat oriented
Nearly potty trained
All around goofy dog
She has great focus so could be very good at agility (fun!).
Bondi is a 1-year old, 18-20lb mini-Aussie/Spaniel mix we rescued from Avenal. He's a gentle sweet boy who loves to cuddle.
Very very smart: he learned sit almost immediately, and knows shake. He'll even balance on his hind legs for a treat!
Great manners and good with greetings
A little shy at first, but warms up to people quickly (and once he does he's your friend forever!)
Incredibly soft and fluffy coat and beautiful gold and green eyes
Loves to cuddle and be scratched behind the ears
Sleeps through the night and is making amazing progress on his house training
Great on the leash, heels without training
No agression issues with toys or food
Considering his temperament, he would probably do great with both children and cats
Is friendly with other dogs
Captain is a very handsome 1.5-year old 80lb black Lab mix we rescued from Red Bluff who may have a little Shepherd in him as well.
80 pounds of gentle giant
Was good for his bath
Plays well with the other dogs in his foster home
Loves chasing a ball (and will bring it back)
A really sweet, gentle boy
Checkers is a 1-year old, 15lb terrier mix we rescued from Delano.
Walks very on a leash, never pulls and stays close
Doesn't react to barking dogs/other people during walks
Loves to snuggle
House trained, hasn't had any accidents at home
Trying to get used to his crate, sometimes goes in on his own, other times needs some help (treats & patience)
Very shy at first but once he warms up to you, he's very sweet
Doesn't bark
No signs of aggressiveness
Knows "sit"
Doesn't chew on anything
Stays quiet on car rides
He loves to crawl into your lap for a cuddle and is very sweet with people.
PJ is a 4-5 month old Chinese Crested we rescued from the Glenn County area. PJ's personality is as quirky and sweet as his head-turning looks! He is a spunky, curious, spitfire of a puppy. He loves to play and bounce around the house. He is a curious little guy, and perks up his big ears to see what's going on. When he is all played out he loves to snuggle up next to you for a nap or a good bone chewing session.
Loves to play with the small dog in his foster home
Loves to be held!
Not scared or timid, just a little cautious with new things/people
Sleeps snuggled up next to you all night
Does well in his crate when you leave the house, but not a fan of it if you are still in the house (ie. at night)
Walks well on leash with a harness
Rides well in the car, lays down and sleeps in your lap
Seems to not care about the cat in his foster home
Not house trained, but quickly learning to use the puppy pads
Bonnie is a 3-month old little Shepherd mix we're rescuing from the Glenn County area (she looks to have some Husky as well with that gorgeous blue eye of hers). She's been in a foster home since the shelter didn't have room for puppies. Now it's time for her to come to rescue! She is a funny, playful, loving girl with a ton of confidence and spirit. She loves all the dogs big and small in her foster home and is doing great with their cats. Bonnie has also loved every child she has met so far.She talks and greets with a little puppy grumble when people enter the room. "Sweet girl, anybody will be lucky to get her," says her shelter foster.
Skimmer is a 4-month old Schnauzer/Airdale mix we're rescuing from Red Bluff.
Gilly is a very sweet and affectionate 1.5-year old, 40lb Shepherd mix we rescued from Delano.
Seems house trained
Loves to go outside and walk on leash, gets really excited and prances around.
Likes to put her paw on you to get your attention, then crawls right into your lap.
Started out shy, but quickly coming out of her shell
Thinks she's a 5 pound lap dog.
Quiet in her crate, not a peep.
Ran into a cat and immediately went into a play stance. When the cat growled she turned and walked away.
Good when left alone, as long as you put your shoes away. Uses the doggie door and plays with her toys and lay in her crate with an open door.
She likes other dogs, unless they are pushy, then she gets scared but not aggressive.
Loretta is a sweet little 1.5-year old, 25lb terrier mix we rescued from Delano.
Gets along with cat in the house
Sleeps well in her crate
Very playful
Good on leash
Bronx is an adorable 1-1.5 year old, 15lb Basenji mix we rescued from Red Bluff. He's a sweet little guy who did well on his cat test at the shelter (all tail wags and gentle sniffs).
LOVES to play! He likes fetch and tug o' war.
Great with the kids in his foster home, loves to play with them
Loves to run with the big dogs at the park and gets along great with all of them so far.
Active guy, but pretty mellow in the house
Does well on leash
Rides well in the car
His big ears and curly tail are pretty darn cute.
Does really well in his crate at night, not a peep so far until we let him out in the morning.
Wailea is a 1-year old 15lb terrier mix (maybe a little Sheltie in there?) we rescued from Avenal. She was surrendered to the shelter with four other dogs. She deserves a home that will care for her throughout her lifetime.
Bentley is a 1-year old black Lab mix we rescued from Merced.
Still shy but starting to come out of his shell.
Doesn't chase the cat
Is extremely tolerant of the 5 year old and 18 month old kids in his foster home.
Doesn't bark through the fence at the neighbor dogs. (Doesn't bark much at all)
Stays off the furniture
Sleeps well in his crate
Doesn't seem to mind being crated while you're away
Doesn't seem to know any commands, but we're working on it.
He will take things he finds lying around (remote control, socks, etc.) but has not been chewing any of those so far
Love Bug
Love Bug is a 5-7 month old. 10lb terrier mix pup we rescued from Delano. She loves attention, is very affectionate in return, and thinks laps are pretty great.
Fantastic with kids - very gentle and has a soft mouth.
She's a total doll and heart melter
Frolics with her toys, loves hooves
Great on leash
Loves the big dogs she's living with
Living with a cat, who's showing her she's in charge
Only a warrior in the love department! Spartacus is sub-6-month old terrier mix pup who we rescued along with Autumn. They were both surrendered to the shelter together.
Seems house-trained
Working on crate training
Energetic little puppy
Shy at first, but warms up to you quickly
Friendly and playful
Rarely barks, only whines
Very loving and affectionate
Walks well on leash, mostly stays by side and doesn't tug
Learning "sit" (learns very quickly!)
Working on separation anxiety
Zuma is 1-2 year old Retriever mix we rescued from Los Banos. He's a sweet, nice boy who likes to fetch and gets along with other dogs. He's also on the submissive side.
Likes to curl up with you
Beautiful thick coat
Working on crate training
Friendly and energetic
Lala is an 1-2 year old Shih Tzu mix we rescued from Tehama. She's a sweet girl, walks great on leash, and was an owner surrender. So far, no accidents in the home.
Has been fine with kids of all ages and is pretty much ignoring the cats in her foster home so far.
Super sweet, very easy going and lovable
Bonds quickly
Has been great with dogs of all sizes
Seems house trained
Fine in her crate at night, although she'd probably love to be snuggling up in bed with you
Super soft coat
Rides well in the car
Does a happy dance when she sees the leash come out for a walk
Did great dining alfresco with her fosters at a downtown restaurant
Very mellow and well behaved
Comes when called
Valentino is a 15lb young terrier mix we rescued from Avenal. He's a very sweet, social guy who's been kenneled with other dogs.
Lives with a cat
Very calm and gentle around different babies and toddlers that he's met
Crate-trained (likes to sleep in there), mostly house trained
Very loving, Likes to cuddle
Great with other dogs of all sizes and has made dog friends in his foster's neighborhood
Very playful
Content with a longer walk or a game of fetch per day, but would also enjoy more time if you have it
Extremely well behaved on leash. Valentino is a great walking partner and his fosters are working on training him as a jogging partner.
Friendly and confident when meeting new people
Learned fetch and is working on "sit"
Very well behaved in the car- both in and out of his crate
Hasn't shown any separation anxiety
Ember is a 1-year old Shepherd/Dobie mix we rescued from the Glenn County area. She came to us very shy and is currently getting acclimated to the safety of rescue.
Abigail "Abby" is a 5-year old gorgeous Plott Hound pup we rescued from Glenn County. She was surrendered by her owners when they lost their home. She's described as "bomb proof" - she's lived with cats and kids.
Very mellow and low maintenance
Doesn't really bark, except to be asked to be let out (she's house trained).
Kind-hearted, low-key dog
Rides well in the car
Good meeting new people and other dogs - gravitates more to people than pups
Mellow and mild mannered - likes to follow your lead
Does well on leash and likes to stick close to you
Colin Kaepernick
Sorry, you can't adopt a 49er. Quarterback Colin Kaepernick is great at winning games (let's ignore that whole Super Bowl thing) -- but his puppy counterpart is great at winning your heart! Colin Kaepernick (the dog!) is a 7-month old, 35lb pit mix we rescued from Avenal.
As handsome as his name sake!
Walks great on leash
Knows to go potty outside
Gets along perfect with the doggy foster siblings
A big cuddler
Loves to give kisses
Has a healthy appetite
Shares toys and treats great with other dogs
Knows sit.
Quiet overall - barks appropriately
Takes treats gently
His very experienced foster home says this is the easiest dog they've cared for.
Named after Batman's alter ego, Bruce Wayne, Bruce the dog also has some super powers - he's a master fetcher, an expert in the art of receiving a belly rub, and can balance treats on his cape required.
Bruce is a lovable, sweet, and smart 7-8 month old, 46lb Border Collie mix pup.
Loves to be loved by his people
House trained
Sleeps through the night uncrated
Can be left alone in the house uncrated while you're at work - trustworthy
Can balance objects (preferably treats) on his nose!
Loves to fetch and play with toys. Just learned how to fetch the frisbee
Loves the company of other dogs and going to the dog park
Pretty good on leash, did well going for a run (zig zagged a few times). Could use some work on not pulling as much
Good with kids, lives with two
Doesn't chew things and stays off the furniture
Would love an active home where he gets daily walks, fetch sessions, doggy playtime or dog park visits
Crate trained - sleeps in there at night
Knows: Sit, stay, down, go get it & leave it. Learning not to jump up when excited.
Hanson is a 7-month old Cattle Dog mix pup we rescued from Glenn County.
Great with other dogs
Has lived with kids
Very soft fur
Quiet in crate
He was found abandoned in a home with Sierra, who we're also rescuing, where the owner had been evicted. The landlord found them with no food, and only the toilet seat up for water.
How about a little Autumn in the Spring-time? Autumn is a super sweet, cute little terrier mix that was surrendered to the Selma shelter along with Spartacus. She's 6-months old and weighs in at 20lbs. Volunteers say she would be a great-for-anyone dog, and she's very dog friendly.
Very good girl and likes to give affection.
Likes toys and really enjoys chewing on rawhides. She's a fun girl to watch play.
Does well in the car
Seems house trained
Does well in her crate
Walks pretty well on leash - needs a bit more leash training
Knows sit, come, no and is working on off
Keeps those socks stored away - she likes to steal them!
Hey handsome! Slater is a friendly and outgoing 5-6 month old, 40lb Shepherd mix we rescued from Los Banos. He's a young, energetic boy who's
Adorable guy, very sweet, soft coat
Gives kisses, loves belly rubs
Rides well in the car
Good with the kids (6 & 9 years) he's met
Great with other dogs (can be very puppy with them though)- loves the dog park
Good with kids (6 and 9 yr old girls on foster's property)
Lives with cats (he doesn't seem to pay attention to them)
Knows sit (already sits before getting his food -- what a good boy!)
Eager to please and very trainable -- it's important his adopters puts in that time to get him on the right track with manners
Getting used to sleeping in his crate at night (prefers dog bed)
Treat motivated and smart, so would benefit from a home that will take the time to train him (he's still a puppy after all)
Responsive to voice correction
Doesn't seem to have separation anxiety
Learned fetch in one afternoon
Likes toys, stuffed animals
Prob would be a good hiking/exercise parter. Will need to get good amount of exercise -- a bit on the energetic side. After a run/romp at the dog park, he's content to just nap at your feet
Crouton is a a sweet, affectionate and gentle 10 month old, 18lb Dachshund mix (maybe some Corgi in there too) - rescued from Tracy. Loves to be near you, whether on the couch or at your feet, if he is touching you he is happy.
Loves to play with the small dog in his foster home & all of the dogs (big and small) he's met at the dog park.
He LOVES toys, particularly the squeaky kind.
Walks well on the leash (although you can defiantly tell he is a hound dog- nose to the ground on most walks).
Loves to be held and give you kisses
Has little "love fits" where he will jump in your lap and smother you in kisses and tail wags. So Cute!
Did great for his bath- even kind of liked it, laid down in the tub half way through.
He has silky soft fur and velvety ears-both of which he will gladly let you stroke to your hearts content.
Shows no signs of food or bone/chew toy aggression with people or dogs
Has been great with all the kids he has meet, even the little toddler - went right up to her tail wagging and gave gentle kisses.
Almost fully house trained
Has barked a few times, but mostly out of excitement/wanting to play with other dogs.
Has done well with the cat in his foster home. Was curious and barked at first, but now seems indifferent.
Doesn't make a peep in his crate, lays down right away.
His gorgeous coat doesn't seem to shed
Has the cutest little white hair cowlick on the tip of his tail
Lucky is a sweet and gentle 7-8 month old male mix (listed as Cattle Dog, but looks like a Hound mix).
60 pounds, but amazingly sweet and gentle
Mellow personality, loves to cuddle and sleep
Incredibly friendly with dogs of all sizes, and is particularly sweet with puppies. Loves to play!
No aggressive behavior with food or toys. He has even shared bones with other dogs
Extremely patient and gentle: he would be amazing with kids
Loves to give kisses
More on the submissive side
Enjoys curling up on the couch next to you if you let him
Doesn't love being in the car, but will curl up quietly in the back seat until you arrive
Knows 'sit' and 'down', and takes direction well (eg. if you tell him to stop something he will stop immediately)
Loves to chase whatever you throw for him (he pounces on it adorably with his front paws) and enjoys chewing on toys
Not sure about his crate, but settles in fine once he's in there
Lucky is a sweet and gentle 7-8 month old male mix (listed as Cattle Dog, but looks like a Hound mix).
60 pounds, but amazingly sweet and gentle
Mellow personality, loves to cuddle and sleep
Incredibly friendly with dogs of all sizes, and is particularly sweet with puppies. Loves to play!
No aggressive behavior with food or toys. He has even shared bones with other dogs
Extremely patient and gentle: he would be amazing with kids
Loves to give kisses
More on the submissive side
Enjoys curling up on the couch next to you if you let him
Doesn't love being in the car, but will curl up quietly in the back seat until you arrive
Knows 'sit' and 'down', and takes direction well (eg. if you tell him to stop something he will stop immediately)
Loves to chase whatever you throw for him (he pounces on it adorably with his front paws) and enjoys chewing on toys
Not sure about his crate, but settles in fine once he's in there
Tigger is an 8-month old, 35lb Dogo/Labrador mix we're rescuing. Mom was a Dogo and Dad was a purebred hunting Labrador.
Submissive and friendly with other dogs
Smart and wants to please
Volunteers think she'd love agility or other activities where she can use that smart brain of hers (not that she needs 24/7 stimulation)
Loves to snuggle
Loves kids - was raised with a 4-year old and toddler
Super cute girl you can't help but fall in love with
Slider is a 10-month old Shepherd/Lab mix we rescued from the Tehama County area. He weighs about 90lbs, but could stand to lose about 10 of those. He's grown up with other dogs (big and small) and lived with a cat as well (he will chase to play, but will stop if you say "no").
Very gentle and always wants to be by your side
Does very well with the kids in his foster home (17 months & 5 years)
Plays well with the resident dog in his foster home
Sleeps near the resident kitty
Walks well on leash
Loves to lay on the couch, and knows: sit, down, shake, bang, and kennel.
Better a goober than a booger! Goober isn't sure how he got his name at the shelter, but he's going to make the best of it (he says it's okay for you to change it when you adopt him). Goober is a 1-2 year old terrier pup we rescued from Delano.
Sweet little guy!
Acclimated quickly to his foster home
Good appetite, sleeps through the night, and no accidents in the house
Waits at the back door to be let out to potty, so possibly already house trained
While a little guy, not afraid to wrestle with the big 65lb dog in his foster home.
Comes when called (though doesn't know his name).
At nap time he'll curl up with the resident dog in his foster home.
Good with cats, kids, and cranky dogs - Sunflower is a dream on four legs. Sunflower is a super sweet 1-year old, 25lb terrier mix we rescued from Glenn County along with her 6 female puppies. Her puppies have all been adopted - now it's her turn!
Friendly and sweet to everyone she meets (dogs & people alike)
Indifferent to the foster's cat
Kids in her foster home adore her
Sleeps well in her crate
Walks pretty well on leash
Food motivated
Sweet and submissive with the older cranky dog in her foster home
Sweet and playful with the young energetic dog in her foster home
Active girl who enjoys a brisk 30 minute walk each day along with doggy playtime
Hugh Jackman is a 12-week old Husky/Mastiff mix we rescued from the Glenn County area along with his brother Bradley Cooper (their namesakes are both Oscar nominees for Best Actor) and sister Macie.
He's got a gorgeous pair of eyes - one that trademark Husky blue. Hugh is a really friendly, sweet boy who will give kisses if you let him. He's all puppy.
Sundance is a very nice 18-month old boy - who's got a long body and short legs. ides well in the car.
Rides well in the car
Curious about the cats in his foster home, but approaches with tail wagging. He doesn't chase them though.
No food possessiveness
Loves treats
Was good for his bath
Did well with his teeth being brushed, nails clipped, and ears cleaned
Living with an 80+lb dog in his foster home.
Hasn't been shedding much
Friendly with new people
Likes to follow you around and he curls up and sits on your feet. Right now doesn't like to be away from you.
Not a fan of his crate
If you say "no stop", he immediately stops, sits and then lies down on his stomach, head on his paws.
He understands if you tell him to go back to his bed. He walks in the direction you point in.
Working on walking well on leash
Seems house trained
Funny, smart boy - he dragged his pillow closer to his water and food bowls so he wouldn't have to get up to eat and he dragged all three closer to the heater to be warm, and back when he got too hot.
His tail is constantly wagging.
Sundance is a very nice 18-month old boy - who's got a long body and short legs. ides well in the car.
Rides well in the car
Curious about the cats in his foster home, but approaches with tail wagging. He doesn't chase them though.
No food possessiveness
Loves treats
Was good for his bath
Did well with his teeth being brushed, nails clipped, and ears cleaned
Living with an 80+lb dog in his foster home.
Hasn't been shedding much
Friendly with new people
Likes to follow you around and he curls up and sits on your feet. Right now doesn't like to be away from you.
Not a fan of his crate
If you say "no stop", he immediately stops, sits and then lies down on his stomach, head on his paws.
He understands if you tell him to go back to his bed. He walks in the direction you point in.
Working on walking well on leash
Seems house trained
Funny, smart boy - he dragged his pillow closer to his water and food bowls so he wouldn't have to get up to eat and he dragged all three closer to the heater to be warm, and back when he got too hot.
His tail is constantly wagging.
Randy is a 1.5-year old mix we rescued from Glenn County. He looks like an Australian Cattle Dog mix to us.
Very handsome boy
Smart, excellent recall
Walks well on leash
Loves to be near you and absolutely loves belly rubs, affectionate
Learning to play fetch
House trained
Sleeps through the night without a peep
Super happy around people and vigorously wags his tail at new people and other dogs.
After a "getting to know you" period, doing well with the resident dog in his foster home
Knows sit, down, roll over
Eager to please and quite affectionate.
Active & agile
Learned to use the bell to let you know he needs out.
Pearl is a darling young 8-10 month old Hound mix.
Very affectionate and sweet
Super cuddle bug
Responds well to correction (very food motivated)
Walks well on leash (learning to heel)
House trained
Knows her basic commands such as sit, stay and come
Gets excited meeting other dogs, so could use some more socialization to work on her greetings.
Active dog, but no more than any other puppy.
Comfortable being handled, even on her back
Not a barker
Did great in her bath
Sweet girl who just wants to be loved
Has been good with children
Could be a good agility candidate
Good with cats (lived with them in another foster home and doesn't get distracted by them on walks)
Katie is a 2-year old, 50-55lb mix we rescued from Stockton. She was listed as a Shepherd, but she also has very short legs, so maybe Dachshund or Beagle in there as well.
House trained & crate trained
Currently fostered with a toddler and is all around great with her - takes treats gently, never jumps up on her
Friendly to all people, likes strangers, hanging out at your feet or cuddling up on the couch
Total love bug, very adorable
Friendly and curious towards most other dogs - wants to play/be social
Likes car rides, water/swimming
Well behaved in the house
Plays fetch, loves squeaky toys
Good on leash, occasionally needs a minor correction
Moderate energy level - has bursts of energy, but also happy to lay around
She is super-social with people--a complete charmer
Can sometimes play rough with big dogs, but not with the little ones
Would do best in a home that's had dogs before as she can try to test boundaries
Kumquat is a 10-month old 15-lb terrier mix we rescued from Red Bluff along with her sister Kiwi.
Very affectionate, energetic young lady
Can be somewhat timid when meeting new people but warms quickly.
Loves showering you with kisses and relaxing in the sun.
Does well in her crate and seems to enjoy taking in the sights when traveling
Comfortable with her leash though she is startled by loud noises.
Did great with bath time
Pretty quiet - doesn't bark much
Appreciates attention of all kinds
Has done well with kids, but can jump when excited, so might do best with slightly older kids
Enjoys visits from neighbor's cats
Macie is a 12-week old Husky/Mastiff mix we rescued from Glenn County along with her brothers Hugh Jackman and Bradley Cooper.
Darling markings
Very sweet and cuddly
Ignoring the cat in her foster home
Great with kids (has met a 2 month old baby, as well as a 6 & 8 yr old)
Calm indoors, loves to romp and play outside
Sleeps the night in the crate
No accidents so far in the house, seems on her way to being potty trained
Learning the leash
Stays right by your side in the yard
Playing very well with another big dog
Already likes tennis balls and tries to play fetch (so cute!)
On a weekend getaway to Sea Ranch, she's not chewed anything in the rental home, no accidents in the house, and has been quiet. She did great on a jaunt to the coffee shop where she sat quietly in her foster mom's lap. She has also been loving the beach.
Arnold is an 13-week old pit mix puppy we rescued from Glenn County along with his sisters Ariel and Autumn.
Active little guy - funny to watch him explore and play
Crate trained
Loves to cuddle (if you let him into bed with you, he'll try to steal your pillow)
Walks well on leash
Likes apples and carrots for snacks
Everyone who meets him falls in love
Doesn't like to share his toys, but the dog in the foster home is teaching him to share
Working on house training, has started to ask to go outside to do his business.
Koa is 1-2 year old Lab mix. He's a happy, playful, energetic love bug who'd enjoy an active home and people to hang out with.
House trained
Crate trained
Walks great on leash (although can be tempted by cats and squirrels!)
Knows "sit" and "go lie down"
Rides very well in the car
Friendly and excited to meet new people
Good meeting other dogs
Loves fetch and brain teaser toys with treats inside
Will chase cats
Enjoys going on runs and loves to fetch
Has both high energy periods and then is happy to plop on the floor and doze at your feet
Right now needs to be crated when left alone (will chew if left alone uncrated) - could be separation anxiety related and worked on
Bella's a cute little 1-2 year old terrier mix we rescued from Stockton. She can be a bit shy at first, but then when she warms up to you she's a cuddle bug.
House trained
Loves to cuddle
Not food aggressive
Does well with her baths
Does well with kids and new people
Likes her chew toys
Doesn't bark
Knows her new name already!
Super soft fur!
Working on sit and the leash
Claire is a 1-2 year old mix (listed as a 5-6 month old Border Collie) we rescued from the CCSPCA. She looks like she could have some bull terrier in her (think Target dog).
Getting along great with the dogs in her foster home, loves to play with the other young pup
Very smart and would probably do well in agility.
Very attentive and food motivated
Would do well in an active home
Can be stubborn sometimes
Appears house trained
Likes to snuggle and hang out on the couch with you
Did great on a four-mile walk, and does pretty well on leash.
Bradley Cooper
Bradley Cooper is a 12-week old Husky/Mastiff mix we rescued from the Glenn County area along with his brother Hugh Jackman.
Acer is a 3.5 month-old mix we rescued from Red Bluff. He's 36 pounds of fun and playful delight. He was labeled a pit mix, but his thick coat and looks in person lead us to think he's more Cattle Dog/Lab than anything else. He's a big love of a puppy and just wants to just be near you (great couch buddy). He is pretty mellow for a pup and wants to meet and play with everybody he meets.
He loves toys! Throws the rope toys up in the air and plays with himself, and can't get enough of the squeaky toys.
Han't had any accidents in the house.
Does well in his crate during the day and at night (but would much rather sleep on the bed with you).
Does great with the cat.
Loves playing with the small dog in his foster home, plays gentle (see video)
Walks well on leash
Quick learner: already knows how to sit, learning fetch, has the making of a good recall and has stopped jumping up on people he meets.
Shows no signs of food/dog aggression or toy/bone possession.
Has puppy chewing tendencies, but is good about chewing only on bones/toys if you give him one.
Seamus is a 3-4 year old, 17lb silkie terrier rescued from the Colusa shelter at the last minute. Volunteers say he'd make a great condo or apartment dog. He's a happy guy who's done well all the pups he's met at the vet clinic.
Does extremely well with you toddlers and children
Greets everyone with a friendly tail wag
Will follow you around as your little shadow and then quietly lay down at your feet
Walks great on a leash but definitely prefers to walk on your left side. Who knew??!
All he wants is to be hugged, petted, cuddled and loved.
The moment you sit down he will crawl into your lap and take as much love as you are willing to give but is also fine with just laying quietly by your side.
Sleeps through the night in his crate.
Has SO MUCH love to give and just wants someone to love him back.
Never barks.
Quietly greets people who enter your home and never barks at the doorbell or knock at the door.
LaVerne is a young adult mix we rescued from Delano - looks to be part mini Aussie with that gorgeous coat (which would no doubt be much improved with a little bath!). She could also have some spaniel and terrier in there as well.
Lady is an adorable 12 wks, 10 lbs. Terrier mix we rescued from Delano - she loves to play and gets along with her puppy playmates.
Hushpuppy is a 12-week old Husky/Mastiff mix we rescued from the Glenn County area along with her siblings.
Mimi is a playful and beautiful 4-month old Lab mix we rescued from Tracy. She's much smaller than her picture makes her look.
Toby is a sweet 1-year old poodle mix we rescued from Tracy. The person who found him gave him his current haircut...he's ready for a real grooming session soon!
AMAZING with toddlers! He never jumps up on them and always greets them gently. When kids come up to him he almost always goes into a submissive position in order to allow them to give him belly rubs.
Rarely barks while inside, but will give dogs a hello on walks
Does extremely well in his crate and sleeps through the night.
Just a couple days in rescue - 99% house trained
Loves people. He wants to be friends with everyone and cuddle. Total love bug.
Needs some leash training but is a quick learner - smart cookie!
Great family dog or a great companion to someone single or elderly.
Loves his bed and toys. Does well with knowing what toys are his and what toys are the kids and are not to be chewed.
Hoodwink is a 12-week old Husky/Mastiff mix we rescued from the Glenn County area along with her siblings.
Ruby Doo
Ruby Doo is a 2-year old Labrador/Border Collie mix. Ruby Doo ended up in the shelter when her person became homeless. We're told she's good with kids, other dogs, is house trained, and knows "sit" and "down." She also tested well with cats at the shelter.Ruby Doo is a happy, friendly, people oriented sweetheart who does well being handled and has a gentle, wonderful disposition. VIDEO: Ruby Doo meets a cat
Olivia is a sweet little 5-year old, 8lb Chihuahua mix we rescued from Glenn County.
She's just the sweetest little thing!
Was a bit shy at first (not surprising) when she first arrived, but according to her foster "has to be just about the easiest dog I've ever met.
Hasn't had any accidents in the house
Enjoys walks
Loves to hang out in her crate
Been fine with the cat in her foster home
Can put on a bit of weight
Loves people and wants to make everyone her new best friend
Goes to work with her foster mom and is very well behaved
Violet s a 12-week old terrier mix puppy we rescued from Glenn County along with her mom Sunflower and 5 sisters.
Very friendly and playful, runs up to all people and dogs wanting to play
Outgoing and fun, as well as a very smart puppy.
Indifferent to the cats in her foster home - wagged her tail and then went about her business
Loves the beach - had a ball running around with other dogs and little kids
Very active and playful could even be a candidate for dog agility because she runs fast and is a good jumper
Fostered with other dogs
She is 100% potty pad trained
Sleeps through the night in her kennel
Knows "sit" and "no"
Ryder is a 1-year old 15 lbs. Terrier mix we rescued from Delano
Happy & sweet dog whose tail is always wagging
Can be shy with strangers, but quickly warms up to them.
House trained - will signal when he needs out & can be left alone loose in house.
Great office companion.- just sleeps or stays quiet while you work or conducting a meeting.
Has some separation anxiety when left alone too long by himself (barking) & would be best in a home where either 1) there's another dog (he does much better with the company), 2) the person works from home or is not away for more than 3-4 hours, or 3) someone willing to work with him on it
Rides well in the car. Loves to run errands with his people.
Full fledged lap dog & likes to be held and petted. Loves to snuggle up with resident dog on the sofa.
Your little shadow and will follow you around the house.
Sleeps quietly in crate if crate is in your bedroom, but will have separation anxiety if left in another room. Prefers to share bed with his people.
Gets along well with the big resident dog
Would likely do better in a home with older children (foster home has noted he bonds more quickly with adults)
He is great second dog – less separation anxiety when home with another dog and loves the company of other dogs.
Tolerated his bath
Doing better on leash; learning “SIT” & “STAY”
Very springy and can leap over the baby gate.
Reuben is a 2-3 year old Aussie/Collie mix we rescued from Glenn County
Affectionate, humble, and sensitive (but not overly so)
House trained and crate trained (likes a large crate)
He was found with a chain dragging behind him, so he was likely very neglected in his previous "home"
Enjoys the company of people and wants everyone he meets to like him
Learning temperance with other dogs, he was often "coming on strong" when engaging new dogs on walks or at the park, fortunately he's very responsive to training and is learning the ropes. His play style suggests he'd be good working with sheep but he doesn't have the habit of trying to herd everyone that's in disarray around him.
"Not just a dog, a Border Collie" is fitting in Reuben's case.
Moderate exercise needs
He's got the smarts, the athleticism and the sweet soulful nature that those that love in this breed would appreciate in him.
A young family would be ideal, a home where he'd be alone for long stretches on a daily basis, less so.
He was picked up by Animal Control running in the middle of the road with a chain dragging behind him.
Harley is a 2-year old tan terrier we rescued from Merced. In less than 3 days in rescue Harley went from being unsure of human contact, to LOVING belly rubs and affection. He loves to curl up in your lap, and give you kisses. His tail is constantly wagging! Now when he wants food he will pick up his bowl and carry it to you. Sooooo smart!
He's great with kids, great in the car, and sleeps throughout the night in his crate without a peep. He's a little shy around other dogs, but his foster thinks that could be easily fixed over time. She's astounded and SO happy with the huge strides he's made! He also hasn't had any accidents in the house.
Chase is a white and tan 8lb, 1-year old terrier mix we rescued from Stockton. He would really be a great second dog for any family and would be particularly easy for a family with a big dog who wants a low maintenance companion 2nd dog. Chase loves all dogs big and small.
Very friendly boy who is sweet and somewhat submissive.
Loves people and other dogs (both small and large)
No signs of food aggression and takes treats very gently.
Mostly house trained but has occasional accidents if left alone for long periods of time.
Stays alone uncrated in house without any problems.
Tolerated his bath well and did well at the groomers.
Likes going on walks and is getting better on a leash. Still working on proper leash manners.
Loves riding in the car.
Wants to spend time with you and loves to curl up next to you on the couch.
Sleeps well through the night in bed.
Likes playing with some squeaky toys.
Could be okay as an only dog, but he would love another doggie playmate to keep him entertained. Currently enjoys his foster buddy Bing and likes to sleep in a puppy pile with him.
Simon is an adorable 6-month old terrier mix rescued by a volunteer of ours from a home giving their animals up.
Very cute
Loves people and is a master cuddler
Pretty much fully house trained (just a couple accidents)
Does well in his crate - not a peep and sleeps through the night
After being rescued from under a house, lived in a small pen in the kitchen with access to the home's patio. He didn't get much attention and can be shy at first. Despite this, he's warmed up quickly in his temp. foster home.
Gets along great with all of the dogs (big and small) in the temp. foster home.
George Clooney
George Clooney is an 8-10 week old Pom/Chi puppy we're rescuing from Glenn County.
Sadie is an amazing little 1-year old, 7lb Dachshund mix rescued from the Colusa shelter at the last minute. She's a super sweet girl who can't wait for a home of her own.
Walks great on leash
Curious and outgoing
Great with the other alpha dog in house
Lots of kisses and love right away
Makes cute little happy noises
Haven't heard a bark
Comes right up to everyone and wants pets and love
Bostonian is an 8-month old pit mix we rescued from Glenn County.
VERY friendly, social
Very easy dog
Great with all the dogs he's met
Good on leash
House trained (no accidents at all)
Was good with the toddler in his temporary home (pretty much ignored her, made sure not to bump into her)
Crate trained (doesn't make a peep)
Has a moderate energy level
Has an adorable play bow
Super cute wrinkles
Rides well in the car
He belonged to someone (had tags) and they never came to get him
He's a really great boy that shelter volunteers can't stand the thought of being put down
Kori is a 1-year old Catahoula/Shepherd mix we rescued from the CCSPCA. She's a very sweet girl who's gotten along with the dogs she's met and enjoys being around people.
She's a 6-month old Doxie we rescued from Tehama.
Cuddly girl, loves being held
Not sure about the much bigger resident dog in her foster home (he's 50lbs bigger than she is)
Seems house trained
Great with the kids in her foster home - very tolerant and seeks them out
Does great in the car
Just a few days post-rescue - really wants to be near you - she needs to build some self assurance
Gemma is a cute young adult Poodle mix we rescued from Stockton.
House trained
Sweet, friendly and mellow
Loves other dogs
Total cuddler
Not a barker
Gets along with the cat in her foster home
Good on leash
Loves to be outside
Corey is an adorable 1-2 year old mix we rescued from Stockton. He was labeled a pit/Heeler mix, but we see mostly Cattle Dog and Shepherd.
Very sweet with kids in his foster home.
Loves to be pet and snuggled close.
Likes to romp in the yard with the dogs in his foster home
Sleeps well in his crate
Hasn't chewed anything that didn't belong to him
Seems house trained - no accidents in the house
On the shy side, currently hesitant on leash and getting in the car.
Starting to get the hang of chasing balls and toys.
"Ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no river low enough, to keep me from getting to you babe." No need to brave the elements to find your new furry best friend - Sierra is coming to the Bay Area!
Sierra is a 7-month old yellow Lab pup we're rescuing from Glenn County.
She was found abandoned in a home with Hanson, who we're also rescuing, where the owner had been evicted. The landlord found her with no food, and only the toilet seat up for water.
Majestic is an approx. 1-year old, 40lb Belgian Malinois mix we rescued from the CCSPCA. She gets along with other dogs and loves people (and treats!).
Good with people and other dogs
House trained
Loves to play with the resident dog
Loves to play with a ball and other toys
Has cute tall ears
Walks well on a leash
Does okay in a crate. Sleeps quietly at night, but if there is activity in the house she wriggles around a lot and whines because she wants to be with you. Also did well in the crate on the car ride home, not even a peep!
Hasn't chewed anything inappropriate, but likes to chew on chew toys.
Dahlia is a 2-4 year old, 40lb Corgi mix we rescued from CCSPCA. She's got an adorable long, squat body, with shepherd looking head on top - cute! She gets along well with other dogs and loves people.
Seem to be crate trained. Went directly into the crate first night
Not jumpy or overly excited, very calm dog but loves to play fetch
Can entertain herself with treats and toys. Love toys with squeaky sounds
No separation anxiety, haven't had any problems leaving her at home. Does not whine.
Does not bark at all.
Naomi Watts is an 8-10 week old Pom/Chi puppy we're rescuing from Glenn County. She's named for the Best Actress Oscar nominee.
Bing is a 2-3 year old long hair terrier mix we rescued from Delano.
Super cute and scruffy.
Absolutely loves belly rubs and frequently rolls over onto his back to request a belly rub.
Loves to snuggle up with you on the couch.
Sleeps quietly through the night in bed.
Barks occasionally, but mostly quiet in the house.
Tolerated his bath well and reportedly did very well at the groomer.
Pretty much fully house trained.
Does not need a lot of exercise but loves going for walks and gets very excited when you take out his leash. He is working on his leash manners, especially when greeting other dogs.
Good appetite and very food motivated
Greets you happily with wagging tail and enthusiasm when you come home
Travels well. Loves to ride in car and has flown well on airplanes under the seat.
Likes to play with and shake some squeaky toys.
Really loves chasing squirrels, rabbits, and birds
Stays alone in house uncrated without any problems.
Can get a little overwhelmed around other dogs but does fine once he has some time to get used to them. After an initial adjustment period, he loves his foster buddy Chase. He and Chase play together and like to sleep in a puppy pile.
He was very scared when he arrived from rescue, but he is making progress every day.
Roxie is a 4-year old, 62lb Shepherd/Cattle Dog mix we rescued from Los Banos. She was an owner surrender. This darling girl is sweet, mellow, and easy to guide.
Her fosters say she's a really good girl—slept through the night in her crate, no accidents in the house so far, knows "sit" and close to getting "down," and good on her leash. Post-rescue she really likes to be near her people.
She also also needs to lose a good amount of weight, so she'd love it if you could be her coach for that! VIDEO: Roxie
Hannah is a 4-month old terrier mix we rescued from Merced.
Does well in her crate, but will whine a bit at first
Does well on leash
Working on house training
Affectionate and friendly with people, not very interested in other dogs at the park
Curious puppy at home
Has learned to "sit" for her food
Maggie is a 2-year old black and white terrier mix we rescued from Merced.
Friendly and outgoing
Fosters say, "a most fun and easy house guest"
Will chase the cats in good fun
Great with the boys in her foster home
Good with all the dog and people she's met so far
Good on leash
Did well at her dog park visit
House trained
Learning "sit"
Tolerated her bath
Gives gentle kisses and loves a good belly rub
Overall, she's a very calm, quiet, sweet girl.
Never barks
Loves to sit in your lap
Energetic, but doesn't jump
Owen is a 3-year old, 45lb Lab/Cattle Dog mix we rescued from Merced.
Good with other dogs and people
Pulls a little on the leash, but responds to corrections
House trained
Happy guy that's looking to please
Knows sit
Makes a great jogging partner
Good in the car
Just an overall sweet & lovable guy
Loves to give you kisses
Doesn't chew on anything in the house
Let's you wash him in the shower (after some treats to convince him though)
Alerts you to any people coming to the door.
Likes to play with the resident dog
Loves to walk next to you and be pet
Butternut is a 2-3 year old 35lb mix the shelter labeled as a Collie mix. We see maybe Corgi/Cattle Dog mix. She was rescued from Avenal.
Very sweet, loving, affectionate
Loves cuddling in bed with you
Currently very unsure about the big wide world
Lulu is a 1-1.5 year old Shepherd/Labrador mix we rescued from the CCSPCA.
Very sweet pup, gets along well with other dogs, and does great with people, too.
An awesome girl who loves to bow to stretch and play.
Loves kids.
Scared of cats, but would love to chase squirrels and birds
Can be left alone in the house for extended periods.
Tolerated her bath well
Takes treats gently.
Lulu slept quietly through the night, not a peep.
Appears house trained, no accidents.
Runs like a gazelle.
Learned how to use the dog door to go in and out.
Low to medium energy. Loves a walk, but happy to lounge around and play with her toys.
Tell her to go in her bed and she walks right in her crate and lays down
Rex is a 1.5-year old, 50lb mix pup we rescued from Avenal. He was listed as a Lab mix, but we also see hound, and maybe shepherd as well. He's a very sweet boy, shows no aggression towards the other dogs and walks okay on leash.
Kyle is a 1-year old, 58lb Black Lab mix we rescued from Tehama. He's a typical goofy Lab pup - a very nice boy.
Very affectionate, loves to cuddle
Friendly, but a little shy at first
Not posessive of his food and takes treats gently
Rarely barks
Knows commands such as stay, sit, lay down, and shake.
Has been good with house training and lets you know when he needs out
Hasn't reacted to cats out on walks
Doesn't pull on leash much
Overall relaxed guy with a medium energy level
Can entertain himself with a rawhide bone for long periods of time.
Can be nervous around men he doesn't know (once he can sniff you does fine)
Erma is a 3-month old Pointer mix we rescued from Stockton. She also looks like she could have some hound in her. The shelter mistakenly labeled her as a pit mix.
Bentley is an approx. 3-year old 65lb Lab mix we rescued from Merced. He looks like he could have some Collie in him as well.
Total love bug and loves to be near you (will crawl in your lap if you let him!).
Big gentle boy with a thick coat that just asks to be pet.
He's hung out with a couple of kids so far (ages 5 and 7), and he was great. He let them pet and hug him.
Has done fine crated
Rusty is a 5-year old Treeing Walker Coonhound we rescued from Merced. He's overall a very people friendly, very affectionate, mellow, great-with-kids dog.
Very sweet, just wants to be loved
Super handsome
Great in the car
Not food aggressive, but food motivated
Pretty calm and mellow
Quiet - rarely barks or howls
Super eager to please - once he thinks you like something, he will be sure to repeat it again.
Loves to be near you, lean against you, and will hint at a desire for head scratches
Learns very quickly, and knows sit with some help from treats!
Friendly with adults and kids, even when they're strangers
A little shy, but warms up very quickly
Doesn't jump on you to greet you
Does better dogs smaller than him
Not a big fan of his crate at first, but has gotten much better
Will wag his tail like crazy whenever he sees you and knows hes going for a walk.
Not a chewer of your things
Loves to be outside and sunbathe
Happily sits to have his leash put on and then wags his tail like crazy
Working on his separation anxiety
Great jogging partner. If you go out for a hike, on the ride home you'll get to peek at him dozing off in the car, which will melt your heart
While a mellow guy, also likes his exercise - he's been gettinga about 5 miles of walks a day
Hazel is a 4-month old terrier mix we rescued from Merced.
Loves to cuddle, love bug
Curious - wanders off to explore
Has done well in the car
Living with a big dog and cat in her foster home - good with them both
So far pretty quiet - just a few little barks while playing
Super playful, funny little girl
Working on house training and crate training
Learning to stay in her crate
Not outgoing in public, but pretty confident and bold when comfortable
Harlow is a 1-year old terrier mix we rescued from Avenal.
Likes to cuddle, very affectionate
Walks pretty well on leash
Occasional spurts of high energy (still has some puppy playful bursts)
Has done great with the kids she's met
Loves Kongs with frozen peanut butter or yogurt and treats
Very smart, knows "Sit" (you can have fun teaching her more commands)
Still working on house training
Still working on chewing
Allowed us to remove a bone from her mouth
Can be mellow at times and very playful at times
Rides well in the car
Loves her crate -- goes inside on her own, sleeps with the door open
Did well with toddler in her temp. foster home
Likes to go on hikes - Stays by you off-leash in a trail
Adorable scruffy face and soft coat
Gets along well with other dogs on-on-one but is a little unsure of dog parks/big dog-social areas
Likes to fetch
Responds well to voice commands (when you tell her no)
Loves gentle, reassuring head rubs
Likes to climb in your lap if you let her
Jumps up a bit but as soon as you say "down!" she sits or lays in front of you.
Should be very easy to train -- she REALLY wants to please
Loves play time once she's comfortable but very respectful of down time, takes time outs very easily
She is an awesome little pup -- shy at first but once she warms up, she is a lovebug, very sweet and adorable and fun. Great personality
Prob close to 40 lbs but very compact
Very sweet, and super fun to play with on the beach and grass.
Jake is a 2-year old, 8lb smooth coated terrier mix we rescued from Stockton.
Sweet & rambunctious
Playful - loves fetch and runs from person to person to play, also plays ball by himself
Loves laps
Doing great living with kids, a cat, and another dog
Loves to give kisses.
Sleeps quietly in his crate at night.
Did great with his bath.
Can leap really high.
Really loves fetch and will bring you a ball and gently paw at your leg for your attention to throw the ball. He always brings it back.
Not a barker, but he will bark if someone comes to our door or gate so we know they are there.
Friendly to everyone he meets and will jump in your arms if you let him.
Potty trained.
Loves to go on walks and is great on a leash. Doesn't seem to bark at other dogs while on walks.
Loves to play with the cat in his foster home and is very gentle with her. They will sleep next to each other at the end of the day.
He is great with kids, even when our 2 year old isn't so gentle and pokes at him. He love to jump on the trampoline with the kids.
He is good in the car either on your lap or in his crate.
He is very responsive to a firm no.
Not treat or food posessive.
Gypsy is a 2-3 month old Hound mix puppy we rescued from Avenal.
Her veteran foster mom calls her "the cutest puppy ever."
Super sweet
Needs to put on some weight
Loves stuffed toys and rope toys
Mariah is a 5-month old chocolate Lab mix we rescued from Merced.
Slept through the night in her crate
Whined when she had to go through the bathroo
Timid at first but warmed up to the big dogs at the foster house.
Cuddle bug doesn't want to leave your side
Quiet, no barks yet
Beautiful light brown brindle coat.
She's a very nice girl who arrived to the shelter with a broken leg. The shelter vet put a cast on it and now she's all healed and doing well.
Shortcake is an 8 month old, 25 lbs. Dachshund-Terrier mix we rescued from Delano.
Getting along really well with the two dogs in her foster home, runs and plays in the yard with them and hangs with them inside the house.
Loves hugs and pets from our two kids
House trained
Loves to sit in your lap and snuggle
Seems to like to chew bones rather than play with toys but she'll chase a ball every once in awhile
Has a lot of energy in the yard but is really calm inside the house
Doesn't seem to have had any training - pulls on leash
Loves walks
Sleeps well in her crate at night (never whines)
A real sweetheart of a dog
Blackie is a 2-3 year old male Lab/Shepherd mix we rescued from Los Banos.
Great disposition - very friendly, mellow demeanor
Does well with kids and other dogs. Has been around kids 5-17 years old.
Well behaved, even during breakfast or dinner hour when his fosters are fixing bacon or BBQ chicken
House trained
Loves to go for walks
Still learning basic commands
Great on walks
Doing well with basic obedience commands. He sits before coming in or out of the house and waits until invited to "come".
Content to lay around, has been getting 30 min. of exercise twice a day
Can get a little anxious when left alone, but doing much better
Quiet guy - doesn't bark much
Loves playing fetch and running around with the kids in his foster home.
Kiwi is a 10-month old 15lb terrier mix we rescued from Red Bluff along with her sister Kumquat. She's very sweet, has a docked tail, and has done well in a brief meeting with a cat.
Loves to please people
Loves laps and being near you
A fan of giving kisses
House trained
Does well in her crate, just a little bit of whining at first
Did well for her bath
Doesn't pay much attention to her foster's guinea pigs
Thinks her reflection in the mirror is another dog and tries to play with it
Loves to go to the dog park and walks
Does well in her crate no whining. She sometimes goes right in waits until you let her out in the morning and loves to give cuddles when she comes out.
Often will play with stuffed toys but the squeaks they make startle her a little bit.
Perry is an adorable 1-2 year old Corgi mix we rescued from Stockton.
Kay is a 7-month old Chocolate Lab mix we rescued from Glenn County
(arrives Mon. 1/28). She's a super friendly, sweet girl who wants to
play with 2-legged and 4-legged friends alike. She was found wandering
down a busy road as a stray.
Mocha is a 3-month old Terrier/Doxie mix. She's currently about 5lbs.
Total love bug - loves to cuddle
Went on a couple mile hike recently and did great
Mellow for the most part, but also playful - with typical puppy bursts of energy (playing chase with the kids, chasing her mini tennis ball)
Will bring you her empty water and food bowls when she wants them filled - too funny
Great car dog - runs errands with her foster mom, not a big barker
Does great with the kids she's fostered with - they carry her around and she's very happy and tolerant with them
Gets along with the 60lb dog in her foster home (they don't play, just hang out).
Working on house training
Not a fan of her crate
Doesn't like being alone and will follow you around the house, snooze in your lap for hours while you work at a desk/on the computer
He's a 2-year old, 17lb Poodle mix we rescued from Glenn County.
Adorable, sweet boy
Knows sit and learned to fetch
Good natured, loves to play
Got along with other dogs at the shelter
Very loving, loves attention and cuddles
Walks very well on leash
Gets along with other dogs at the dog park and pups he meets out on walks
He's been friendly with the children he meets, but does jump up a bit (only to give them kisses)
Rides well in the car, but can be reluctant to get in
Does fine when left on his own for a few hours and no complaints from the neighbours that he is barking/howling at all.
Sleeps well through the night (just a little bit of whining when he first goes in the crate)
Loves his food
Likes to be picked up or nestle into your lap
Vanilla Ice
Vanilla Ice is a 1-year old 12 lb terrier mix we rescued from Delano.
Not a barker
Gets along well with other dogs
Loves play time outdoors
Very curious, but still a little shy
Not a fan of his crate, but he's quiet once he's in it
Likes to cuddle up next to you
Working on house training
Has no idea why the shelter named him after rapper Vanilla Ice
Working on the leash
Excellent in the car
Has met a few kids and has done well
Learning sit (works best with treats)
Doesn't want to share bones but not food aggressive
Loves throwing small balls around
Doing well with 1-year old dog he's fostered with
Abby is a 3-4 year old, 55-60lb, Husky/Shepherd mix we rescued from Chowchilla.
Very well behaved
Quiet and mellow dog so would be a great fit for a family who works.
Enjoys spending time in the yard and sunning herself and does not chew or act destructively.
No accidents in the house
Sleeps through the night in her crate with the door open
Was good for her nail trim at the groomer
Greeted dogs and humans at the pet store
Always wants a snuggle
Came to us shy and unsure, and has really blossomed.
Daffodil is a 12-week old terrier mix puppy we rescued from Glenn County along with her mom Sunflower and 5 sisters.
Jasmine is a 12-week old terrier mix puppy we rescued from Glenn County along with her mom Sunflower and 5 sisters.
Typical happy, bouncy, playful puppy who also loves to snuggle and cuddle.
Loves the beach - had a ball running around with other dogs and little kids
Dives right into things. She was thrilled to see the big dogs in her foster home, and wanted to jump right in and play with the rowdy group (90lb Pyrenees included!)
Wants to play with the cats in her foster home, but gets the hint when they don't want her to bother them.
Doesn't seem to realize she's half the size of her sister though she will occasionally try to climb on things to make herself taller when they play.
Loves to be held and looks to you to be picked up
Daisy is a 12-week old terrier mix puppy we rescued from Glenn County along with her mom Sunflower and 5 sisters.
"impressive puppy" according to her foster mom
Smart for her young age
Has been doing great with house training and has only had 1 accident
Learning sit as well as manners
Submissive to all dogs that she meets
Not a fan of the crate but sleeps through the night in the bed.
Not much of a barker.
Beautiful eyes and 2 different color whiskers that gives her more character.
Butter is a 7-month old terrier mix we rescued from Stockton.
Very friendly, "absolute sweetheart"
Doing great with the small children in his foster home
Loves attention, snuggling, and giving kisses
No accidents so far in the house
Done well with the chickens in the yard
Really well behaved in the house and doesn't chew on much besides his toys (even with the little kids' toys around)
Penny is a 2-year old pit mix we rescued from Avenal.
Very sweet girl
Listens well
House trained
Loves to snuggle
Adjusts her energy level to suit you - while you relax she naps, when you're ready for a walk, so is she
Can be shy around men, once comfortable she loves her belly scratched
Good with children
Has a few minutes of whining/barking when left alone and then quiets down
She's got springs! She can jump over 5 feet so her fosters are trying to teach her Frisbee
Doesn't beg at the table or chew on things she shouldn't
Rides okay in the car (whines a bit in her crate and then lays down)
Can be overwhelmed by large crowds (will stay close to you)
Has met dogs she likes, and some she doesn't (could be confidence related)
Favortie snack: carrots
Juliet is a 3-year old, 57lb Border Collie/Australian Shepherd we rescued from Tehama. She's a gorgeous girl, good with other dogs and people. She could stand to lose a few pounds.
Good with other dogs and people submissive to our resident dog
Lets you comb and clip her nails without and problem
Food motivated
Needs to lose some weight
Very friendly
Knows "sit"
Enjoys long walks
Doesn't like to be picked up
Good on a leash
Responds to "no!" and wants to please likes to follow you around
Doesn't need to go outside to do her "business" often, so would do well with people who worked outside the home
Mathilda (Tilly)
She's a 10-week old Staffordshire Terrier mix puppy we rescued from Tehama.
Very sweet and seems non-reactive to the cats in her foster home
Doing well with house training
Does great in her crate
Doing okay on leash, will get better
Likes fetch and chasing the cat toys
More to come!
Doing well and house training
In tlhe morning when she is ready to get out of her crate she cries, but does not do that until around 7:30-8.
She would do well in a house with another dog, although she is fine by herself.
She is a true snuggler.
Autumn is an 12-week old pit mix puppy we rescued from Glenn County along with her siblings Ariel and Arnold. She's a happy, bouncy, outgoing girl who also makes a great cuddle partner.
Rides well in the car (will curl up and sleep)
Has a favorite blanket
Loves affection and pets
Great on leash - walks by your side and sits when you stop without prompting
Loves toys and will go from toy to toy entertaining herself
Calm outside, but has playful puppy bursts in the house
Gets distracted like puppies do, but responds to you snapping your fingers to get her attention
Likes to cuddle and sleep next to you
Has learned with furniture is off limits (and what couch she can sleep on)
Not getting along with the cats in her current home
Will give a little cry when she needs out - otherwise doesn't have an accident in the house (including her the pen where she sleeps)
Jax is a 1-year old, 16 lbs. Havanese Terrier we rescued from Shafter. He seems house trained based on his kennel, will come when you call, and knows "sit". He loves to be in your lap and get belly rubs. Jax has gotten along with other dogs at the shelter, and doesn't seem to mind the office cat either. Volunteers says Jax would be a great couch dog & a great addition to any family.
Eddie is a Maltese mix we rescued from Merced.
House trained
Calm and quiet, rarely barks
Whines when put in crate, but quiets down after a few minutes
Good with people
Walks well on leash, stays by side and doesn't tug
Great cuddle buddy
Likes to follow you around
Likes to be held
Always wagging his tail
Benson is a super cute 1.5-year old, ~18lb mix (part Poodle?) we rescued from Glenn County. Volunteers tells us he loves all the people, dogs, and cats he's met (but he doesn't love looking at the camera, hence this side pic). Due to minimal kennel space he was living with an alpha female and did just fine being bossed around by her. What a good sport! They think he'd make a great dog park dog.
Tulip is a 10-week old terrier mix puppy we rescued from Glenn County along with her mom Sunflower and 5 sisters.
Very sweet
Loves to cuddle more than anything else
Playful, but not overly, there is a definite mellow aspect to her personality
Happy girl
Warms up very fast to strangers, always looking for cuddles
Not reactive to the cat in her foster home
Almost pees on the puppy pad, very close though
Has learned "No!" with the snap of fingers
Plays well with the resident dogs, but prefers the company of the people, again with the cuddles
January is an 8-month old mix we rescued from Glenn County.
Adorable, super sweet, and great with all the dogs she's met.
Very affectionate, loves to cuddle on the couch
Does well with every dog and person she meets
Loves her chew toys
Very playful and calms down pretty easily if you tell her to be calm
Curious about everything
Does bark a little at certain noises but quiets if you tell her "Shhh"
Working on house training and is doing very well, she's had a couple accidnets in her crate but no accidents outside of her crate
Walks on a leash well and is getting better every day
10-12lbs, does need to gain a bit of weight
Isn't picky about food, shows no signs of food aggression with her food or bones
Loves to get picked up, doesn't squirm in your arms
Apple is a 2-3 year old Lab mix we rescued from Stockton.
Sweet & gentle
Knows "sit"
Treat motivated
Enjoys her toys - chews & stuffed animals
Not a fan of her crate, but once in she doesn't make a peep
Gabby is a 4-year old, 50-60lb female Cattle Dog mix we're rescuing from
Los Banos. female cattle dog mix (maybe some lab?). She was abandoned
in her neighborhood, is good with other dogs and is an overall sweet
Her foster calls her a fabulous, really special dog
Gentle, loving
Seems to have a bit of separation anxiety
Relaxed and mellow dog
Loves to snuggle and get attention more than anything else
Really friendly to adults and kids, would make a great family dog
Loves to be right where you are
Knows "off" and "stay"
Likes to go on walks but doesn't demand them
Likes to play fetch
Will sometimes jump up to greet you but gets back down right away when you say "off"
Beany is a 6-7-month old 25lb Shepherd mix puppy we rescued from Delano.
Playful puppy fun!!
Friendly, kind
Great overnight bladder control
Rides well in the backseat of the car, though at times apprehensive to get in or out at first, once inside he just chills
Enjoys a long walk
Walks confidently by your side on leash, no pulling, but occasionally likes to randomly hang out between your legs! responds well to correction
Loves to hang out in your lap or with a paw draped over you, hanging out at your feet, affectionate
Loves to be near you, follow you around
Not a huge fan of crate time, but quickly calms after convincing him to get in
Sometimes jumps up on you when excited
Responds quickly to firm 'no', responds well to correction
Appropriate and friendly with strangers
Does very well with other dogs
Kind and gentle with young children
Quick study with learning commands
Wonderfully affectionate
Did incredibly well with first bath at foster home
Potty trained! only one accident
Eric is a 5-month old, 30lb Lab mix we rescued from Merced. He looks to have some Aussie or Border Collie in there as well.
Very quiet, but playful and social too -- he definitely wants to be with his people pack.
Great with kids, but wants to chase cats.
Walks extremely politely on a leash and responds well to correction
House trained
Teething, so chew toys and boundaries are a must
Whines at first in his crate, but then quiets down nicely
Hero is a 2-3 year old Beagle mix we rescued from Chowchilla.
Very friendly to people and dogs
Good with other dogs, and enjoys playing with the dog he's fostered with. At the dog park plays well with both big and small dogs, but seems to prefer the big dogs.
Has been gentle/hasn't jumped up on the 2-year old he's fostered with. Sometimes grabs treats too fast though.
Ignores our cats unless they hiss at him (he'll bark at them when
Food motivated
Pulls a bit on leash
Amazingly soft fur
Energetic, but not frenetically so - would love a playmate or play time.
Reed is an approx. 2-year old (may be younger) darling little Chi mix we rescued from Porterville. His foster family reports that he's
Jump-in-your-lap friendly
Great with other dogs - big and small!
Great with children
Very, very happy boy!
Super sweet and playful.
Loves his toys and bones, but loves people more.
Total love bug and snuggler. He wraps his paws around your arms and holds on to you.
Mostly house trained - just one accident so far.
Shows no food guarding at all.
Quick learner, smart
Quiet - whines a little when you leave but then snuggles up in his crate.
Fajita is a 1.5-year old, 40lb Kelpie/Husky mix we rescued from Red Bluff.
Happy, friendly girl
House trained
Loves attention, outgoing
Eager to please
Very playful - Loves toys, running & playing
Agile and responsive
Knows "sit"
Learning not to jump up when excited
Great for her bath
Excellent on leash, almost no pulling
Does well in crowdy/noisy places
Very comfortable being handled all around her body (likes belly rubs)
Very gentle mouth when taking treats/food
Excellent in the car
very playful
Adorable and fluffy, Buckets is 25 pounds of unconditional canine love! Buckets is an approx. 1-year old mix we rescued from Glenn County. He looks to be part Maltese or Tibetan Terrier.
Even though just a year old, there is still a lot of puppy in this puppy. Gentle and quiet, he loves kids, tennis balls, and cats (but will chase if they run).
He's crate trained and making good progress on potty training too. Buckets has many super powers, including:
Gazing at you hypnotically with the world's most soulful eyes.
Squeezing into a lap that is technically two sizes too small.
Standing like a meer cat!
Walking politely on a leash (after the initial excitement wears off)
Beckham is a little 2-3 year old, 12lb Jack Russel Terrier mix we rescued from Glenn County.
House trained, waits to go outside
Getting better at walking on a leash
Very friendly and playful
Likes to cuddle
Good with people and other dogs
He started out at the Colusa County Shelter, but the visiting veterinarian couldn't bear to euthanize him, so he brought him back in hopes of finding rescue.
Sarah is a 2-year old black Lab we rescued from Tehama along with her daughter Sierra. She's a great girl, friendly with people and other dogs.
Sierra is a 6-7 month old Lab mix we rescued from Tehama along with her mom Sarah. She's a great girl, friendly with people and other dogs.
She's a 6-month old Shepherd mix we rescued from Tehama.
She's a sweet, calm girl who does really well with other dogs - loves the dog in her foster home
Friendly, but shy right now (gets better every day)
Does fine in her crate
She's ignoring the cat in her foster home
Working on house training
No food aggression or toy guarding
Nonstop tail wagger
Total love bug
Guinevere is a 6-month old, 27lb Shepherd mix we rescued from Red Bluff.
She's a total sweetie pie! More photos and info to come! Her adoption fee is $300, which includes her spay and current vaccinations. She's being fostered in Sunnyvale.
Argo is a 10-week old pit mix puppy we rescued from Tehama.
Beau is a 5-month old Labrador Retriever/Border Collie mix we rescued from Red Bluff.
Sweet, playful
Loves other dogs, including the big pack he's fostered with
Came to us very shy - he's come a long way
He's about 35lbs.
Sleeps through the night in his crate quietly - loves his crate
Tail always wagging
On the submissive side.
Almost 100% house trained
Smart boy learned sit and stay working on down and sit pretty
Once confortable in the home lots of puppy energy
Can be tempted to counter surf
Can get bored and teething so appropriate chew toys are encouraged
Jane is a 5-month old Basenji mix we rescued from Stockton. More photos and info to come!
Squash is a 1-2 year old male mix we rescued from Stockton. He's labeled as a Chihuahua mix, but his sister Belle was labeled a Rat Terrier. His real breed is "super cute." His sister Belle was recently rescued by us and adopted - now it's his turn!
Sweet & quiet
Doing well with the dog in his foster home who so far wants to play with him all the time
Garrison is a 15-week old, 15 lb pup we rescued from Delano. He was labeled a terrier/hound but we think he's more of a mini Australian Shepherd due to his coat and personality.
Quick learner. Learning "Sit", "Fetch", "Drop it" and "Off"
Responds well to correction
Moderate to high energy level
Does not appear to shed much.
Bonds easily with family
Has lived with kids (7 and 4), was gentle with them.
Enjoys rubs and is affectionate but is independent, not needy
Takes treats gently
Unsure about some new things and will bark in response - working on confidence in new situations
Well on his way to being fully potty trained. (needs to get out one time during the night, will sometimes wait at the door to be let out during the day)
Crate trained (overnight and left for upto 2.5 hours during the day)
Enjoys chewing on rawhide twists, playing with chewers and kong
Working on not pulling on leash
Has loved the resident dogs he's lived with in foster care
Looking for a pint-sized cuddle buddy who's low maintenance? Dolly is a 2-3 year old. 3.5lb Chihuahua mix we rescued from Los Banos.
House trained
Sweet & affectionate
Well-behaved in the house (is never crated)
Gets along with the resident dog in her foster home.
Loves sitting in your lap
Responsive to "no"
Rides well in the car (either in your lap or with a stuffed animal cuddled next to her)
At the dog park she likes to sunbathe
Enjoys putting on her sweaters and getting "dressed up"
When you're talking she listens and stares at you intently, as if she understands what you're talking about.