1. Spay & neuter appointmentIf your dog hasn't been spayed or neutered, reach out to [email protected] to make an appointment right away. A dog cannot be adopted unless they've been "altered".
2. Intake medicineIt's not uncommon for dogs to arrive with a few worms (ewww) and what not. When you pick up your foster dog from us you should have gotten medicine and instructions on administering it.
3. Photos & Bio infoWe need quality photos (high resolution and good lighting) in order to market your foster. Please send to [email protected]. We also need up to date and helpful bio information for the website on their personality, energy level, house training status, how they walk on leash, how they are with other dogs, etc. Please see form below.
4. Responding to adoptersPotential adopters are very excited about meeting a potential new family member. We ask that you do your best to make yourself available (at your convenience) for them to meet your foster in a timely manner. We wouldn't want your pup to miss out on a forever home!