Ask a vet
For customized answers to your pet health questions, ask a veterinarian on JustAnswer. Answers come in minutes, 24 hours a day. All of the vets on JustAnswer are verified to be veterinary school graduates and employed as veterinarians.
When you use JustAnswer to ask a vet a question through the button below, 100 percent of your fee will go to our rescue. Ask a veterinarian about animal poisons, nutrition, diseases, or behavior – for information, a second opinion or peace of mind. |
Below are some of the amazing vets we have worked with and offer as recommendations. Please note none offer any type of adopter discount.
Village Square Veterinary Hospital
884 Portola Valley Rd. Portola Valley, CA (650) 851-3244 |
4Paws Mobile Veterinary Services
Serving Peninsula and South Bay Michael J. Sterns, DVM (650) 445-4500 |
Parktown Veterinary Clinic
1393 S Park Victoria Dr Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 263-3990 |
Pet Care Animal Hospital
700 S Winchester Blvd San Jose, CA 95128 (408) 352-5095 |